Haitian Creole

rumex obtusifolius/antioksidants

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Antioxidant potential of Rumex vesicarius L.: in vitro approach.

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OBJECTIVE To assess in-vitro antioxidant activity of different fraction and perform high performance thin layer chromatography fingerprint analysis of most active fraction of Rumex vesicarius L. (R. vesicarius). METHODS In the present study, acetone, ethyl acetate, n-butanol, and methanol extracts

Resveratrol and two monomethylated stilbenes from Israeli Rumex bucephalophorus and their antioxidant potential.

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The roots of Rumex bucephalophorus were analyzed for resveratrol and analogues. Two stilbene-O-methyl derivatives were identified, in addition to resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene). The stilbene-O-methyl derivatives were shown to be 5,4'-dihydroxy-3-methoxystilbene and

Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of alcoholic extracts of Rumex dentatus L.

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In-vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of various concentrations ranging from 150 to 500 μg/ml of alcoholic (methanol and ethanol) extracts of Rumex dentatus were analyzed on different clinical bacterial strains (Shigella flexneri, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas
Herein, the methanolic extract of Rumex hastatus was prepared and subjected to silica gel column chromatographic separation for purification. The chromatographic analysis yielded four bioactive compounds namely, 1,8-dihydroxy-3-methyl-anthraquinone (C1, chrysophanol),

Anti-Candida and antioxidant activities of hydroalcohlic extract of Rumex obtusifolius leaves.

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Due to increasing the use of antifungal drugs, the development of resistance in some Candida species and the consumption of the side effects of chemical drugs, use of new resources, especially medicinal plants are very important. The aim of this study was to investigate of anti-Candida and

Comparison of the total antioxidant content of 30 widely used medicinal plants of New Mexico.

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Teas made from medicinal plants are commonly used by a majority of the inhabitants of New Mexico and Mexico to treat various ailments including infections, arthritis, heart disorders, headaches, fever, asthma and menstrual pain. However, little is known about the identity or chemical nature of the

Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of traditional medicinal plants from the Erzurum region of Turkey.

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In this study, 13 different extracts were investigated which are grown in the region of Erzurum.The aim of this study was to screen various plant extracts that are known and used for medicinal purposes such as Ferula communis L., Rumex patientia L.,

Targeted metabolite analysis and antioxidant potential of Rumex induratus.

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Targeted metabolite analysis of aqueous extract of Rumex induratus leaves, in terms of phenolic compounds and organic acids, and the study of its antioxidant activity against the DPPH(*) radical, a reactive oxygen species, hypochlorous acid, and a reactive nitrogen species, nitric oxide ((*)NO),
In the present study, four compounds, viz. chlorogenic acid, catechin, orientin, and apigenin-O-acetylglycoside among 18 polyphenol compounds (17 flavonoids and one hydroxycinnamic acid derivative) were characterized for the first time in Rumex nervosus leaves and stems by using liquid

Antioxidant evaluation for Urtica urens, Rumex cyprius and Borago officinalis edible wild plants in Palestine.

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Natural plants products are one of the famous and commonly utilized remedies used in fighting diseases. This study was conducted to evaluate antioxidant activity of plants commonly used in Palestine (Urtica urens, Rumex cyprius and Borago officinalis). Free radical scavenging activity method was

Antioxidant capacity of Macaronesian traditional medicinal plants.

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The use of many traditional medicinal plants is often hampered by the absence of a proper biochemical characterization, essential to identify the bioactive compounds present. The leaves from five species endemic to the Macaronesian islands with recognized ethnobotanical applications were analysed:

Anticholinesterase, Antioxidant, Antiaflatoxigenic Activities of Ten Edible Wild Plants from Ordu Area, Turkey.

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Turkey has highly rich floras of medicinal and aromatic plants because of having various climate conditions in different regions. One of these regions is Middle Black Sea Region, especially Ordu Province. Extracts of 10 edible plants (Arum maculatum L., Hypericum orientale L., Ornithogalum
The study investigated the accumulation of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity of extracts of various parts of R. crispus and R. obtusifolius, collected at the flowering stage and the fruiting stage. Half of the collected plants were divided into root, stem, leaves, and

Anti-Oxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of QGC in Cultured Feline Esophageal Epithelial Cells.

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Quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucuronopyranoside (QGC) is a flavonoid glucoside extracted from Rumex Aquaticus Herba. In the present study, anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of QGC were tested in vitro. Epithelial cells obtained from cat esophagus were cultured. When the cells were exposed to acid
A pot experiment was conducted to study the combined effects of Cu (0-1500 mg x kg(-1)) and simulated acid rain (pH 2.5-5.6) on the copper accumulation, growth, and antioxidant enzyme activities of Rumex acetosa. With the increasing concentration of soil Cu, the Cu accumulation in R. acetosa
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