Haitian Creole

thymus quinquecostatus/albumin

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Thymol (Thy) is a hydrophobic active ingredient present in thyme essential oils. It is marginally soluble in water which is one of the challenging limitations for its application in foods or as drugs. An important aspect of our understanding from this system is to quantitatively comprehend how

Therapeutic Effect of Carvacrol-loaded Albumin Nanoparticles on Arthritic Rats

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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the most common autoimmune diseases. Carvacrol, an important natural terpenoid product in aromatic plants such as thyme, has shown anti-inflammatory effects in animal models of arthritis. However, its poor water solubility and high volatility have limited

Polysaccharides from Thymus vulgaris leaf: Structural features, antioxidant activity and interaction with bovine serum albumin.

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Thymus vulgaris is used for various health benefits and culinary, nevertheless, report on its macromolecules is absent. Here, we report chemical compositions of the polysaccharides isolated from its leaf by sequential extraction with inorganic solvents. In particular, chemical profile of a unique
The present study was to evaluate thyme and ajwain as antibiotic growth promoter substitutions on growth performance, carcass characteristics and serum biochemistry in Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica). A feeding trial was conducted over 28 d with 4 groups of Japanese quails fed experimental diets
Carvacrol is a major component of thyme and oregano essential oils and has potential uses as a food preservative. The effect of carvacrol on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes was investigated in vitro and in steak tartare. Carvacrol had strong antilisterial activity in growth medium (MIC = 1.6

Effect of feeding Cuminum cyminum fruits, Thymus vulgaris leaves or their mixture to rats.

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Cuminum cyminum fruits and T. vulgaris leaves were fed to male Wistar rats at 2% or 10% of standard diet for 6 w. A mixture (5% +5%) of the 2 plants was also fed to rats for a similar period. Diets containing 2% C. cyminum fruits, 2% or 10% T. vulgaris leaves were not toxic to rats. Impairment of
Protein glycation in the body is one of the main reasons of diabetes complications. The electrochemical studies on the inhibitory mechanism of glycation are rather scarce. Thus, it is important to investigate the role of electrochemistry in the glycation process with basic chemometric frameworks.
There is a growing concern over the use of antibiotics due to the increased resistance of pathogens in broiler. The present study was designed to find the comparative effect of an antibiotic, and some phytogenic on performance traits, blood biochemical parameters, and antioxidant status during

Relationship between total phenolic content, antioxidant potential, and antiglycation abilities of common culinary herbs and spices.

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Advanced glycation endproducts and oxidative stress contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. The total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant, and antiglycation properties of crude ethanolic extracts of 10 common culinary herbs and spices from Mauritius were investigated in vitro.
In a study on villagers settled on the outskirts of the Taurus Mountains and whose source of living is thyme, it was revealed that the villagers excessively consumed thyme by adding it to their tea and many of their foods; high incidences of anemia was found among these villagers. In this study, 42

Factors that interact with the antibacterial action of thyme essential oil and its active constituents.

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The viable counts of Salmonella typhimurium on nutrient agar (NA) decreased upon the addition of either the essential oil of thyme or its constituent thymol, especially under anaerobic conditions. Antagonistic effects of thymol against Staphylococcus aureus were also greater under anaerobic

Protein glycation inhibitors from thyme (Thymus vulgaris).

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Nonenzymatic glycation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) was inhibited in vitro by some extracts of 34 kinds of spices. The methanol extract of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) had the most potent inhibitory activity among them. Chromatographic purification yielded four flavonoids, quercetin (1), eriodictyol
OBJECTIVE An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of a specific mixture of essential oils (MEO), containing thyme, clove and cinnamon EO, on rumen microbial fermentation, nutrient apparent digestibility and blood metabolites in fistulated sheep. METHODS Six sheep fitted with ruminal

Antioxidant and anti-glycation activities correlates with phenolic composition of tropical medicinal herbs.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the contribution of total phenolic content (TPC) in glycation inhibitory activity of common tropical medicinal food and spices with potential antioxidative properties. METHODS In vitro glucose-bovine serum albumin (BSA) assay was used. Ethanolic extracts of ten common

The protection of Thymus vulgaris leaves alcoholic extract against hepatotoxicity of alcohol in rats.

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the protective effect of Thymus vulgaris (T. vulgaris) leaves 70% alcoholic extract against alcohol-mediate hepatotoxicity rats. METHODS The protective effect of T. vulgaris extract was investigated at dose of 500 mg/kg/day (as 0.1 of LD50) orally against alcohol-mediate
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