9 תוצאות
Background and Objectives: The current study focuses on an eco-friendly and cost-effective method of Ephedra procera C. A. Mey. mediated green synthesis of silver nanoparticles as potential cytotoxic, antimicrobial and anti-oxidant agents. Materials and Methods: Plant aqueous
The metal content of dietary supplements, including 13 ephedra-containing supplements, was studied.
Samples of botanicals (black cohosh, echinacea, goldenseal, kava kava, milk thistle, saw palmetto, Synephrine, and valerian root), ephedra-containing dietary supplements (Amp II, EPH
A method for accurate determination of ephedrine (E) alkaloids in natural health products (NHP) is described. The NIST dietary supplement standard reference materials (SRMs) were selected for these studies. These SRMs comprise ground Ma Huang herb (Ephedra sinica Stapf.), a spray dried extract of
The paper presents the results of measurements on tea samples collected during 1962 and 1973-1983 period for their natural radioactivity content. The radioisotopes studied under this programme are radium-226, thorium-228, and potassium-40. Tea was found to contain higher concentration of these
Poor iron status affects 50% of Indian women and compromises work productivity, cognitive performance, and reproduction. Among the many strategies to reduce iron deficiency is the commercial fortification of iodized table salt with iron to produce a double-fortified salt (DFS). The objective of this
This study investigated the components present in and the total antioxidant activity of leaves of Strobilanthes crispus (L.) Bremek or Saricocalyx crispus (L.) Bremek (Acanthacea). Proximate analyses and total antioxidant activity using ferric thiocyanate and thiobarbituric acid methods were
In this case report we detail the difficult case of a 74-year-old male patient who was transferred to our cardiac intensive care unit in severe shock with an acute abdomen. His abdomen was emergently explored revealing isolated gastric necrosis and ischemia. A subtotal gastrectomy was performed and
Serious adverse health events have been reported with the use of dietary supplements containing ephedra and guarana. We sought to determine whether repeated dosing and multi-ingredient formulations contribute to the adverse effects of these supplements.
In this study, 16 healthy
The present study measured the concentrations of toxic metals (Cd, Pb) and other elements (Ca, K, Mg, Na, P, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu, Co, Cr, Ni) in tea leaves and their infusions. The total metal contents were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Phosphorus concentration was determined using an