Haitian Creole

helianthus radula/detoksikācija

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15 rezultātiem

Possible involvement of glutathione S-transferases in imazamox detoxification in an imidazolinone-resistant sunflower hybrid.

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The resistance of crops to herbicides can be due to target site based resistance or non-target site based resistance mechanisms or a combination of both. In non-target site resistance, the detoxification efficiency plays a major role by involvement of enzymes such as P450s, GTs, GSTs and ABC

Scientific assistance to assess the detoxification process for dioxins and PCBs in sunflower cake by hexane extraction

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EFSA was requested to provide scientific assistance to the European Commission on a detoxification process for dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from sunflower cake by hexane extraction in an emergency situation, as specified in Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/786. The

Effects of dietary fats (fish, olive and high-oleic-acid sunflower oils) on lipid composition and antioxidant enzymes in rat liver.

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The effects of two oleic-acid-rich diets (containing olive oil, OO, and high-oleic-acid sunflower oil, HOSO) on plasma and liver lipid composition detoxification enzyme activities, were compared with those of a fish-oil (FO) diet and a control diet. Compared with the control diet, plasma and hepatic

Light and metabolic regulation of HAS1, HAS1.1 and HAS2, three asparagine synthetase genes in Helianthus annuus.

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The role of light, carbon and nitrogen availability on the regulation of three asparagine synthetase (AS, EC genes, HAS1, HAS1.1 and HAS2, has been investigated in sunflower (Helianthus annuus). The response of each gene to different illumination conditions and to treatments that
Fungi are known to modify the properties of lignocellulosic materials during solid-state fermentation (SSF). In this study, agricultural side-streams (sunflower seed hulls, rice husks and rice straw) were used as substrates for SSF with dikaryotic and monokaryotic strains of Pleurotus sapidus. The
Contamination of agricultural land by chromium (Cr) can inhibit physiological and biochemical processes in plants, leading to reduced crop productivity and food/feed safety. Owing to their fine size, large surface area, and high adsorption affinity for metals, nanomaterials have shown a potential

Molecular cloning, identification of GSTs family in sunflower and their regulatory roles in biotic and abiotic stress.

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Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) genes exist widely in plants and play major role in metabolic detoxification of exogenous chemical substances and oxidative stress. In this study, 14 sunflower GST genes (HaGSTs) were identified based on the sunflower transcriptome database that we had constructed.

Fermentation of sunflower seed hull hydrolysate to ethanol by Pichia stipitis.

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Ethanol production from sunflower seed hull hydrolysate was evaluated using Pichia stipitis NRRL Y-7124. The hydrolysate prepared with 0.7 M H2SO4 at 90 degrees C was fermented as substrate in shaking bath experiments at 30 degrees C. In a group of experiments, the influence of various

Adsorption behaviors of methylene blue on sunflower stem pith.

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Adsorption behaviors of methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solution using sunflower stem pith (SSP) as adsorbent were investigated. The effects of adsorption conditions such as adsorption time, initial concentration of MB and dosage of SSP on the detoxification of MB were examined. The equilibrium
Plant metallothioneins (MTs) constitute a family of small Cys-rich proteins capable of coordinating metal ions, significantly differing from microbial and animal MTs. They are divided into four subfamilies depending on the Cys pattern in their sequence. In this work, the MT system of the sunflower

Can arsenic-phytochelatin complex formation be used as an indicator for toxicity in Helianthus annuus?

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The formation of arsenic-phytochelatin (As-PC) complexes is thought to be part of the plant detoxification strategy for arsenic. This work examines (i) the arsenic (As) concentration-dependent formation of As-PC complex formation and (ii) redistribution and metabolism of As after arrested As uptake

iTRAQ-based proteomics of sunflower cultivars differing in resistance to parasitic weed Orobanche cumana.

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Orobanche cumana is an obligate root parasite causing severe damage to many economically important crops, including sunflowers worldwide. For efficient control measures, it is necessary to understand the resistant mechanism during interaction at molecular level. The present study emphasizes on
Soil salinization is the most common abiotic stress limiting agricultural productivity worldwide. Recent research has suggested that the application of silicon (Si) has beneficial effects against salt stress in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) by regulating

Various Parts of Helianthus annuus Plants as New Sources of Antimalarial Drugs.

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Each part of H. annuus plants is traditionally used as medicinal remedies for several diseases, including malaria. Antimalarial activity of the leaf and the seed has already been observed; however, there is no report about antimalarial activity of the other

Effects of antimony on redox activities and antioxidant defence systems in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants.

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The alterations induced by the toxicity of antimony (Sb) in the roots and leaves of sunflower plants were determined. The plants were grown hydroponically with different concentrations of Sb, a heavy metal which reduces biomass production and growth. There was preferential accumulation of Sb in the
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