Haitian Creole

artemisia pontica/pretsēnīšu

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Antifungal coumarins and lignans from Artemisia annua.

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Two new coumarins (1 and 2), two new lignans (3 and 4), one new phloroglucinol derivative (5), together with eleven known compounds, were isolated from Artemisia annua. Their structures were identified by spectroscopic methods with 1 to be secured by X-ray diffraction. Antifungal activities of the
Dried leaves of Artemisia annua show promise as an inexpensive and sustainable antimalarial therapeutic, especially for use in developing countries. Along with the potent terpene, artemisinin, many other small molecules produced by the plant seem to aid in the therapeutic response. However, little

Therapeutic mechanism of Yīn-Chén-Hāo decoction in hepatic diseases.

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Yīn-Chén-Hāo decoction (YCHD) is a traditional Chinese medicine formula composed of capillaris (Artemisia capillaris), gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides), and rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) that is used for the treatment of damp-heat jaundice. In modern clinics, YCHD is mostly used for hepatic diseases.
The traditional antimalarial herb Artemisia annua L., from which artemisinin is isolated, is widely used in endemic regions. It has been suggested that artemisinin activity can be enhanced by flavonoids in A. annua; however, how fast and how long the flavonoids are present in the body remains
The increased incidence of drug-resistant fungal infections, a process in which active efflux plays an important role, calls for the development of new treatments. Candida albicans and Candida glabrata are the most frequent human fungal pathogens. The latter, in spite of its increased azole

Th1-biased immunomodulation and therapeutic potential of Artemisia annua in murine visceral leishmaniasis.

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BACKGROUND In the absence of vaccines and limitations of currently available chemotherapy, development of safe and efficacious drugs is urgently needed for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) that is fatal, if left untreated. Earlier we reported in vitro apoptotic antileishmanial activity of n-hexane

Chemical composition and antifungal activity of plant extracts traditionally used in organic and biodynamic farming.

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Five plant extracts traditionally used in organic and biodynamic farming for pest control and antifungal (downy mildew) disease management were selected after a farmer survey and analyzed for their chemical composition in LC-PDA-MS-MS and using adapted analytical method from food chemistry for

Sesquiterpenoids from Artemisia vestita and Their Antifeedant and Antifungal Activities.

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Four new sesquiterpenoids, named artemivestinolide D-G (1-4) and three known sesquiterpenoids (5-7), were isolated from Artemisia vestita. The structures of these new compounds were determined based on extensive spectroscopic data analyses. Furthermore, the

Antifungal activity of essential oil from Artemisia afra Jacq.

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Artemisia afra is indigenous to the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe where it is used in folk medicine. Hydro-distilled volatile oil from the aerial parts of the plant was tested for antifungal activity against 10 fungal species using the dry weight method. The results obtained showed that the

Mono- and sesquiterpenes and antifungal constituents from Artemisia species.

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In addition to beta-sitosterol and alpha-amyrin detected in all the investigated species, the extract of the aerial parts of Artemisia giraldii var. giraldii gave stigmasterol, daucosterol, sesamine, luteolin, eupafolin, hispidulin, eupatilin, belamcanidin, pinitol, artemin, ridentin, and a new

Antifungal activity of essential oils from leaves and flowers of Inula viscosa (Asteraceae) by Apulian region.

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Some essential oils from several plants (Artemisia verlotorum, Lavandula augustifolia, Ocimum gratissimum) have proved to have acaricidal, antifungal and antibacterial activity. Inula viscosa Ait. (Asteraceae), a plant growing spontaneously in the Mediterranean area, is currently used by popular

Antifungal properties of crude extracts of five Egyptian medicinal plants against dermatophytes and emerging fungi.

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Antifungal properties of the crude extracts of five medicinal plants (Artemisia judaica, Ballota undulate, Cleome amblyocarpa, Peganum harmala, and Teucrium polium) were tested against dermatophytes and emerging fungi. Ethanol extract of Ballota undulate was the most effective against all tested

Method to Study Antimicrobial Effects of Essential Oils: Application to the Antifungal Activity of Six Moroccan Essences.

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The Micro-atmosphere method of Kellner and Kober was modified and used to study antifungal properties of six essential oils that have different chemical compositions (three chemotypes from mugwort, Artemisia herba alba , one from thyme, Thymus capitatus , one from rosemary, Romarinus officinalis and
UNASSIGNED Candidaalbicans is the most common cause of candidal infections. Various studies have shown drug resistance among C. albicans isolates; thus, it is necessary to discover replacement treatments for Candida infections. In this study, we aimed to compare the effects of different essential

A Survey of Therapeutic Effects of Artemisia capillaris in Liver Diseases.

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Artemisia capillaris has been recognized as an herb with therapeutic efficacy in liver diseases and widely used as an alternative therapy in Asia. Numerous studies have reported the antisteatotic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antiviral, antifibrotic, and antitumor activities of A.
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