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arabidopsis pedemontana/pretsēnīšu

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Molecular mechanism of Arabidopsis thaliana profilins as antifungal proteins.

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BACKGROUND It remains an open question whether plant phloem sap proteins are functionally involved in plant defense mechanisms. METHODS The antifungal effects of two profilin proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana, AtPFN1 and AtPFN2, were tested against 11 molds and 4 yeast fungal strains. Fluorescence
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters hydrolyze ATP to transport a wide range of substrates. Fusarium graminearum is a major causal agent of Fusarium head blight, which is a severe disease in wheat worldwide. FgABCC9 (FG05_07325) encodes an ABC-C (ABC transporter family C) transporter in F.

Dual Mode of the Saponin Aescin in Plant Protection: Antifungal Agent and Plant Defense Elicitor.

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Being natural plant antimicrobials, saponins have potential for use as biopesticides. Nevertheless, their activity in plant-pathogen interaction is poorly understood. We performed a comparative study of saponins' antifungal activities on important crop pathogens based on their effective dose

A regulon conserved in monocot and dicot plants defines a functional module in antifungal plant immunity.

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At least two components that modulate plant resistance against the fungal powdery mildew disease are ancient and have been conserved since the time of the monocot-dicot split (≈ 200 Mya). These components are the seven transmembrane domain containing MLO/MLO2 protein and the syntaxin ROR2/PEN1,

Oil body-mediated defense against fungi: From tissues to ecology.

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Oil bodies are localized in the seed cells and leaf cells of many land plants. They have a passive function as storage organelles for lipids. We recently reported that the leaf oil body has an active function as a subcellular factory that produces an antifungal oxylipin during fungal infection in

Purification of chrysancorin, a novel antifungal protein with mitogenic activity from garland chrysanthemum seeds.

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A novel antifungal protein, designated chrysancorin, was isolated from seeds of Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosum with a procedure involving ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, affinity chromatography on Affi-gel blue resin, ion exchange chromatography on SP-Sepharose and FPLC-gel

Isolation and characterization of a novel antifungal peptide from Aspergillus niger.

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A novel antifungal peptide (termed as Anafp) was isolated from the culture supernatant of the filamentous fungi, Aspergillus niger. The whole amino acid sequence of Anafp was determined and the peptide was found to be composed of a single polypeptide chain with 58 amino acids including six cysteine
Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, an ancient family of cation channels, are highly conserved in eukaryotes and play various physiological functions, ranging from sensation of ion homeostasis to reception of pain and vision. Calcium-permeable TRP channels have been identified from the

Transgenic expression of therapeutic proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana seed.

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The production of therapeutic proteins in plant seed augments alternative production platforms such as microbial fermentation, cell-based systems, transgenic animals, and other recombinant plant production systems to meet increasing demands for the existing biologics, drugs under evaluation, and

Thionin Thi2.1 from Arabidopsis thaliana expressed in endothelial cells shows antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activity.

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Thionins are plant antimicrobial peptides with antibacterial and antifungal activities. Thionin Thi2.1 cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana was expressed in BVE-E6E7 bovine endothelial cell line and its activity was evaluated against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and different

Functional characterization of pathogen-responsive protein AtDabb1 with an antifungal activity from Arabidopsis thaliana.

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A plant antifungal protein was purified from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves by using a typical procedure consisting of anion exchange chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. We determined the amino acid sequence of the purified protein using MALDI-TOF/MS analysis, and found that the

Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis universal stress protein AtUSP with an antifungal activity.

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An antifungal protein, AtUSP protein (At3g53990), was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves by ion and size chromatography and sequenced by N-terminal sequencing. The AtUSP gene amplified from an Arabidopsis leaf cDNA library was transformed to Escherichia coli to express the AtUSP protein. The
Plants are one of the most economical platforms for large-scale production of recombinant proteins for biopharmaceutical and industrial uses. A large number of human recombinant proteins of therapeutic value have been successfully produced in plant systems. One of the main technical challenges of

Fusion proteins comprising a Fusarium-specific antibody linked to antifungal peptides protect plants against a fungal pathogen.

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In planta expression of recombinant antibodies recognizing pathogen-specific antigens has been proposed as a strategy for crop protection. We report the expression of fusion proteins comprising a Fusarium-specific recombinant antibody linked to one of three antifungal peptides (AFPs) as a method for
Amine fungicides are widely used as crop protectants. Their success is believed to be related to their ability to inhibit postlanosterol sterol biosynthesis in fungi, in particular sterol-Δ(8),Δ(7)-isomerases and sterol-Δ(14)-reductases, with a concomitant accumulation of toxic abnormal sterols.
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