10 תוצאות
The findings of a previous statistical study of the relationship between food consumption and mortality from coronary arterial disease are compared with those of a new study of food consumption and cerebrovascular disease. The previous study found strong positive correlation between male mortality
Epidemiologic studies on whole grains and risk of stroke have reported inconsistent results, with some suggesting a protective effect but others showing a null association.The aim of this study was to examine whether plasma Specific dietary patterns, including the Mediterranean diet, have been associated with stroke prevention. Our aim was to investigate whether adherence to a healthy Nordic diet, including fish, apples and pears, cabbages, root vegetables, rye bread, and oatmeal, was associated with risk of
Rye bran contains a high content not only of dietary fibre, but also of plant lignans and other bioactive compounds in the so-called dietary fibre complex. Blood concentrations of lignans such as enterolactone have been used as biomarkers of intake of lignan-rich plant food. At present,evidence from
People older than 65 years are the fastest-growing segment of the population and account for the majority of cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity, mortality, and health care expenditures. Additionally, the influence of dietary habits on risk may be less pronounced in elderly persons,
Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune response to ingestion of gluten protein, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley grains, and results in both small intestinal manifestations, including villous atrophy, as well as systemic manifestations. The main treatment for the disease is a gluten-free diet
Epidemiological studies suggest that consumption of whole grain cereals and whole grain cereal products have many benefical health effects, including reducing risk of diabetes, obesity, coronary heart diseases, stroke and even some cancers. Precise knowledge protective compounds present in cereal