Haitian Creole

thymus catharinae/pretvēža līdzeklis

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[Study on anti-tumor effect of medicinal fungi Phellinus igniarius extracts].

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OBJECTIVE To study the inhibiting effect of medicinal fungi Phellinus igniarius extracts on S180 tumor and the immunoregulation effect on the S180-induced tumor mice. METHODS S180 mice were orally given 100, 200, 400 mg x kg(-1) dosage of P. igniarius extracts, then the inhibition grow effect,
Thyme-like plants including Thymbra spicata L. are widely used as food and folk medicinal remedies in the Mediterranean area. This study aimed to explore the in vitro antitumor potential of polyphenol-enriched extracts from aerial parts of T. spicata. The ethanolic extract
Medicinal plants are the most potential resource of new therapeutic agents. They are diverse, largely productive, biologically active and chemically unique; among their constituents "polyphenol compounds group" one of the main determinant factors in evaluating the pharmacological potentials i.e.

[Original studies on anti-tumor and immunological effect of extracts from Thymus quinquecostatus Celak in mice].

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OBJECTIVE To study the anti-tumor and immunological effect of extracts from Thymus quinquecostatus Celak on mice transplanted S180 tumor cells. METHODS Different doses of volatile oil and alcohol extracted substances from Thymus quinquecostatus Celak were given to mice bearing S180 tumor for 9 days.

[Anti-tumor effect of ethanol extracts from Thymus quinquecostatus Celak on human leukemia cell line].

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OBJECTIVE To screen the anti-tumor fraction of ethanol extracts from Thymus quinquecostatus Celak and investigate its anti-tumor effect on human leukemia cell line. METHODS Ethyl acetate, n-butanol and acetone fractions were separated from the ethanol extracts of wild Thymus quinquecostatus Celak.
This study highlights the anti-oxidant and anti-cancer activities of bio-functionalized Thymus vulgaris silver nanoparticles (TVAgNPs) and bioactive compounds were compared using the human breast cancer T47D cell line. The aqueous ethanolic extract of T. vulgaris evaluated for chemical composition

Insights into novel anticancer applications for apigenin.

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Flavonoids, naturally occuring derivatives of 2-phenyl-benzo-γ-pyrone, are widespread in plants as coloring substances. Apigenin (4',5,7,-trihydroxyflavone (5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one), molecular formula C₁₅H₁₀O⁵, is a flavonoid present in many fruits and vegetables,

Anticancer Activities of Thymus vulgaris L. in Experimental Breast Carcinoma in Vivo and in Vitro.

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Naturally-occurring mixtures of phytochemicals present in plant foods are proposed to possess tumor-suppressive activities. In this work, we aimed to evaluate the antitumor effects of Thymus vulgaris L. in in vivo and in vitro mammary carcinoma models. Dried T. vulgaris (as haulm) was
Ovarian cancer is the seventh most common cancer worldwide in women. Many anticancer drugs are currently used clinically have been isolated from plant species or are based on such substances. Thymol (5-methyl-2-isopropylphenol) and carvacrol are oxygenated aromatic compounds from the monoterpene

Phenolic acid composition, antiatherogenic and anticancer potential of honeys derived from various regions in Greece.

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The phenolic acid profile of honey depends greatly on its botanical and geographical origin. In this study, we carried out a quantitative analysis of phenolic acids in the ethyl acetate extract of 12 honeys collected from various regions in Greece. Our findings indicate that protocatechuic acid,

Phenolic profiles and antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activities of Greek herbal infusions; balancing delight and chemoprevention?

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Total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and phenolic profiles of six herbal infusions - namely rosemary, Cretan dittany, St. John's Wort, sage, marjoram and thyme were assayed. Additionally, the infusion anticarcinogenic effect as to their ability to (a) scavenge free radicals, (b) inhibit cell

Thymus mastichina: chemical constituents and their anti-cancer activity.

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The cytotoxicity-guided study of the dichloromethane and ethanol extracts of Thymus mastichina L. using the HCT colon cancer cell line allowed the identification of nine compounds, sakuranetin (1), sterubin (2), oleanolic acid (3), ursolic acid (4), lutein (5), beta-sitosterol (6), rosmarinic acid

Anticancer, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Potential of Thymol in vitro Brain Tumor Cell Model.

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BACKGROUND Thymol (THY), which is a monocyclic monoterpene, found in oil of thyme various other kinds of plants. Until today, although different biological properties of THY have been indicated, its neurological toxicity has never been investigated. METHODS In this study, in vitro antiproliferative

Anticancer Activity of Certain Herbs and Spices on the Cervical Epithelial Carcinoma (HeLa) Cell Line.

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Acetone extracts of selected plant species were evaluated for their in vitro cytotoxicity against a noncancerous African green monkey kidney (Vero) cell line and an adenocarcinoma cervical cancer (HeLa) cell line. The plants studied were Origanum vulgare L. (Oregano), Rosmarinus officinalis L.

Evaluation of Anti-Nociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Luteolin in Mice.

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Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds that not only impart coloration to plants and fruits, but also protect plants from pathogens, radiation, etc. They serve as a nutrient to plants and possess immense anti-oxidant properties. Research has shown that they exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and
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