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13 резултати

Rhizospheric mobilization and plant uptake of radiocesium from weathered micas: I. Influence of potassium depletion.

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Potassium depletion in the soil solution around plant roots promotes the root uptake of radiocesium. However, it can also induce the transformation of mica through the release of interlayer K. In bulk soil, the formation of frayed edge sites (FES) with a high selectivity for Cs adsorption is usually

Characterization and Expression of KT/HAK/KUP Transporter Family Genes in Willow under Potassium Deficiency, Drought, and Salt Stresses

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The K+ transporter/high-affinity K+/K+ uptake (KT/HAK/KUP) transporters dominate K+ uptake, transport, and allocation that play a pivotal role in mineral homeostasis and plant adaptation to adverse abiotic stresses. However, molecular mechanisms towards

Effects of consolidated tailings water on red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx) seedlings.

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As part of their tailings management, the oil sand industries plan on producing consolidated (composite) tailings (CT), in which an inorganic coagulant aid (gypsum) is added to create a non-segregating deposit. The water associated with this treatment contains potentially phytotoxic levels of

Detoxification of ferrocyanide in asoil-plant system.

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The detoxification of iron cyanide in a soil-plant system was investigated to assess the total cyanide extracted from contaminated soil and allocated in the leaf tissue of willow trees (Salix caprea). They were grown in soil containing up to 1000 mg/kg dry weight (dw) of cyanide (CN), added as

Effect of temperature on phytoextraction of hexavalent and trivalent chromium by hybrid willows.

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The removal of hexavalent and trivalent chromium from hydroponic solution by plants to changes in temperature was investigated. Pre-rooted hybrid willows (Salix matsudana Koidz x alba L.) were exposed to a nutrient solution spiked with potassium chromate (K(2)CrO(4)) or chromium chloride (CrCl(3))

A feasibility study of a Salix viminalis gravel hydroponic system to renovate primary settled wastewater.

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A Salix viminalis/gravel system based on hydroponics was developed for wastewater renovation in order to avoid the problems of soil damage and pollution associated with long-term application of wastewater to soil. For such a system to work the mineral elements applied must match closely the

Removal of cyanide by woody plants.

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Hydrogen cyanide is a high volume production chemical that causes severe environmental problems. The toxicity of potassium cyanide (KCN) to basket willow trees (Salix viminalis) was tested. In aqueous solution, 2 mg CN l(-1) as KCN depressed the transpiration after 72 h about 50%. Trees exposed to

The potential for phytoremediation of iron cyanide complex by willows.

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Hybrid willows (Salix matsudana Koidz x Salix alba L.), weeping willows (Salix babylonica L.) and hankow willows (Salix matsudana Koidz) were exposed to potassium ferrocyanide to determine the potential of these plants to extract, transport and metabolize this iron cyanide complex. Young rooted

Rhizospheric mobilization and plant uptake of radiocesium from weathered micas: II. Influence of mineral alterability.

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Acute K depletion in the rhizosphere can lead to increased root uptake of radiocesium. Two processes can govern this increase: the very low uptake of potassium and the weathering of Cs-fixing clay minerals. Their respective importance is, however, unknown. We investigated the effects of these

Evidence for solution flow in the phloem of willow.

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Sucrose specific mass transfer measurements were made in a translocating willow shoot (Salix viminalis L.) by a steady state labelling technique and the translocate sucrose specific activity, concentration and velocity monitored by analysis of the honeydew from two colonies of the willow aphid

[Root Activities of Re-Vegetated Plant Species Regulate Soil Nutrients and Bacterial Diversity in the Riparian Zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir]

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Plants modify the soil microenvironment through root exudation. It is important to study the dynamic changes of soil ecosystem from the perspective of root-soil-microbe interactions after vegetation restoration in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR). The rhizosphere and bulk soils

Water Renew systems: wastewater polishing using renewable energy crops.

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Macronutrients concentrations were measured during the establishment year of short rotation coppice of Salix viminalis, Populus trichocarpa, Eucalyptus gunnii irrigated with secondary treated effluent. Twenty four plots of 12.25 m2 located in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK on heavy fine clay were

Smouldering fire in a nutrient-limited wetland ecosystem: Long-lasting changes in water and soil chemistry facilitate shrub expansion into a drained burned fen

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Wildfires are natural phenomena which regulate functioning and stability of fire-adapted ecosystems. However, their occurrence may impair the functioning of fire-susceptible ecosystems by disturbing nutrient cycling and biodiversity. This work aimed to identify environmental factors shaping
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