Haitian Creole


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Peri-anal Local Anaesthetic Infiltration Versus Caudal Anaesthesia in Hirschsprung's Disease.

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Caudal anesthesia is one of the most commonly used regional anesthetic and analgesic technique in pediatric patient as it is an easy safe and reliable method that can be performed for both intraoperative and postoperative analgesia in patient undergoing lower abdominal and lower limb surgery. It can

Anastomotic Leakage and Enhanced Recovery Pathways After Colorectal Surgery

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BACKGROUND Anastomotic leakage (AL) is a dreaded major complication after colorectal surgery. The overall incidence of anastomotic dehiscence and subsequent leaks is 2 to 7 percent when performed by experienced surgeons. The lowest leak rates are found with ileocolic anastomoses (1 to 3 percent) and

Sex Differences in Chronic Kidney Disease

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2.1 Description and analysis of sex-specific differences in hemodialysis patients and the associated male-to-female mortality in Austria Hypothesis: There are sex-specific differences in hemodialysis incidence/prevalence and mortality among hemodialysis patients in Austria. There are differences in

Goal-directed Fluid Therapy on Complications After Pancreaticoduodenectomy

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Retrospective study of 10564 patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy at a single institution from January, 2015 through July, 2016. Stroke volume variation (SVV) was tracked and titrated during the procedure. All patients were seen preoperatively in the department clinic setting, and indications

Feasibility of Serratus Plane Block Associated With Sedation in Axillary Dissection

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This study is a prospective case series. All patients should go through a preoperative evaluation with an anesthesiologist. At that time the eligibility for the study will be evaluated and if the patient consent to participate in the study. The following parameters shall be evaluated in the

Adding Ketamine to Low Dose Bupivacaine in Saddle Block for Perianal Surgery

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This study will be carried out in Assiut University Hospitals, General Surgery Operative room and Post Anaesthesia Care Unit (PACU). This study will include 60 adult participants (ASA I&II) scheduled for minor perianal surgery (perianal fistula, haemorrhoids or both). After approval of ethics

Gabapentin for Postop Pain After SSLF

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Pelvic organ prolapse (POP), the herniation of the bladder, uterus, or rectum, into and often beyond, the vaginal opening, affects 40% of postmenopausal women, and significantly impairs quality of life. POP is often managed surgically, and currently, one in every eight women will undergo POP surgery

Mobilisation Algorithm After Incidental Durotomy

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Patients with persistent symptoms of cerebrospinal-fluid leakage (positional headache, photophobia, nausea and vomiting, clear drainage from the wound, fluctuant subcutaneous wound) after a primary repair should be considered for revision surgery to avoid potentially serious complications including

Peridialysis Project: The Influence of Predialysis Factors on the Initial Course of Dialysis

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Patients All patients starting active end stage renal disease (ESRD) treatment at the participating centres and their satellite centres. No. Patients: 1000. 1. Patients who have received their recent predialysis care at another centre can be included if the previous centre's notes are available,

Autologous Adipose-derived Stem Cells (ASCs) for the Treatment of Perianal Fistula in Crohn Disease: A Pilot Study

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Basic information: Lipogems: Lipogems® system is a disposable device for liposuction, processing and adipose tissue reinjection. Procedure takes place in a single surgical time. It's a disposable device that progressively reduces adipose tissue clusters size, washing completely pro-inflammatory oil

Pilot Study of Stem Cell Transplantation for Children and Young Adults With Refractory Crohn's Disease.

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Crohn's Disease (CD) is an immunologically mediated chronic illness that has a relapsing and remitting course, most commonly presenting in the 2nd or 3rd decade and causing lifelong impairment of health and quality of life. Mainstay of clinical treatment for severe disease is combination of

Is Nasogastric Tube Necessary After Pancreaticoduodenectomy?

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The study will be started only after approval of Ethics Committee of National Taiwan University Hospital and consent sheet will be obtained from all included patients. Patients planned to have PD at national Taiwan University Hospital will be included in this study after obtaining their consent

Is Nasogastric Tube Necessary After Pancreaticoduodenectomy?

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The study will be started only after approval of Ethics Committee of National Taiwan University Hospital and consent sheet will be obtained from all included patients. Patients planned to have PD at national Taiwan University Hospital will be included in this study after obtaining their consent

Prospective Comparison of Large vs. Small Diameter Esophageal Stents for Palliation of Malignant Dysphagia

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This prospective, randomized study was conducted at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya, and was approved by the hospital's institutional review board (IRB) as well as the Kenya Medical Research Institute's Ethical Review Committee. Participants with dysphagia were recruited and provided signed informed

Oral Nutrition After Regular Radical Cystectomy

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Design A prospective interventional non-randomized before-after trial was conducted. Eligible patients admitted from 01/02/2009 were consecutively assigned to the control group until the predefined sample size was reached. After enrollment and follow-up of control patients had been finished, all
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