Haitian Creole

zika virus infection/треска

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DNA-immunisation with dengue virus E protein domains I/II, but not domain III, enhances Zika, West Nile and Yellow Fever virus infection.

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Dengue virus (DENV), the causative agent of dengue disease, is among the most important mosquito-borne pathogens worldwide. DENV is composed of four closely related serotypes and belongs to the Flaviviridae family alongside other important arthropod-borne viral pathogens such as Zika virus (ZIKV),

Viral and Antibody Kinetics, and Mosquito Infectivity of an Imported Case of Zika Fever Due to Asian Genotype (American Strain) in Singapore.

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We report a case of a Singaporean who acquired Zika virus (ZIKV) during a visit to Cuba. The infection was confirmed using molecular and serological methods. This report highlights potential drawbacks of using IgG serology for diagnosis of flavivirus infections in endemic regions. The low viremia

Potential Risk Areas of Aedes albopictus in South-Eastern Iran: A Vector of Dengue Fever, Zika, and Chikungunya.

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The possibility of the rapid and global spread of Zika, chikungunya, yellow fever, and dengue fever by Aedes albopictus is well documented and may be facilitated by changes in climate. To avert and manage health risks, climatic and topographic information can be used to model and forecast which

Differences in Perceived Severity of Zika Virus Infection and Dengue Fever and its Influence on Mosquito Control Practices in Malaysia.

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The aims of this study were to explore the differences in (1) the perception of severity towards ZIKV infection and dengue fever, and (2) mosquito control practices before and after the ZIKV outbreak were declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Data were collected

A yellow fever epizootic in Zika Forest, Uganda, during 1972: Part 2: Monkey serology.

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During the 1972 yellow fever epizootic in Zika Forest, Uganda, sera from 21 monkeys shot in a number of forests around the Entebbe area were tested for the presence of a number of arbovirus antibodies. All sera were tested for antibodies against Chikungunya (CHIK), O'nyong-nyong (ONN), Zika, yellow

[Zika fever immunodiagnostics: overview of test systems.]

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The threat of rapid spread of Zika virus beyond endemic regions has given rise to more research in field of epidemiology and clinic, as well as to the search for Zika fiver new diagnostic and preventive tools. Between 2013 and 2017 in Russia 18 cases of infection transmission by travellers were

Zika fever.

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Zika fever is an arboviral systemic disease that has recently become a public health challenge of global concern after its spread through the Americas. This review highlights the current understanding on Zika virus epidemiology, its routes of transmission, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests,

Comparing the effectiveness of different strains of Wolbachia for controlling chikungunya, dengue fever, and zika.

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Once Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes that spread Chikungunya virus, dengue virus, and Zika virus are infected with Wolbachia, they have reduced egg laying rates, reduced transmission abilities, and shorter lifespans. Since most infected mosquitoes are only infectious in the last few

Concurrent amplification of Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever virus in a sylvatic focus of arboviruses in Southeastern Senegal, 2015

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Background: Chikungunya (CHIKV), yellow fever (YFV) and Zika (ZIKV) viruses circulate in sylvatic transmission cycles in southeastern Senegal, where they share common hosts and vectors. All three viruses undergo periodic amplifications,

[Ocular manifestations of emerging arboviruses: Dengue fever, Chikungunya, Zika virus, West Nile virus, and yellow fever (French translation of the article)].

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Arboviruses are viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and tics bites. They are a major cause of morbidity and sometimes mortality. Their expansion is constant and due in part to climate change and globalization. Mostly found in tropical regions, arboviruses are sometimes the source of epidemics

[Zika fever].

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Zika virus infection is an emerging arboviral disease which presented as a mild flu-like or algo-eruptive syndrome with fever, arthralgia, myalgia and a maculopapulous eruption. Severe neurological and fetal complications have recently been highlighted. Diagnosis is established by detection of viral

Yellow fever and Zika virus epizootics and enzootics in Uganda.

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Data of monkey serology are presented which, together with past evidence, support the view that yellow fever (YF) virus circulates in its primary sylvan host populations, i.e., forest monkeys, in an enzootic state in Bwamba County in western Uganda but as series of epizootics in the forest-savanna

Novel synthetic nucleotides of notifiable dengue (1-4), Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever and Zika flaviviruses.

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To produce synthetic nucleotides of notifiable dengue virus (1-4 types), Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever and Zika flaviviruses. These notifiable flaviviruses, particularly dengue and Zika, are problematic mosquito-borne infections in the Philippines, as well as in those countries

Yellow fever and Hajj: with all eyes on Zika, a familiar flavivirus remains a threat.

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Hajj is among the world's largest mass gatherings, drawing between 2 and 3.5 million Muslims from 183 nations annually to perform pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Infectious disease outbreaks can be imported both into the Hajj population and exported internationally by returning pilgrims. The

A yellow fever epizootic in Zika forest, Uganda, during 1972: Part 1: Virus isolation and sentinel monkeys.

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The results of the yellow fever immunity survey of Central and East Africa reported by SAWYER & WHITMAN in 1936 prompted scientists to undertake well-planned epidemiological studies on yellow fever in eastern Africa. A Yellow Fever Research Institute (the present East African Virus Research
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