6 결과
1. The pharmacological effects of cinnamophilin, a new lignan, isolated from Cinnamomum philippinense, was determined in vitro in human platelet, rat isolated aorta and guinea-pig isolated trachea and in vivo in mice and guinea-pigs. 2. Cinnamophilin inhibited dose-dependently human platelet-rich
Hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) is one of the major causes of hepatic failure during liver transplantation, trauma, and infections. The present study investigated the protective effect of intra-portal administration of 2-methoxycinnamaldehyde (2-MCA) on hepatic IRI in Tambaqui Colossoma macropomum is the most produced native fish in South America. Besides the lack of knowledge regarding bacteria-stricken diseases, the unappropriated using of off-label therapies are common. In this study, Aeromonas hydrophila pathogenicity for tambaqui was first established by
Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a pathogen strain, which causes hemorrhagic colitis, hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in humans. The control of bacterial cells in foods is an important factor to reduce foodborne diseases due to E. coli O157:H7. Assays to inactivate E.
Bites Bites of mosquitoes belonging to the genera Anopheles Meigen, Aedes Meigen, Culex L. and Haemagogus L. are a general nuisance and are responsible for the transmission of important tropical diseases such as malaria, hemorrhagic dengue and yellow fevers and filariasis (elephantiasis). Plants are
Traditional medicine of clod desert Ladakh has large potential to treat various ailments among tribal communities inhabited in the remotest region of Indian subcontinent. This study was conducted to document the new ethno-medico-botanical information and traditional use of medicinal plants