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Subclinical cerebral edema in diabetic ketoacidosis in children.

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Subclinical cerebral edema in diabetic ketoacidosis tends to manifest with subtle neurological symptoms including headache, lethargy, or disorientation and a Glasgow Coma Scale of 14-15. Treatment of subclinical cerebral edema with hyperosmolar therapy for persistent symptoms is associated with good

Minimizing the risk of brain herniation during treatment of diabetic ketoacidemia: a retrospective and prospective study.

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We studied retrospectively, 219 episodes of diabetic ketoacidemia in 119 patients aged 13 months to 30 years, to determine the trend of the concentration of sodium in serum as glucose declined during treatment of uncomplicated episodes and of episodes with complications attributable to brain

Rare cause of stroke in young: Iron deficiency anemia and diabetic ketoacidosis.

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Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a well-known cause of stroke in children, but its association is relatively rare in adults. We describe a case of 36-year-old woman, a known diabetes mellitus, who presented with recurrent vomiting, headache, and altered sensorium. Investigations revealed severe iron

Seronegative catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome in a young female presenting with a headache.

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BACKGROUND Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome (CAPS) is a rare disease that causes rapid vascular occlusion in multiple organ systems. Initial presentation varies depending on the organs affected. Although headache is a common complaint in the emergency department (ED), it is a very rare

Pituitary apoplexy presenting as diabetic ketoacidosis: A great simulator?

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Pituitary apoplexy is a life-threatening illness due to acute infarction of the pituitary gland. The most common symptoms associated with pituitary apoplexy are headache, nausea, vomiting, visual impairment, hypopituitarism, and altered mental status. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a common acute

Pheochromocytoma presenting as diabetic ketoacidosis.

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Pheochromocytoma is a rare form of secondary hypertension and may be potentially lethal if left untreated. The classical symptoms are paroxysmal hypertension, headaches, palpitations and sweating. They are caused by sudden catecholamine release. Hyperglycemia is reported in some patients with

Diabetic ketoacidosis and cerebral oedema in Sweden--a 2-year paediatric population study.

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OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to investigate diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and cerebral oedema in the Swedish paediatric diabetes population, and to measure laboratory parameters during treatment. METHODS The Swedish National Paediatric Diabetes Registry (SWEDIABKIDS) indicates that 16% of

Lactation ketoacidosis: case presentation and literature review.

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A 35-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with a 2 days history of malaise and headache. She was breastfeeding her 5-month old infant and had recently started an altered diet based on reducing carbohydrate amount. Moreover, she had also started exercising 2 weeks prior to her
Cerebral sinus vein thrombosis is rare in children. So far, only three other cases have been reported in a child with diabetes mellitus. This 10 year-old female presented with classic signs of diabetic ketoacidosis which resolved with standard fluid and insulin therapy. Headache persisted despite
Suspected cerebral edema diabetic ketoacidosis (SCEDKA) is more common than perceived with symptoms including altered mentation, headache with vomiting, depressed Glasgow coma scale (GCS), abnormal motor or verbal responses, combativeness, and neurological depression. Suspected

Alcohol induced diabetic ketoacidosis exacerbated by an acute respiratory infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae.

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Ketoacidosis is a metabolic condition that occurs as a result of an insufficient amount of insulin. The lack of insulin results in an increased release of glucose from the liver and an excess of ketone bodies as a result of the breakdown of adipose tissue. This occurs when carbohydrates are unable

Lactation Ketoacidosis: A Systematic Review of Case Reports

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Background and Objective: Lactation ketoacidosis is a rare cause of high anion gap metabolic acidosis affecting breastfeeding mothers. We aim to review and analyze all cases of lactation ketoacidosis reported. Materials and Methods: A systematic search of PubMed/MEDLINE and Cumulative

Lactation Ketoacidosis: A case series.

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Lactation ketoacidosis is an extremely rare type of high anion gap metabolic acidosis. We report two lactating women who were diagnosed with lactation ketoacidosis. The first patient presented to the Emergency Department at Royal Darwin Hospital, Darwin, Australia, in 2018 with lethargy, nausea and

Unusual case of pheochromocytoma presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis.

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Pheochromocytoma is a rare catecholamine-secreting tumour that arises from chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla or extra-adrenal sympathetic ganglia. It classically presents with paroxysmal headaches, hypertension, palpitations and sweating related to catecholamine excess. Diabetes is reported to

Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis.

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Mucormycosis is a life-threatening fungal infection that occurs in immunocompromised patients. The most common predisposing risk factor for mucormycosis is diabetes mellitus. Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis is the most common form in diabetic patients and is characterized by paranasal sinusitis,
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