Haitian Creole

helianthus mollis/albumin

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Decreased accumulation of glutelin types in rice grains constitutively expressing a sunflower seed albumin gene.

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Previous studies have shown differential accumulation of sulfur rich glutelins and sulfur poor prolamins in transgenic rice seeds expressing a sunflower seed albumin gene [Hagan, N.D., Upadhyaya, N., Tabe, L.M., Higgins, T.J., 2003. The redistribution of protein sulfur in transgenic rice expressing

A tripartite approach identifies the major sunflower seed albumins.

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CONCLUSIONS We have used a combination of genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic approaches to identify the napin-type albumin genes in sunflower and define their contributions to the seed albumin pool. Seed protein content is determined by the expression of what are typically large gene families. A

Mature forms of the major seed storage albumins in sunflower: A mass spectrometric approach.

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Seed storage albumins are abundant, water-soluble proteins that are degraded to provide critical nutrients for the germinating seedling. It has been established that the sunflower albumins encoded by SEED STORAGE ALBUMIN 2 (SESA2), SESA20 and SESA3 are the major components of the albumin-rich

Structural stability and surface activity of sunflower 2S albumins and nonspecific lipid transfer protein.

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The structural and interfacial properties of five different fractions of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) seed storage proteins were studied. The fractions comprised lipid transfer protein (LTP), the methionine-rich 2S albumin SFA8 (sunflower albumin 8), and three mixtures of non-methionine-rich 2S
The formation of insoluble complexes of sunflower seed albumin and alginate or pectin is studied by means of turbidimetric titration and by determining the pH-dependent precipitability of protein. The complex formation that is based on electrostatic interaction is a function of the pH value and the

Sequence and expression of a gene encoding an albumin storage protein in sunflower.

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The complete sequence of a sunflower (Helianthus annuus) gene, HaG5, encoding a 2 S albumin storage protein was determined. The predicted unprocessed precursor has 295 amino acids, is rich in glutamine residues (24%) and contains a hydrophobic amino-terminus that is similar to the consensus signal

Disulphide structure of a sunflower seed albumin: conserved and variant disulphide bonds in the cereal prolamin superfamily.

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Disulphide mapping of a methionine-rich 2S albumin from sunflower seeds showed four intra-chain disulphide bonds which are homologous with those in a related heterodimeric albumin from lupin seeds (conglutin delta). Similar conserved disulphide bonds are also present in alpha-gliadin and

Characterization of the emulsification properties of 2S albumins from sunflower seed.

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The ability of 2S albumins from sunflower seeds to stabilize oil-in-water emulsions has been investigated, demonstrating that one of the proteins (SFA8) effectively stabilizes emulsions, while another (SF-LTP) does not stabilize emulsions. The surface tension and surface dilation viscosity of these

Stability of sunflower 2S albumins and LTP to physiologically relevant in vitro gastrointestinal digestion.

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In order for a protein to elicit a systemic allergic response it must reach the circulatory system through the intestinal mucosa as a sufficiently large fragment with adequate structural integrity. Sunflower LTP and 2S albumins (SFA8 and three mixed fractions of Alb1 and Alb2) were digested in
A gene encoding a sulphur-rich, sunflower seed albumin (23% cysteine plus methionine) was modified to contain the promoter for the 35S RNA of cauliflower mosaic virus, in order to obtain leaf expression in transgenic plants. In addition, a sequence encoding an endoplasmic reticulum-retention signal
Ecological risk assessment is an important step in the production and commercialisation of transgenic plants. To date, however, most risk assessment studies have been performed on crop plants, and few have considered the ecological consequences associated with genetic modification of pasture
The main fractions of the albumins from sunflower and rapeseeds (isolated by means of precipitation with ammonium sulphate or tannin + caffeine and subsequent gel chromatography) are low-molecular, very basic proteins. Their molecular weights range from 10 000 to 16 000, and their isoelectric points

Transgenic Trifolium repens with foliage accumulating the high sulphur protein, sunflower seed albumin.

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With the aim of increasing the rumen-protected level of the sulphur amino acids cysteine and methionine in Trifolium repens, we introduced the coding sequence of the sunflower seed albumin (SSA) into T. repens by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The SSA gene was modified such that

Solution structure of a methionine-rich 2S albumin from sunflower seeds: relationship to its allergenic and emulsifying properties.

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The three-dimensional structure in aqueous solution of SFA-8, a 2S albumin 103-residue protein from seeds of sunflower (Helianthus anuus L.), has been determined by NMR methods. An almost complete (1)H resonance assignment was accomplished from analysis of two-dimensional (2D) COSY and 2D TOCSY
With the aim of improving the nutritive value of an important grain legume crop, a chimeric gene specifying seed-specific expression of a sulfur-rich, sunflower seed albumin was stably transformed into narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.). Sunflower seed albumin accounted for 5% of
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