Haitian Creole

datura quercifolia/carbohydrate

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13 резултати

Screening for carbohydrate-binding proteins in extracts of Uruguayan plants.

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The presence of carbohydrate-binding proteins, namely lectins, -galactosidases and amylases, was determined in aqueous extracts of plants collected in Uruguay. Twenty-six extracts were prepared from 15 Uruguayan plants belonging to 12 Phanerogam families. Among them, 18 extracts caused

Carbohydrate binding properties of complex-type oligosaccharides on immobilized Datura stramonium lectin.

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The carbohydrate binding specificity of Datura stramonium agglutinin was studied by analyzing the behavior of a variety of complex-type oligosaccharides on a D. Stramonium agglutinin-Sepharose column. Oligosaccharides which contain Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc-beta 1----4(Gal beta 1----GlcNAc beta

Carbohydrate binding studies on the lectin from Datura stramonium seeds.

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The carbohydrate-binding properties of the Datura stramonium seed lectin were studied by equilibrium dialysis, quantitative precipitation of natural and synthetic glycoproteins, and hapten inhibition of precipitation. The dimeric lectin (Mr = 86,000) possesses two carbohydrate-binding sites for

Structural studies of the carbohydrate moieties of lectins from potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers and thorn-apple (Datura stramonium) seeds.

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1. Methylation analysis of potato (Solanum tuberosum) lectin and thorn-apple (Datura stramonium) lectin confirmed previous conclusions that both glycoproteins contained high proportions of l-arabinofuranosides and lesser amounts of d-galactopyranosides. The arabinofuranosides are present in both

Datura lectin is both an anti-mitogen and a co-mitogen acting synergistically with phorbol ester.

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The lectins from Datura stramonium, Lycopersicon esculentum, and Solanum tuberosum are structurally related and possess a similar carbohydrate specificity, yet the Datura lectin is mitogenic for human lymphocytes while the other two are not. However, the Datura lectin was found to antagonize blast

Some properties of the lectin from Datura stramonium (thorn-apple) and the nature of its glycoprotein linkages.

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The lectin from Datura stramonium (thorn-apple; Solanaceae) has been purified by affinity chromatography and shown to be a glycoprotein containing about 40% (w/w) of carbohydrate. The most abundant amino acids are hydroxyproline, cystine, glycine and serine. Results obtained by gel filtration in

Datura stramonium agglutinin: cloning, molecular characterization and recombinant production in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Datura stramonium seeds contain at least three chitin-binding isolectins [termed Datura stramonium agglutinin (DSA)] as homo- or heterodimers of A and B subunits. We isolated a cDNA encoding isolectin B (DSA-B) from an immature fruit cDNA library; this contained an open reading frame encoding 279

Datura stramonium lectin staining of glial associated extracellular material in insect brains.

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To investigate how glial cells structure the neuropile of olfactory pathways in the brains of honeybees and locusts, we used a lectin as a carbohydrate specific molecular label. On frozen sections, Datura stramonium lectin (DSL) stained extracellular material which is mainly associated with glial

Pathological alterations in the ovaries of Culex pipiens induced by fixed oil extracts from Thevetia peruvine, Datura stramonium and Acacia sp.

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The fixed oil extracts from Thevetia peruvine, Datura stramonium and Acacia sp. were tested on Culex pipiens larvae. The estimated sublethal concentrations (LC50) were used in the present studies. The reproductive potential of females and the histochemistry of their ovaries were determined. The

Datura stramonium Agglutinin : Location in the Seed and Release upon Imbibition.

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The distribution of Datura stramonium agglutinin over different tissues of D. stramonium L. seeds was visualized by immunocytochemical techniques and quantified by agglutination assays. The lectin occurs predominantly in the outer seed tissues (seed coat and seed epidermis), where it is associated,

Lectin binding studies on murine peritoneal cells: physicochemical characterization of the binding of lectins from Datura stramonium, Evonymus europaea, and Griffonia simplicifolia to murine peritoneal cells.

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Purified 125I-labeled lectins from Datura stramonium, Evonymus europaea, and Griffonia simplicifolia (I-B4 isolectin) were used to analyze changes in the expression of carbohydrates on the surface of resident (PC) and thioglycollate-stimulated murine (C57B/6J) peritoneal exudate cells (PEC). The

Pharmacological properties of Datura stramonium L. as a potential medicinal tree: an overview.

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India has a great wealth of various naturally occurring plant drugs which have great potential pharmacological activities. Datura stramonium (D. stramonium) is one of the widely well known folklore medicinal herbs. The troublesome weed, D. stramonium is a plant with both poisonous and medicinal

Analysis of biologically active compounds in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum), tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum), and jimson weed (Datura stramonium) seeds.

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Potatoes and tomatoes, members of the Solanaceae plant family, serve as major, inexpensive low-fat food sources providing for energy, high-quality protein, fiber, vitamins, pigments, as well as other nutrients. These crops also produce biologically active secondary metabolites, which may have both
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