Haitian Creole


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Intravenous Infusion of Lidocaine in Colonoscopy

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This study divide patients into two groups, lidocaine group one will be given lidocaine intravenously; control group will be given saline . the difference between patients fatigue and pain will be compared. and the propofol consumption, pain after infusion of propofol, patients, endoscopists and

Comparison of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen Application and Classic Nasal Cannula Oxygen Application

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Recently, sedation practices have increased for diagnostic and interventional procedures for children in non-operating rooms. On the other hand, the rate of respiratory complications especially in non-operating room sedation applications is quite high. Oxygen therapy in sedation applied to

Sevoflurane and Success of External Cephalic Version (ECV)

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Pre- procedure all parturients will be asked to be fasting for 8 hours for solid and 2 hours for clear liquids. Before ECV (as routinely done in ECV procedure), a cardiotocogram (CTG) and obstetric ultrasound will be done to confirm the fetal wellbeing and fetal position prior to procedure. The

Effect of Palatable Lidocaine Gel on Gag Reflex for Patients Undergoing Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

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Upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy (UGIE) is a valuable procedure that is commonly used for the diagnosis of possible causes of upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) symptoms such as bleeding, pain, dysphagia, recurrent vomiting and reflux. Moreover, it is a safe and easy procedure for taking

Hemodynamic Responses to Cardio-respiratory Events in Preterm Infants

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Intermittent episodes of hypoxemia and/or bradycardia, also defined as cardio-respiratory events (CRE) are very frequent in preterm infants and may result in transient hypoxia and hypoperfusion of target organs, with possible clinical implications. The hemodynamic instability that characterizes the

Maternal Hyperoxygenation for Intrapartum Fetal Heart Rate Tracing Abnormalities

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Continuous fetal heart rate tracing is part of the standard practice during intrapartum obstetric management. The goal of fetal heart rate monitoring is to identify early signs of fetal distress during labor, initiate effective interventions to improve fetal outcomes and reduce the risk of cesarean

Different Reversal Agents in Pediatric Day-case Cancer Surgery

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Postoperative residual curarization (PORC)" a residual duration of action of muscle relaxants beyond the end of the operation" in postoperative patients is a succession of the presence of blocked nicotinic receptors. Even in observationally asymptomatic patients, 60-70% of these receptors can be

30% or 60% Oxygen at Birth to Improve Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Very Low Birthweight Infants

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Purpose: Over the last 10 years, recommendations regarding the ideal level of oxygen for resuscitation in preterm infants have changed from 100 percent, down to low levels of oxygen (<30 percent), up to moderate concentration (30-65 percent). In addition, in 2010, oxygen saturation targeting was

Celiprolol Versus Ditiazem for the Prevention of Postoperative Cardiac Arrythmias in Thoracic Surgery

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Cardiac arrythmias are the most common cardiac complications after thoracic surgery. They are made primarily of postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF). They are associated with an increased risk of stroke, increased length of hospital stay and cost of care, and increased long-term

Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of Hemacord HPC, Cord Blood in Subjects With Acute Ischemic Stroke

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The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the safety of HPC, Cord Blood (administered via intravenous infusion and intrathecal injection, or intravenous infusion in conjunction with mannitol for subjects unable to tolerate intrathecal injection) in subjects with acute ischemic stroke. The

Liposomal Bupivacaine To Control Post-Operative Pain Following BMG

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Pain following urethroplasty with buccal mucosal graft (BMG) harvesting is primarily related to the oral graft harvest site. This pain results in significant increases in narcotic use, patient morbidity, and limits nutritional intake following surgery. During BMG harvesting, lidocaine with

The Hilo Trial to Improve Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Very Low Birthweight Infants - Pilot-trial

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Purpose: Over the last 10 years, recommendations regarding the ideal level of oxygen for resuscitation in preterm infants have changed from 100%, down to low levels of oxygen (<30%), up to moderate concentration (30-65%). In addition, in 2010, oxygen saturation targeting was recommended as standard

A Review of Surgical Management of Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformations (CPAM): A Decade of Experience

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Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM) (previously named congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation) is a rare abnormality, first described in 1949. CPAM results from adenomatoid proliferation of the terminal bronchioles causing cyst formation, which may impair normal alveolar growth. It

Airway Injuries After Intubation Using Videolaryngoscopy Versus Direct Laryngoscopy for Adult Patients Requiring Tracheal Intubation

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Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Postoperative Delirium Inflammasome Activation Inhibition

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Delirium is an acute and subacute comorbid syndrome characterized by decreased awareness and cognitive dysfunction accompanied by attention deficit. It varies from 20% to 80% in patients entering the ICU. If delirium occurs in the intensive care unit, complications such as unintended intubation,
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