Haitian Creole

anemone amurensis/glutathione

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Characterization of glutathione peroxidase diversity in the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis.

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Cnidarians living in symbiosis with photosynthetic dinoflagellates (commonly named zooxanthellae) are exposed to high concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) upon illumination. To quench ROS production, both the cnidarian host and zooxanthellae express a full suite of antioxidant enzymes.

Biphasic feeding response in a sea anemone: control by asparagine and glutathione.

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Two phases of the feeding response in the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima are controlled by different chemical activators. Asparagine controls the contraction and bending of tentacles which bring food to the mouth; reduced glutathione controls ingestion of food once it has contacted the mouth.
Hyperthermic stress is known to trigger the loss of unicellular algae from a number of symbiotic cnidarians, a phenomenon commonly referred to as bleaching. Oxidative and nitrosative stress have been suggested to play a major role during the process of bleaching, however the underlying molecular
Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant bone tumor. Raddeanin A (RA) is an active oleanane-type triterpenoid saponin extracted from the traditional Chinese herb Anemone raddeana Regel that exerts antitumor activity against several cancer types. However, the effect of RA on osteosarcoma

Comparative effects of dissolved copper and copper oxide nanoparticle exposure to the sea anemone, Exaiptasia pallida.

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Increasing use of metal oxide nanoparticles (NP) by various industries has resulted in substantial output of these NP into aquatic systems. At elevated concentrations, NP may interact with and potentially affect aquatic organisms. Environmental implications of increased NP use are largely unknown,

Metal accumulation and sublethal effects in the sea anemone, Aiptasia pallida, after waterborne exposure to metal mixtures.

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The marine environment is subjected to contamination by a complex mixture of metals from various anthropogenic sources. Measuring the biological responses of organisms to a complex mixture of metals allows for examination of metal-specific responses in an environmentally realistic exposure scenario.

Responses of the sea anemone, Exaiptasia pallida, to ocean acidification conditions and zinc or nickel exposure.

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Ocean acidification, caused by increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), is a growing concern in marine environments. Land-based sources of pollution, such as metals, have also been a noted problem; however, little research has addressed the combined exposure of both pollutants to coral reef

Responses of the sea anemone, Exaiptasia pallida, to ocean acidification conditions and copper exposure.

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Ocean acidification (OA) is a growing concern due to its deleterious effects on aquatic organisms. Additionally, the combined effects of OA and other local stressors like metal pollution are largely unknown. In this study, we examined physiological effects in the sea anemone, Exaiptasia pallida
Copper is a common pollutant in many aquatic environments, particularly those surrounding densely populated areas with substantial anthropogenic inputs. These same areas may also experience changes in salinity due to freshwater discharge and tidal influence. Biota that inhabit near-shore coastal

A venom extract from the sea anemone Bartholomea annulata produces haemolysis and lipid peroxidation in mouse erythrocytes.

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The haemolytic and peroxidative effects of crude extracts from Bartholomea annulata, a common Caribbean sea anemone, were investigated in erythrocytes isolated from NIH male albino mice. Significant concentration-dependent effects were found on both haemolysis (evaluated as release of haemoglobin)

Chemical synthesis of a neurotoxic polypeptide from the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus.

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The sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus neurotoxin I, a 48-residue polypeptide, was synthesized by automated solid phase methodology. The fully reduced polypeptide was subsequently refolded in the presence of a glutathione oxidoreduction buffer to the biologically active species containing three

Control of mouth opening and pharynx protrusion during feeding in the sea anemone Calliactis parasitica.

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1. Activity in all three known conducting systems (the nerve net, SS1, and SS2) may accompany feeding in Calliactis. The most marked response is an increase in pulse frequency in the SS2 (the endodermal slow conducting system) during mouth opening and pharynx protrusion. 2. Electrical stimulation of

Influence of copper pre-exposure on biochemical responses of the sea anemone Bunodosoma cangicum to changes in oxygen availability.

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The influence of copper on the ability of the intertidal sea anemone Bunodosoma cangicum to cope with reactive oxygen species generation associated with changes in oxygen availability was evaluated. Sea anemones were kept under control condition or pre-exposed (96 h) to dissolved copper (6.1 μg ±

Cellular changes associated with the acclimation of the intertidal sea anemone Actinia tenebrosa to ultraviolet radiation.

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To assess the relative importance of long- and short-term cellular defense mechanisms in seasonally UV-R-acclimated Actinia tenebrosa (Anthozoa, Actiniidae), individuals were exposed to summer doses of PAR, UV-A, UV-B and enhanced UV-B (20%) for a period of 4 days. Mycosporine-like amino acids

A new potassium channel toxin from the sea anemone Heteractis magnifica: isolation, cDNA cloning, and functional expression.

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A new potassium channel toxin, HmK, has been isolated from the sea anemone Heteractis magnifica. It inhibits the binding of [125I]-alpha-dendrotoxin (a ligand for voltage-gated K channels) to rat brain synaptosomal membranes with a Ki of about 1 nM, blocks K+ currents through Kv 1.2 channels
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