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In vitro Cariostatic effects of cinnamon water extract on nicotine-induced Streptococcus mutans biofilm.

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Dental caries is one of the most prevalent chronic oral diseases worldwide. Dental caries is mainly associated with Streptococcus mutans and the Lactobacillus species. A specific relationship was found between nicotine and S. mutans growth as the presence of nicotine increased S.

Frictional Keratosis, Contact Keratosis and Smokeless Tobacco Keratosis: Features of Reactive White Lesions of the Oral Mucosa.

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White lesions of the oral cavity are quite common and can have a variety of etiologies, both benign and malignant. Although the vast majority of publications focus on leukoplakia and other potentially malignant lesions, most oral lesions that appear white are benign. This review will focus

Quantification of flavorants and nicotine in waterpipe tobacco and mainstream smoke and comparison to e-cigarette aerosol

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Introduction: Waterpipe use remains popular among youth with the availability of flavored shisha tobacco being one of the main drivers of waterpipe use. While waterpipe mainstream toxicant emissions are well-understood, less is known

Mechanisms of Herb-Drug Interactions Involving Cinnamon and Cytochrome P450 2A6: Focus on Time-dependent Inhibition by Cinnamaldehyde and 2-Methoxycinnamaldehyde

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Information is scarce regarding pharmacokinetic-based herb-drug interactions (HDI) with cinnamaldehyde (CA) and 2-methoxycinnamaldehyde (MCA), components of cinnamon. Given the presence of cinnamon in food and herbal treatments for various diseases, HDIs involving the CYP2A6 substrates nicotine and

Inactivation of CYP2A6 by the Dietary Phenylpropanoid trans-Cinnamic Aldehyde (Cinnamaldehyde) and Estimation of Interactions with Nicotine and Letrozole.

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Human exposure to trans-cinnamic aldehyde [t-CA; cinnamaldehyde; cinnamal; (E)-3-phenylprop-2-enal] is common through diet and through the use of cinnamon powder for diabetes and to provide flavor and scent in commercial products. We evaluated the likelihood of t-CA to influence metabolism by

Efficacy of oral transmucosal nicotine lozenge for suppression of withdrawal symptoms in smoking abstinence.

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Nicotine replacement therapy relieves withdrawal symptoms, significantly improving smoking cessation rates. Oral transmucosal nicotine (OT-NIC) is a novel nicotine delivery system consisting of a lozenge (OT-NIC unit) containing 4 mg of nicotine, which is dissolved in the cheek pouch, releasing

Cinnamon-flavored electronic cigarette liquids and aerosols induce oxidative stress in human osteoblast-like MG-63 cells.

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As noncombustible nicotine delivery devices, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are the most popular tobacco product among youth. The widespread popularity of e-cigarettes combined with possible health consequences suggest a need to further research health hazards associated with e-cigarette use.

Hookah-Related Posts to Twitter From 2017 to 2018: Thematic Analysis.

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BACKGROUND Hookah (or tobacco waterpipe) use has recently become prevalent in the United States. The contexts and experiences associated with hookah use are unclear, yet such information is abundant via publicly available hookah users' social media postings. OBJECTIVE In this study, we utilized

Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of isoeugenol (CAS No. 97-54-1) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies).

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Isoeugenol is one of several structurally similar phenylpropenoid compounds produced by plants. It has been extracted from calamus, savory, basil, ylang-ylang, clove, tuberose, jonquil, nutmeg, tobacco, sandalwood, dill seed, mace, gardenia, petunia, and other flowers. Isoeugenol can also be

First Report on Natural Occurrence of Tomato Spotted Wilt Tospovirus in Basil (Ocimum basilicum).

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Virus-like symptoms were observed on basil plants (Ocimum basilicum L. 'Mrs. Burns Lemon' [MBL]) growing in containers and a demonstration plot at the Louisiana State University Burden Research Plantation, Baton Rouge, during July 1998. Symptoms consisted of ring spots, leaf distortion, and severe

Oral changes associated with kolanut use: a report of 2 cases

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Introduction: Contact stomatitis (CS) is an inflammatory reaction of the oral mucosa induced by contact with an irritant, such as menthol and cinnamon compounds. We are reporting 2 cases of CS related to the use of kolanut, a

A Method for Classifying User-Reported Electronic Cigarette Liquid Flavors.

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UNASSIGNED Along with the growth in popularity of electronic cigarette devices (e-cigs), the variety of e-cig liquids (e-liquid) available to users has also grown. Although some studies have published data about the use of flavored e-liquid, there is no standardized way to group flavors, making it

In Utero Exposures to Electronic-Cigarette Aerosols Impair the Wnt Signaling during Mouse Lung Development.

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Currently, more than 9 million American adults, including women of childbearing age, use electronic-cigarettes (e-cigs). Further, the prevalence of maternal vaping now approaching 10% is similar to that of maternal smoking. Little, however, is known about the effects of fetal exposures to

Comparison of the cytotoxic potential of cigarette smoke and electronic cigarette vapour extract on cultured myocardial cells.

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BACKGROUND Electronic cigarettes (ECs) have been marketed as an alternative-to-smoking habit. Besides chemical studies of the content of EC liquids or vapour, little research has been conducted on their in vitro effects. Smoking is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease and cigarette

Electronic cigarette liquid exposure induces flavor-dependent osteotoxicity and increases expression of a key bone marker, collagen type I.

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Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are nicotine delivery devices advertised as a healthier alternative to conventional tobacco products, but their rapid rise in popularity outpaces research on potential health consequences. As conventional tobacco use is a risk factor for osteoporosis, this study
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