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Clinical Pharmacokinetic Study of Ceftazidime and Cefazolin

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The dose of cefazolin and Ceftazidime co-administered were 20 mg /kg,they were given intraperitoneal twice daily in the first bag and the fourth bag for 5 days,and given 1g once daily in the fourth bag for 9 days. Total treatment duration was 2 weeks. At least 1-mL serum and 5-mL dialysate samples

Smell, Taste, Salivary Flow, and Oral Health in Patient Receiving Dialysis: A Before and After Study.

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This is a smell, taste and oral health in patients receiving before and after hemodialysis study. End stage renal disease patients who haven't been under hemodialysis will be screened for enrollment at the nephrology department in National Taiwan University Hospital. Patients have to be over 20

Association of Constipation Inflammatory and Microbial Translocation Markers

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Study Design and Population Patients and methods 2.1. Patient selection Two hundred hemodialysis patients are recruited. Functional constipation will be diagnosed according to the Rome IV criteria. Organic lesions of the abdominal cavity and the pelvic floor are excluded in all patients by

Relationship Between Quality of Life, Self-image and Oral Health in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis

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After selecting the sample, patients will undergo an oral examination performed by a dental surgeon, in which they will be evaluated for the presence of lesions in the oral mucosa, periodontal conditions through simplified periodontal record - PSR, oral hygiene index, caries and lack of teeth -

Dialysate Temperature in Peritoneal Dialysis

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Peritoneal dialysis (PD) currently represents the main choice for home renal replacement treatment for patients with end stage renal disease. One of the limitations of PD technique is represented by the difficulty in achieving target dialytic clearances and PD adequacy for some patients, especially

Anterior Chamber Illumination in Cataract Surgery for Eyes With Poor Red Reflex

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Several surgical techniques have been used to alleviate the problem of poor lens visibility. fixed a chandelier illuminator on the sclera, turned off the microscope light source, and visualized the lens by illuminating the vitreous cavity. Furino improved anterior lens capsule visibility by staining

Mid-Transverse Process to Pleural (MTP) Block and Erector Spinal Plan (ESP) Block in Spinal Surgery

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Ethics committee approval was taken on October 22, 2019, numbered 19/342. 120 adult patients who will undergo spine stabilization surgery between October 2019 and January 2020 in Gulhane Training and Research Hospital were planned to be included in the study. Appropriate patients will be informed

Treatment of Peritonitis in Automated Peritoneal Dialysis

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INTRODUCTION: Secondary bacterial peritonitis, the main infectious complication associated with peritoneal dialysis (PD), is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis of peritonitis include signs and symtoms: nausea, vomiting hyporexia, diarrea, abdominal pain, fever, cloudy

Dental Intervention Plan for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Awaiting or With Kidney Transplant

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PURPOSE: The Dental College of Georgia (DCG) and the Periodontics and Oral Health and Diagnostic Sciences departments propose to develop a collaborative clinical and research program with the Carlos and Marguerite Mason Trust Solid Organ Transplant Center at the Augusta University (AU) Medical
Introduction: Prevention of surgical site infection (SSI) continues to be a major challenge for the health care system since it incurs a substantial toll on public health and significantly inflates health care costs. SSIs are now the leading cause of health care related infections, complicating

Investigating the Role of Luminal Pressure on Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation

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Background: AVF is the preferred vascular access for maintenance hemodialysis. However, AVF is not an ideal vascular access without any drawback. Previous studies had revealed several risk factors of AVF maturation failure, including anemia, diabetes mellitus, and smoking. On the other hand, basic

Utility of Telemedicine in the Follow-Up of Patients in Peritoneal Dialysis

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Study Background & Rationale: (background information including previous studies as applicable ) Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a growing problem world-wide which increases in parallel with some risk factors such as chronic diseases, mainly diabetes mellitus and hypertension. CKD imposes elevated

A Performance Analysis of the Peritoneal Ultrafiltration (PUF) Achieved With the Carry Life® UF

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A study of the peritoneal ultrafiltration achieved with Carry Life® UF compared to standard PD therapy, performed in 12 stable PD patients. The study consists of one baseline study session with Icodextrin overnight and one four-hour, 2.27% glucose exchange and three Carry Life® UF treatments with

Serial Amnioinfusions as Regenerative Therapy for Pulmonary Hypoplasia

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All women with fetuses having either severe LUTO with intrauterine renal failure or bilateral renal agenesis that meet the inclusion criteria will be invited to participate in this study. For those patients, the actual standard of care is expectant prenatal management or termination of pregnancy

Oral Findings in a Group of Egyptian Pediatric Patients at Endstage Renal Disease

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Study setting: - The study will be held at the center of Pediatric Nephrology and transplantation, El- Mounira children's hospital (Abu El rish). - The data collected through the questionnaire will be obtained through an interview between the investigator and the parent or the legal guardian that's
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