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succinic dehydrogenase/infarction

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Succinic dehydrogenase activity in myocardial infarction and in induced myocardial necrosis.

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Experimental renal infarction. I. Changes in succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidases activity.

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Comparison between myocardial infarction and diabetes mellitus damage caused angiogenesis or energy metabolism.

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This study aims to compare and analyze lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) and differences in capillary density level in the model of myocardial damage which caused by rats diabetes. The Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups, including control, diabetic, myocardial infarction

3-Nitropropionic acid preconditioning ameliorates delayed neurological deterioration and infarction after transient focal cerebral ischemia in gerbils.

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The effect of 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP), a selective inhibitor of succinic dehydrogenase, preconditioning on postischemic neurological deterioration and infarction was examined in gerbils after transient ischemia. The animals were pretreated with 1-80mg/kg of 3-NP 1 day before ischemia induced by

[Cardiomyocytes of the left ventricle of the heart in experimental infarct and pharmacostimulation (histochemical study)].

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Contents and activity of lactate dehydrogenase and succinic dehydrogenase of cardiomyocytes have been studied histochemically and cytophotometrically in the left ventricle of the rabbit heart under conditions of myocardial infarction experimentally induced by alpha-tocoferol and sodium nucleinate.

[The effect of transcardiac galvanization on energy metabolism and the size of the area of the heart muscle lesion in experimental myocardial infarct].

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A study was made of effects of transcardiac galvanization (TCG) on activities of a panel of oxidation-reduction enzymes as well as on the cardiac muscle content of high energy substrates, and size of the lesion area, in experimental myocardial infarction (EMI) in 50 albino male rats. After two TCG

Regional differences in the rate of energy impairment after threshold level ischemia for induction of cerebral infarction in gerbils.

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The development of infarction and/or selective neuronal death in the brain after transient cerebral ischemia depends on the severity of the ischemic episode. After transient cerebral ischemia of the threshold level for the induction of infarction, both changes evolve slowly in various postischemic

Evidence for the detrimental effect of adrenaline infused to healthy dogs in doses imitating spontaneous secretion after coronary occlusion.

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We have previously shown that acute coronary occlusion in the dog is often accompanied by increased adrenaline release into the blood. In the present study the consequences of this humoral reaction were studied in anaesthetised healthy mongrel dogs subjected to adrenaline infusion administered at a

Morphological changes in a hyperfunctioning thyroid adenoma after percutaneous ethanol injection: histological, enzymatic and sub-microscopical alterations.

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Ultrasound-guided ethanol injection (PEI) is an effective treatment of autonomously functioning thyroid nodules (AFTN) but little is known about the tissue lesions induced by alcohol. We report morphological changes of an AFTN which was removed after successful PEI treatment. At histological

Reversible myocardial damage in gerbil brain ischaemia and its prevention by beta-adrenergic blockade.

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Acute cerebral infarction in gerbils, produced by unilateral carotid ligation, was used as a model to investigate secondary myocardial changes. The extent of the myocardial damage revealed by succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) histochemistry and by release of myocardial creatine phosphokinase (MB-CK) was

Evolution of energy failure after repeated cerebral ischemia in gerbils.

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We have examined the regional differences in the evolution of energy failure in experimental focal cerebral ischemia. In gerbil brain subjected to repeated unilateral common carotid artery occlusion, the tissue ATP content, pH and succinic dehydrogenase activity decreased at different rates after

Chemical preconditioning effect of 3-nitropropionic acid in anesthetized rat heart.

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Short ischemic episodes increase tolerance against subsequent severe ischemia in the heart. Nitropropionate (3-NP), an irreversible inhibitor of succinic dehydrogenase of the mitochondrial complex II, was shown to induce protective effect against ischemic brain injury. The aim of this study was to

Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy showing prominent microvacuolation and necrosis of intestinal smooth muscle cells: a case diagnosed by rectal biopsy.

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A 40-year-old woman who developed intestinal dysmobility was found, at rectal biopsy, to have marked microvacuolation of mucosal muscle layer cells, which corresponded to increased accumulation of abnormal mitochondria. Skeletal muscle biopsy specimens showed ragged-red fibers, vessels strongly

Prevention of adrenaline-induced metabolic systemic and myocardial alterations by the beta-blocking agent metipranolol in the dog.

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We investigated the effectiveness of the beta-blocking agent metipranolol in preventing detrimental systemic and myocardial alterations induced in healthy dogs by adrenaline (AD) infused at a rate which mimics spontaneous secretion after coronary occlusion. Metipranolol (0.3 mg/kg) was infused

High-potassium preconditioning enhances tolerance to focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury through anti-apoptotic effects in male rats.

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Imbalances between cellular K+ efflux and influx are considered to be involved in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. High-potassium pretreatment alleviates this injury, but the underlying molecular mechanism is unclear. In this study, we sought to investigate whether
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