Caffeine, artificial sweetener, and fluid intake in anorexia nervosa.
This article provides an analysis of the use of artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and excess fluids in patients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (AN).
Seventy participants with AN were recruited to participate in an ecologic momentary assessment study which included nutritional analysis using the Nutrition Data Systems for Research, a computer based dietary recall system.
When subtypes were compared, participants with AN-restricting subtype (AN-R) and participants with AN-Binge-Purge (AN-B/P) did not differ in quantity of aspartame, caffeine, or water consumed. Daily water consumption was related to daily vomiting frequency in AN-B/P but not to daily exercise frequency in either participants with AN-R or AN-B/P.
Caffeine, water, and aspartame consumption can be variable in patients with AN and the consumption of these substances seems to be only modestly related to purging behavior.