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brefeldin a/arabidopsis

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Use of Brefeldin A and Wortmannin to Dissect Post-Golgi Organelles Related to Vacuolar Transport in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Eukaryotic cells comprise various organelles surrounded by the membrane. Each organelle is characterized by unique proteins and lipids and has its own specific functions. Single membrane-bounded organelles, including the Golgi apparatus, endosomes, and vacuoles are connected by membrane trafficking.

BEN3/BIG2 ARF GEF is Involved in Brefeldin A-Sensitive Trafficking at the trans-Golgi Network/Early Endosome in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Membrane traffic at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) is crucial for correctly distributing various membrane proteins to their destination. Polarly localized auxin efflux proteins, including PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1), are dynamically transported between the endosomes and the plasma membrane (PM) in the plant

Dynamic response of prevacuolar compartments to brefeldin a in plant cells.

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Little is known about the dynamics and molecular components of plant prevacuolar compartments (PVCs) in the secretory pathway. Using transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright-Yellow-2 (BY-2) cells expressing membrane-anchored yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) reporters marking Golgi or PVCs, we

Differential effects of the brefeldin A analogue (6R)-hydroxy-BFA in tobacco and Arabidopsis.

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The effects of two brefeldin A (BFA) analogues (BFA lactam; 6(R)-hydroxy-BFA) on plant cells were tested. Although these two compounds elicited BFA-like effects in mammalian cells, the lactam analogue failed to elicit a response in plant cells. By contrast, while the 6(R)-hydroxy-BFA analogue gave

Proteomics on brefeldin A-treated Arabidopsis roots reveals profilin 2 as a new protein involved in the cross-talk between vesicular trafficking and the actin cytoskeleton.

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The growing importance of vesicular trafficking and cytoskeleton dynamic reorganization during plant development requires the exploitation of novel experimental approaches. Several genetic and cell biological studies have used diverse pharmaceutical drugs that inhibit vesicular trafficking and

Immunogold-EM analysis reveal brefeldin a-sensitive clusters of auxin in Arabidopsis root apex cells.

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Immunogold electron microscopy (EM) study of Arabidopsis root apices analyzed using specific IAA antibody and high-pressure freeze fixation technique allowed, for the first time, vizualization of subcellular localization of IAA in cells assembled intactly within plant tissues. Our quantitative

Internalized and newly synthesized Arabidopsis PIN-FORMED2 pass through brefeldin A compartments: a new insight into intracellular dynamics of the protein by using the photoconvertible fluorescence protein Dendra2 as a tag.

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TNO1 is involved in salt tolerance and vacuolar trafficking in Arabidopsis.

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The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor SYP41 is involved in vesicle fusion at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and interacts with AtVPS45, SYP61, and VTI12. These proteins are involved in diverse cellular processes, including vacuole

Routes to the tonoplast: the sorting of tonoplast transporters in Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts.

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Vacuoles perform a multitude of functions in plant cells, including the storage of amino acids and sugars. Tonoplast-localized transporters catalyze the import and release of these molecules. The mechanisms determining the targeting of these transporters to the tonoplast are largely unknown. Using

Stimulation of radial expansion in arabidopsis roots by inhibitors of actomyosin and vesicle secretion but not by various inhibitors of metabolism.

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Plant morphogenesis depends on accurate control over growth anisotropy. To learn to what extent the control of growth anisotropy depends on cellular metabolism, we surveyed the response of growing roots to a range of inhibitors. Seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana L. (Heynh), 7-8 d old, were

The GRV2/RME-8 protein of Arabidopsis functions in the late endocytic pathway and is required for vacuolar membrane flow.

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The gravitropism defective 2 (grv2) mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana were previously characterized as exhibiting shoot agravitropism resulting from mutations in a homolog of the Caenorhabditis elegans RECEPTOR-MEDIATED ENDOCYTOSIS-8 (RME-8) gene, which is required in C. elegans for endocytosis. A

Mapping of Membrane Lipid Order in Root Apex Zones of Arabidopsis thaliana.

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In this study, we used the fluorescence probe, Di-4-ANEPPDHQ, to map the distribution of membrane lipid order in the apical region of Arabidopsis roots. The generalized polarization (GP) value of Di-4-ANEPPDHQ-stained roots indicated the highest lipid order in the root transition zone (RTZ). The

Arabidopsis Synaptotagmin 2 Participates in Pollen Germination and Tube Growth and Is Delivered to Plasma Membrane via Conventional Secretion.

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Arabidopsis synaptotagmin 2 (SYT2) has been reported to participate in an unconventional secretory pathway in somatic cells. Our results showed that SYT2 was expressed mainly in the pollen of Arabidopsis thaliana. The pollen of syt2 T-DNA and RNA interference mutant lines exhibited reduced total

Danger-associated peptide signaling in Arabidopsis requires clathrin.

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The Arabidopsis thaliana endogenous elicitor peptides (AtPeps) are released into the apoplast after cellular damage caused by pathogens or wounding to induce innate immunity by direct binding to the membrane-localized leucine-rich repeat receptor kinases, PEP RECEPTOR1 (PEPR1) and PEPR2. Although

Expression of rat beta(1,4)-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III in Nicotiana tabacum remodels the plant-specific N-glycosylation.

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Plant N-linked glycans differ substantially from their mammalian counterparts, mainly with respect to modifications of the core glycan, which typically contains a beta(1,2)-xylose and an alpha(1,3)-fucose. The addition of a bisecting N-acetylglucosamine residue by
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