Haitian Creole

centaurea ensiformis/pretvēža līdzeklis

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In vitro anti-tumour studies on Cnicus wallichi DC.

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Cnicus wallichi DC belonging to the family Asteraceae (Compositae) commonly known as Indian thistle and cirsium wallichi. It is an important medicinal plant indigenous to Nilgiris, Tamilnadu, South India. Since the related species Cnicus benedictus was reported for its anti cancer activities, In

The Anticancer and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Centaurea solstitialis Extract on Human Cancer Cell Lines

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Objectives: Natural products originating from plants have been used for many years in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer. Centaurea solstitialis subsp. solstitialis is used in Turkish folk medicine. This study was the first to

Anticancer Potential of Aguerin B, a Sesquiterpene Lactone Isolated from Centaurea behen in Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells

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Background: Breast carcinoma is a malignant disease that represents the most common non-skin malignancy and a chief reason of cancer death in women. Large interest is growing in the use of natural products for cancer treatment, especially

Screening for antitumor activity of various plant extracts on HeLa and C 4-I cell lines.

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OBJECTIVE Cancer is a long process that leads the organism to death and is associated with the normal cells acquiring the ability to divide permanently. Nowadays, the use of natural products in cancer therapy has a great importance. In addition, working with plants that are endemic to Turkey and

Synergistic anticancer activities of the plant-derived sesquiterpene lactones salograviolide A and iso-seco-tanapartholide.

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We have previously shown that the two sesquiterpene lactones, salograviolide A (Sal A) and iso-seco-tanapartholide (TNP), isolated from the Middle Eastern indigenous plants Centaurea ainetensis and Achillea falcata, respectively, possess selective antitumor properties. Here, we aimed to assess the
Sardinia (Italy), with its wide range of habitats and high degree of endemism, is an important area for plant-based drug discovery studies. In this work, the antitumor activity of 35 samples from Sardinian plants was evaluated on human osteosarcoma cells U2OS. The results showed that five plants

In vitro anticancer and cytotoxic activities of some plant extracts on HeLa and Vero cell lines.

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The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro anticancer and cytotoxic activity of the methanolic extracts of 14 medicinal plants, 8 of which are endemic species in Anatolia, against the human HeLa cervical cancer cell line and to compare to the normal African green monkey kidney

Centaurea albonitens extract enhances the therapeutic effects of Vincristine in leukemic cells by inducing apoptosis.

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Drug-induced toxicities and dose-related side effects are the major challenges in the conventional cancer therapy by the chemo drugs. On the other hand, herbal derivatives have obtained a great research interest in the field of therapeutic applications because of their more favorable specifications

In vitro antioxidant activities of Asteraceae Plants.

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Anaphalis neelgerriana DC and Cnicus wallichi DC belonging to the family Asteraceae (Compositae) are important medicinal plants indigenous to Nilgiris. Since the related species Anaphalis morrisonicola and Cnicus benedictus were reported for its anti cancer activities, the above mentioned plants

Effect of Three Centaurea Species Collected from Central Anatolia Region of Turkey on Human Melanoma Cells.

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Centaurea is the largest genus within the Asteraceae family. Many members of this genus are used in traditional folk medicine, such as Centaurea pulchella used to treat skin problems such as to resolve the abscess. Although biological activities of many Centaurea species have been investigated in

Bioactivity-guided isolation of anti-proliferative compounds from endemic Centaurea kilaea.

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BACKGROUND The genus Centaurea L. (Asteraceae) is one of the largest genera in Turkey. Compounds and extracts obtained from different Centaurea species have significant anti-cancer activity against various cancer cell lines. OBJECTIVE To determine the anti-proliferative activity of isolates from the
We investigated the antiproliferative and apoptosis inducing effects of a methanolic extract of Centaurea hermannii in Vero and HeLa cell lines. Both cell lines also were treated with doxorubicin. Antiproliferative effects were assessed by MTT assay and cell index parameters were determined

Biological Activity of Flavonoids and Rare Sesquiterpene Lactones Isolated From Centaurea ragusina L.

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The endemic Croatian species Centaurea ragusina L., like other species from the genus Centaurea, has been traditionally used in Croatia as an antibacterial agent and for the treatment of gastrointestinal and urogenital disorders. In several chromatographic steps, three flavonoids and three

Anti-colon cancer effects of Salograviolide A isolated from Centaurea ainetensis.

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The antitumor activity of extracts of Centaurea ainetensis (C. ainetensis), a plant endemic to Lebanon, was investigated in human colon carcinoma cells. At concentrations that were non-cytotoxic to normal human intestinal epithelial cells, the crude extract inhibited the proliferation of a host of

Purified salograviolide A isolated from centaurea ainetensis causes growth inhibition and apoptosis in neoplastic epidermal cells.

Rakstu tulkošanu var veikt tikai reģistrēti lietotāji
Ielogoties Reģistrēties
Many of the best-selling anticancer drugs are plant-derived. We tested for the anticancer properties of extracts isolated from Centaurea ainetensis, a plant species endemic to Lebanon and which is often used in folk medicine. We performed bioassay-guided fractionation of Centaurea ainetensis
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