Haitian Creole

citrus leiocarpa/пролин

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14 резултати

Evaluation of Polyamine and Proline Levels during Low Temperature Acclimation of Citrus.

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The polyamines (PA) putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd), and spermine (Spm) were measured during 3 weeks exposure to cold hardening (15.6 degrees C day and 4.4 degrees C night) and nonhardening (32.2 degrees C day and 21.1 degrees C night) temperature regimes in three citrus cultivars: sour orange

Accumulation of Free Proline in Citrus Leaves during Cold Hardening of Young Trees in Controlled Temperature Regimes.

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Free proline increased in leaves of orange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osb. cv. Valencia) and grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macfad. cv. Star Ruby) trees on a wide range of citrus rootstocks during cold hardening. Increases in sugars accompanied proline accumulation. During cold hardening, the rate of

Translocation of carbohydrates and proline in young grapefruit trees at low temperatures.

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Girdling and defoliation of fruit-bearing grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) branches inhibited the accumulation of soluble carbohydrates and proline in fruit tissues during low temperature treatment of trees. These treatments did not inhibit hydrolysis of sucrose to reducing sugars. Flavedo and

Metabolomic Response to Huanglongbing: Role of Carboxylic Compounds in Citrus sinensis Response to 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' and Its Vector, Diaphorina citri.

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Huanglongbing, a destructive disease of citrus, is caused by the fastidious bacterium 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' and transmitted by Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri. The impact of 'Ca. L. asiaticus' infection or D. citri infestation on Valencia sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) leaf

Tetraploid Carrizo citrange rootstock (Citrus sinensis Osb.×Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf.) enhances natural chilling stress tolerance of common clementine (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan).

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Low temperatures can disturb the development, growth and geographic distribution of plants, particularly cold-sensitive plants in the Mediterranean area, where temperatures can reach seasonally low levels. In citrus crops, scion/rootstock combinations are used to improve fruit production and

Application of gamma-aminobutyric acid increased the level of phytohormones in Citrus sinensis.

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UNASSIGNED In the current study, we showed that exogenous GABA supplementation increases the endogenous GABA level, several amino acids, and phytohormones in citrus plants, suggesting that GABA works in harmony with phytohormones. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) plays a key role in cytosolic

Collection and chemical composition of phloem sap from Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck (sweet orange).

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Through utilizing the nutrient-rich phloem sap, sap feeding insects such as psyllids, leafhoppers, and aphids can transmit many phloem-restricted pathogens. On the other hand, multiplication of phloem-limited, uncultivated bacteria such as Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) inside the phloem

Fatty acid metabolic flux and lipid peroxidation homeostasis maintain the biomembrane stability to improve citrus fruit storage performance.

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Little is known about the variations of fresh fruit biomembrane and its physiological and biochemical characteristics during storage. A navel orange mutant 'Gannan No.1' (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) showed higher membrane stability and titratable acid while lower calyx senescence compared with wild-type

Oral dose of citrus peel extracts promotes wound repair in diabetic rats.

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Diabetic patients wound healing is slower than the healthy individuals. Three citrus peel extracts; Lemon (Citrus limon), Grapes fruits (Citrus paradise) and Orange (Citrus sinensis) promote wound healing in experimental animals. This study investigated the effect of oral treatment with citrus peel

Phosphoproteomic analysis of chromoplasts from sweet orange during fruit ripening.

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Like other types of plastids, chromoplasts have essential biosynthetic and metabolic activities which may be regulated via post-translational modifications, such as phosphorylation, of their resident proteins. We here report a proteome-wide mapping of in vivo phosphorylation sites in

Antioxidant enzymatic activity is linked to waterlogging stress tolerance in citrus.

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Soil flooding constitutes a seasonal factor that negatively affects plant performance and crop yields. In this work, the relationship between oxidative damage and flooding sensitivity was addressed in three citrus genotypes with different abilities to tolerate waterlogging. We examined leaf visible

Betaines in fruits of Citrus genus plants.

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Numerous compounds, many of them osmolytes, were quantified in natural juices and in frozen concentrate juices from fruits of plants of the Citrus genus. L-proline, N-methyl-L-proline (hygric acid), N,N-dimethyl-L-proline (stachydrine), 4-hydroxy-L-prolinebetaine (betonicine), 4-hydroxy-L-proline,

Potential modes of action of Pseudomonas fluorescens ZX during biocontrol of blue mold decay on postharvest citrus.

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The application of chemical fungicides is currently the main method to control postharvest decay of fruits and vegetables. However, public concern has been growing towards the effect of fungicides on food safety, human health, and environmental pollution. Thus, interest in microbial

Leaf water relations and net gas exchange responses of salinized Carrizo citrange seedlings during drought stress and recovery.

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OBJECTIVE Since salinity and drought stress can occur together, an assessment was made of their interacting effects on leaf water relations, osmotic adjustment and net gas exchange in seedlings of the relatively chloride-sensitive Carrizo citrange, Citrus sinensis x Poncirus
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