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Silene latifolia is a dioecious [corrected] plant with well distinguished X and Y chromosomes that is used as a model to study sex determination and sex chromosome evolution in plants. However, efficient utilization of this species has been hampered by the lack of large-scale sequencing
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Few angiosperms have distinct Y chromosomes. Among those that do are Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae), Rumex acetosa (Polygonaceae) and Coccinia grandis (Cucurbitaceae), the latter having a male/female difference of 10% of the total genome (female individuals have a 0.85 pg genome, male
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There has been an increasing awareness of potential impacts of herbicide drift on to vegetation in nature reserves and field margin habitats adjacent to treated areas. Previous work using single species bioassays has suggested that the effects of a single drift event are confined close to the
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