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xylan/arabidopsis thaliana

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Glucuronic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana xylans carries a novel pentose substituent.

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Glucuronic acids in Arabidopsis thaliana xylans exist in 4-O-methylated (MeGlcA) and non-methylated (GlcA) forms at a ratio of about 3:2. The matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry analysis of the endoxylanase liberated acidic oligosaccharides from the Arabidopsis

Arabidopsis thaliana IRX10 and two related proteins from psyllium and Physcomitrella patens are xylan xylosyltransferases.

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The enzymatic mechanism that governs the synthesis of the xylan backbone polymer, a linear chain of xylose residues connected by β-1,4 glycosidic linkages, has remained elusive. Xylan is a major constituent of many kinds of plant cell walls, and genetic studies have identified multiple genes that
An insertion in the promoter of the Arabidopsis thaliana QUA1 gene (qua1-1 allele) leads to a dwarf plant phenotype and a reduction in cell adhesion, particularly between epidermal cells in seedlings and young leaves. This coincides with a reduction in the level of homogalacturonan epitopes and the
Galacturonosyltransferase 1 (GAUT1) is an alpha1,4-D-galacturonosyltransferase that transfers galacturonic acid from uridine 5'-diphosphogalacturonic acid onto the pectic polysaccharide homogalacturonan (Sterling et al., 2006). The 25-member Arabidopsis thaliana GAUT1-related gene family encodes 15

O-acetylation of glucuronoxylan in Arabidopsis thaliana wild type and its change in xylan biosynthesis mutants.

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O-Acetylglucuronoxylans (AcGX) in Arabidopsis thaliana carry acetyl residues on the 2-O and/or 3-O positions of the xylopyranosyl (Xylp) units, but the distribution of different O-acetylated Xylp units is partly unclear. We studied a possible correlation of xylan acetylation and the activities of

Immunolocalization of hemicelluloses in Arabidopsis thaliana stem. Part I: temporal and spatial distribution of xylans.

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We investigated the microdistribution of xylans in different cell types of Arabidopsis stem using immunolocalization methods with LM10 and LM11 antibodies. Xylan labeling in xylary fibers (fibers) was initially detected at the cell corner of the S(1) layer and increased gradually during fiber

Expression of fungal acetyl xylan esterase in Arabidopsis thaliana improves saccharification of stem lignocellulose.

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Cell wall hemicelluloses and pectins are O-acetylated at specific positions, but the significance of these substitutions is poorly understood. Using a transgenic approach, we investigated how reducing the extent of O-acetylation in xylan affects cell wall chemistry, plant performance and the
The interaction between xylan and cellulose microfibrils is important for secondary cell wall properties in vascular plants; however, the molecular arrangement of xylan in the cell wall and the nature of the molecular bonding between the polysaccharides are unknown. In dicots, the xylan backbone of

Patterned deposition of xylan and lignin is independent from the secondary wall cellulose of Arabidopsis xylem vessels.

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The secondary cell wall (SCW) of xylem vessel cells provides rigidity and strength that enables efficient water conduction throughout the plant. To gain insight into SCW deposition, we mutagenized Arabidopsis thaliana VASCULAR-RELATED NAC-DOMAIN7-inducible plant lines, in which ectopic protoxylem

Xylans of Red and Green Algae: What Is Known about Their Structures and How They Are Synthesised?

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Xylans with a variety of structures have been characterised in green algae, including chlorophytes (Chlorophyta) and charophytes (in the Streptophyta), and red algae (Rhodophyta). Substituted 1,4-β-d-xylans, similar to those in land plants (embryophytes), occur in the cell wall matrix of advanced

Organization of Xylan Production in the Golgi During Secondary Cell Wall Biosynthesis.

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Secondary cell wall (SCW) production during xylem development requires massive upregulation of hemicellulose (e.g. glucuronoxylan) biosynthesis in the Golgi. While mutant studies have revealed much of the xylan biosynthetic machinery, the precise arrangement of these proteins and their products in

Arabidopsis family GT43 members are xylan xylosyltransferases required for the elongation of the xylan backbone.

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Xylan is the second most abundant polysaccharide in plant biomass targeted for biofuel production. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the biochemical mechanism underlying xylan biosynthesis. Although previous genetic studies have identified several genes implicated in xylan biosynthesis,
Thermotoga maritima XynA is an extremely thermostable modular enzyme with five domains (A1-A2-B-C1-C2). Its catalytic domain (-B-) is flanked by duplicated non-catalytic domains. The C-terminal repeated domains represent cellulose-binding domains (CBDs). Xylanase domains related to the N-terminal
The crude culture supernatants from Clostridium cellulovorans were tested for their ability to convert plant cells to protoplasts. The supernatants readily released protoplasts from cultured tobacco cells and Arabidopsis thaliana. The crude culture supernatant from pectin-grown cells was more active

PARVUS affects aluminium sensitivity by modulating the structure of glucuronoxylan in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Glucuronoxylan (GX), an important component of hemicellulose in the cell wall, appears to affect aluminium (Al) sensitivity in plants. To investigate the role of GX in cell-wall-localized xylan, we examined the Arabidopsis thaliana parvus mutant in detail. This mutant lacks α-D-glucuronic acid
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