Haitian Creole

succinic dehydrogenase/hypoxia

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Acute and chronic hypoxia in rats. I. Effect on organismic respiration, mitochondrial protein mass in liver and succinic dehydrogenase activity in liver, kidney and heart.

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The objective of this investigation was to characterize organismic, organ and mitochondrial alterations in rats over the course of 27 days at 0.4 atm. In the adjustment phase (day 1 through 5) a significant decrease in systemic oxygen uptake and body weight (23% of pre-altitude values) occurred. In

[Histochemical picture of lactate dehydrogenase, succinic dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase in the central nervous system of rats exposed repeatedly for a prolonge period to aerogenic hypoxia during early ontogenesis (author's transl)].

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Tolerance to anoxia and the development of cerebral succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase activities in the rabbit.

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Local specificity in responses of canine coronary vessels to oxygen deficiency and antianginal drugs.

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Influence of oxygen deficiency and vasodilating drugs on coronary arterial tonus was investigated. In the fibrillating heart, hypoxia initially decreased total coronary resistance, later increased it, and exerted little effect on large coronary arteries. Dilation of helically cut specimens of the

[Myocardial resistance to adrenaline in rats adapted to hypoxia].

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Expression of the damaging effect of adrenalin on the myocardium of rats adapted to hypoxia was studied under condition of adrenalin being injected into the integral body or in perfusion of an isolated heart. The damage was tested by the histoenzymatic reaction for the succinic dehydrogenase

[Iron, copper, zinc and cobalt content and activity of respiratory metalloenzymes in animal tissues under toxic hypoxia].

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The rabbits being repeatedly poisoned with small doses of sodium cyanide, the activity of succinic dehydrogenase in the tissues does not essentially change. The activity of NAD.H2-cytochrome-c-reductase and NAD.H2-diaphorase in the brain, myocardium and kidneys increases. Under histotoxic hypoxia

Acetylsalicylic acid increases tolerance against hypoxic and chemical hypoxia.

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OBJECTIVE Treatment with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is established for secondary stroke prevention. Recent studies showed neuroprotection of ASA against glutamatergic excitants. The goal of this study was to investigate the time course of neuroprotection of ASA against indirect excitotoxicity by

Cochlear microphonics and SDH activity in the hair cells under anoxia.

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Cochlear microphonics and succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) activity of the hair cells during anoxia were studied in guinea pigs. After injection of the glucose-glucose oxidase mixture into the cerebellomedullary cistern, the deprivation of the oxygen tension in CSF and perilymph was measured in

Routine oxygen consumption and characteristics of the myotomal muscle in tench: effects of long-term acclimation to hypoxia.

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Tench (Tinca tinca) were acclimated to either aerated (P02 17.6 KPa) or hypoxic water (P02 1.5 KPa) at 15 degrees C. Fish acclimated to P02 17.6 KPa had a routine oxygen consumption (mls O2/Kg bodyweight/h) of 32.7 in aerated water. Upon acute exposure to Po2 1.5 KPa oxygen consumption decreased to

[The effect of sodium alpha-ketoglutarate on the physical load endurance of rats with different resistances to hypoxia].

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The studies have been performed in high- (HR) and low-resistant (LR) to hypoxia animals swimming to the point of exhaustion. It has been established that HR rats are capable to endure the dynamic load twice longer. The introduction of sodium alpha-ketoglutarate (SKG) increases the endurance of LR

[The changes in the summating potential and morphology in the cochlea of guinea pigs with anoxia].

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The dynamic changes in the CAP, SP and EP in the scale media were examined with single micropipet during anoxia and reventilation with oxygen. Also, the morphologic changes in the IHC, OHC and synapse were observed in this experiment. It was found that the amplitude of the SP and EP values declined

[Effect of piracetam on the resistance of mice to hypoxic hypoxia 2 to 3 months following x-ray irradiation].

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The resistance of mice to hypoxic hypoxia 3 months after their X-irradiation was evaluated with respect to such parameters as survival rate during the "ascent" to 11,000 m, life time at that altitude and brain succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities at an altitude of

[Various indicators of brain metabolism during hypoxia and hyperthermia].

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Hypoxic, thermal and radiation tolerance of rats exposed to hypoxia and overheating for 4 to 22 days was measured. Activities of succinic dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphomonoesterase as well as water content in the brain were examined biochemically and histochemically. Brain

Histochemical and ultrastructural alterations of the duodenum in acute hypoxia.

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Laboratory animals were kept for 2, 8 and 16 hours in a pressure chamber, the air of which contained 8% O2 and 92% N2. Histochemical and ultrastructural examinations revealed the following duodenal alterations: 1. The alkaline phosphatase activity of the epithelium and glandular epithelium showed no

[Effects of root zone hypoxia on respiratory metabolism of cucumber seedlings roots].

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With the seedlings of Lübachun No. 4, a hypoxia-resistant cultivar, and Zhongnong No. 8, a hypoxia-sensitive cultivar, as test materials, and by the method of solution culture, this paper studied the effects of root zone hypoxia on their roots' respiratory metabolism. The results showed that root
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