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[Serum alkaline phosphatase and transaminase activity in cows with clinical ketosis].

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Studied was the activity of the alkaline phosphatase and the transaminases in the serum of clinically normal and ketosis-affected cows as well as cows with an affected liver. The changes were followed in the activity of SGOT and SGPT that had set in as a result of five-day starving and the injection
OBJECTIVE To report a postulated mechanism for resistance to overt ketoacidosis due to prolonged insulin omission in a severely hyperglycemic woman with a 14-year history of autoimmune type 1 diabetes (T1D). METHODS History, physical examination, laboratory testing, and genotyping were performed. We

Elevated aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatases in unstable diabetes mellitus without ketoacidosis or hypoglycemia.

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Four patients with unstable diabetes mellitus and pronounced elevations of serum aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatases are reported. Thorough investigations revealed no cause for the abnormalities. The enzyme elevations were associated with hepatomegaly, and in some instances, abdominal pain

[Factors involved in ketoacidosis at the onset of type 1 diabetes in childhood].

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BACKGROUND In some patients the ketoacidosis at the onset of type 1 diabetes has been observed. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to investigate an effect of the clinical, genetic, immunological and metabolic parameters on the occurrence of ketoacidosis at the clinical onset of the

[Changes of blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier in rabbits with diabetic ketoacidosis].

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OBJECTIVE To explore the mechanism of the changes of blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier in rabbits with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). METHODS The New Zealand rabbits were injected with 150 mg/kg streptozotion and alloxan monohydrate each (model group, n=6) intravenously, or equal volume of normal
Because of the scarcity of data on the changes of serum enzymes during diabetic ketoacidosis, the authors have prospectively studied the alterations of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP), alkaline phosphatase (AP), aspartate aminotransferase (AsAT), and alanine aminotransferase (AIAT) in this

Abnormal liver enzymes and ketonuria in hyperemesis gravidarum. A retrospective review of 80 patients.

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We reviewed retrospectively a cohort of 80 patients with hyperemesis gravidarum hospitalized between 1976 and 1986 for the presence of abnormal liver enzymes and ketonuria. Thirteen (16%) had abnormal liver enzymes, generally less than four times the upper limit of normal. In this group, hyperemesis

Ketosis-onset diabetes in Tunisian adults: immunological markers and beta-cell function.

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The aim of this study in Tunisia was to classify ketosis-onset diabetes in adult patients. All patients aged > 30 years without known diabetes, presenting with ketosis and admitted to our department were studied. Patients with secondary or gestational diabetes and those on corticoid therapy or with

[Biochemical and histological studies of cows with ketosis].

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Biochemical and histological investigations were carried out with cows affected with ketosis in a subclinical and clinical form. Parellel studies were performed with normal (control) cows originating from the herds with the ill animals and manifesting the same physiologic status. It was found that

Autoantibodies to the IA-2 Extracellular Domain Refine the Definition of "A+" Subtypes of Ketosis-Prone Diabetes.

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OBJECTIVE Autoantibodies directed against tyrosine phosphatase IA-2 antibody (IA-2 Ab) are diagnostic for autoimmune type 1 diabetes. Conventional assays target the intracellular domain of IA-2. Among patients with ketosis-prone diabetes (KPD), characterized by presentation with diabetic

Bone calcium changes during diabetic ketoacidosis: a comparison with lactic acidosis due to volume depletion.

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In this study, we aimed to compare bone calcium system changes from children with diabetic ketoacidosis or acute metabolic acidosis due to dehydration to find out the relative contribution of metabolic acidosis and diabetes-related factors on expected negative calcium balance. We studied a set of

[Changes in the serum enzymes and clinical and clinico-biochemical indices of cows with subclinical ketosis].

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Investigations were carried out with a total of 276 high-producing and clinically healthy cows that had freshly calved on 11 farms, being divided into groups according to the extent to which ketonuria was present if al all. Whole blood and blood serum were sampled to determine the ketone bodies,
OBJECTIVE To test the hypothesis that there is lower prevalence of islet antibodies in subjects with newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes mellitus in young adulthood than in children is associated with less severe diabetes at time of diagnosis. METHODS This investigation was based on a nationwide study

[PAX4 gene polymorphism and islet autoantibody-negative ketosis-prone diabetes].

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OBJECTIVE To investigate PAX4 gene polymorphism and its association with islet autoantibody-negative patients with ketosis-prone diabetes in Chinese Han population. METHODS We screened the variation of exon 3 and 9 within PAX4 gene by denaturing high performance liquid chromatography(DHPLC) in 112

Induction of ketosis in rats fed low-carbohydrate, high-fat diets depends on the relative abundance of dietary fat and protein.

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Low-carbohydrate/high-fat diets (LC-HFDs) in rodent models have been implicated with both weight loss and as a therapeutic approach to treat neurological diseases. LC-HFDs are known to induce ketosis; however, systematic studies analyzing the impact of the macronutrient composition on ketosis
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