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Suloexide in the Treatment of Early Stages of COVID-19

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Objective: To use sulodexide in patients that have early onset of COVID-19 symptoms to mitigate the progression of the disease process that can allow them to recover at home, and limit the need for hospital care and the more severe manifestation which includes fulminant respiratory failure, acute

Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Patients With Mild to Moderate COVID-19 to Prevent Progression to Severe Infection or Death

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Inclusion criteria: - Adult patients (>18 years) - Confirmed COVID-19 infection by real-time PCR from a respiratory or other body sample within 48 hours of testing. - Mild to moderate infection or asymptomatic patients with comorbidities: Symptomatic patients with fever >37.9ºC or cough or dyspnea

Recovery Time and Affecting Factors

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The recovery time not only decreases the quality of life but also increases the risk of mortality and morbidity. As a prolonged recovery time affects both the patients and the healthcare professionals and caregivers, there has been increased interest on determining the modifiable treatment-related

Upper Endoscopy in CKD&ESRD

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Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) is Kidney damage for ≥3 months, as defined by structural &or functional abnormalities of the kidney, with or without decreased GFR or GFR <60 mL/min/1.73m2 for ≥3 months, with or without kidney damage. Stage Description GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2) Stage I Kidney damage >90 with

Treatment of Peritonitis in Automated Peritoneal Dialysis

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INTRODUCTION: Secondary bacterial peritonitis, the main infectious complication associated with peritoneal dialysis (PD), is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis of peritonitis include signs and symtoms: nausea, vomiting hyporexia, diarrea, abdominal pain, fever, cloudy

Coffee in Hemodialysis and Headache

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Coffee is the most consumed drink worldwide, sometimes needed to boost energy and other times to entertain social connectivity. It is known also to cause addiction and thus be a cause for withdrawal symptoms such as headache and irritability. Coffee is not contra-indicated in patients with chronic

Dental Intervention Plan for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Awaiting or With Kidney Transplant

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PURPOSE: The Dental College of Georgia (DCG) and the Periodontics and Oral Health and Diagnostic Sciences departments propose to develop a collaborative clinical and research program with the Carlos and Marguerite Mason Trust Solid Organ Transplant Center at the Augusta University (AU) Medical

Integrated Strategies to Prevent Intradialytic Hypotension (The DialHypot Study)

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This is a prospective, randomized, crossover trial. The study will be performed in 2 phases. Each phase will be divided in several sub-phases (see "4.1 Study phases"). Phase 1 will consist of 9 weeks of treatment (27 HD sessions) for each patient; phase 2 will consist of 11 weeks of treatment (33 HD

IDH in Diabetic Haemodialysis Patients and Association With Dialytic Age

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Intradialytic hypotension (IDH ) is a serious and the most frequent complication of hemodialysis of the hemodialysis.Intradialytic hypotension is a decrease in systolic BP by ≥20 mm Hg or a decrease in mean arterial pressure of 10 mm Hg associated with symptoms like cramps, dizziness, headache

A Prospective Cohort Study to Improve HCV Care in Dialysis Patients

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This study is being conducted to evaluate real-world effectiveness of HCV DAA therapy in CHC hemodialysis patients when the DAA-treatment is managed and monitored by the nephrologist of hemodialysis center. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects an estimated 185 million individuals worldwide (1) and 3.4

Anastomotic Leakage and Enhanced Recovery Pathways After Colorectal Surgery

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BACKGROUND Anastomotic leakage (AL) is a dreaded major complication after colorectal surgery. The overall incidence of anastomotic dehiscence and subsequent leaks is 2 to 7 percent when performed by experienced surgeons. The lowest leak rates are found with ileocolic anastomoses (1 to 3 percent) and

Autologous Plasma Treatment for Severe Dry Eye Patients

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Dry eye is a multi-factorial disease that is frequently encountered in ophthalmological practice. Common dry eye symptoms include eye irritation, heaviness of the eyelids, blurred vision and light sensitivity. The worldwide prevalence of dry eye is generally high. In Asia, dry eye may affect up to

Sex Differences in Chronic Kidney Disease

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2.1 Description and analysis of sex-specific differences in hemodialysis patients and the associated male-to-female mortality in Austria Hypothesis: There are sex-specific differences in hemodialysis incidence/prevalence and mortality among hemodialysis patients in Austria. There are differences in

Oseltamivir Versus Paracetamol for Influenza-like Illness During the Influenza Season

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Study setting: a single tertiary hospital, containing 1,000 beds. Intervention: best medical care and oral oseltamivir 75 mg twice daily for five days. Control: best medical care and oral paracetamol twice daily for five days. Dose adjustments of oseltamivir will be made according to manufacturer's

Effect of Nurse-led Education on Parent's Anxiety and Depression on Managing Side Effects of Chemotherapy

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INTRODUCTION Background Children Cancer in Pakistan: Millions of people are affected by cancer worldwide. Cancer is one of the major health problems in Pakistan . About 8,000 children below 18 year were diagnosed with cancer annually. Most children diagnosed in advance stage . In Pakistan 31%
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