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Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. Essential Oil on Prostate and Cervical Cancers Cells

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Background and objective: Hyptis suaveolens is an aromatic plant used in traditional medicine in Burkina Faso for management of various diseases including wounds and inflammatory diseases. Thus, the objective of this work was to

Chemical composition, antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity on tumour cells of the essential oil from flowers of Magnolia grandiflora cultivated in Iran.

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Magnolia grandiflora (Magnoliaceae) is an evergreen tree with fragrant and showy flowers native to southeastern USA but widely cultivated all over the world and used in cosmetics industry in treatment of skin diseases. Here, we report on the chemical analysis of the essential oil obtained from

Inhibition of prostate cancer (LNCaP) cell proliferation by volatile components from Nagami kumquats.

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Fresh Nagami kumquats (Fortunella margarita) were subjected to hydrodistillation using a Clevenger-type apparatus to obtain volatile oil. The chemical composition of the volatile oil was analyzed by GC-MS using Rtx-5 Sil MS and DB Wax columns. A total of 25 volatile compounds were identified by mass

Chemical composition, cytotoxicity and molecular profiling of Cordia africana Lam. on human breast cancer cell line.

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Metabolic profiling of the hexane extract and essential oil of Cordia africana Lam., an economically important agroforestry species, was performed using GC-FID and GC-MS. Cytotoxicity was assessed in MCF-7 cancer cells using sulphorhodamine-B assay. Caspase-8, BcL-2 and Ki-67 levels were

The in vivo evaluation of anti-angiogenic effects of Hypericum essential oils using the chorioallantoic membrane assay.

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BACKGROUND Hypericum species including Hypericum confertum Choisy, H. hircinum L., H. hyssopifolium Chaix. subsp. elongatum (Ledeb.) Woron var. microcalycinum (Boiss. & Heldr.) Boiss. and H. perforatum L. (Clusiaceae) are used as medicinal plants in Turkey. OBJECTIVE The anti-angiogenic evaluation

Chemical constituents and anticancer effects of the essential oil from leaves of Xylopia laevigata.

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Xylopia laevigata, popularly known as "meiú" and "pindaíba", is a medicinal plant used in the folk medicine of the Brazilian Northeast for several purposes. The chemical constituents of the essential oil from leaves of X. laevigata, collected from wild plants growing at three different sites of the

Cytotoxic Effect and TLC Bioautography-Guided Approach to Detect Health Properties of Amazonian Hedyosmum sprucei Essential Oil.

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Bioautography has been used as rapid and easy strategy to detect and identify bioactive fractions/molecules in the never before investigated Hedyosmum sprucei Solms (Chloranthaceae) essential oil (EO). The antioxidant activity, performed through DPPH bioautographic assay and spectrophotometric

Chemical composition and in vitro cytotoxic and antileishmanial activities of extract and essential oil from leaves of Piper cernuum.

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Fractionation of the MeOH extract from leaves of Piper cernuum Vell. (Piperaceae) afforded six phenylpropanoid derivatives: 3',4'-dimethoxydihydrocinnamic acid (1), piplaroxide (2), methyl 4'-hydroxy-3',5'-dimethoxy cinnamate (3), 3',4',5'-trimethoxydihydrocinnamic acid (3), dihydropiplartine (5),

Analysis of Chemical Composition and Assessment of Antioxidant, Cytotoxic and Synergistic Antibacterial Activities of Essential Oils from Different Plant Parts of Piper boehmeriifolium.

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The essential oils (EOs) from leaves, stems, and whole plant of Piper boehmeriifolium were analyzed using GC/FID and GC/MS. The main constituents of P. boehmeriifolium EOs were β -caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, β -elemene, spathulenol, germacrene D, β -selinene, and neointermedeol. The

Bioactivity and chemical composition of the leaf essential oils of Zanthoxylum rhoifolium and Zanthoxylum setulosum from Monteverde, Costa Rica.

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The leaf essential oils of Zanthoxylum rhoifolium and Zanthoxylum setulosum (Rutaceae) from Monteverde, Costa Rica have been obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The principal constituents of Z. rhoifolium leaf oil were germacrene D (14.6%), limonene

Seasonal variation and bioactivity in the leaf oil of Liriodendron tulipifera growing in Huntsville, Alabama.

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The seasonal variation in the chemical composition of the leaf essential oil of Liriodendron tulipifera has been analyzed by GC-MS. Two individual trees were sampled five times during the course of the growing season. Twenty components were identified in the leaf oils, which were dominated by

Phytochemical analysis, biological evaluation and micromorphological study of Stachys alopecuros (L.) Benth. subsp. divulsa (Ten.) Grande endemic to central Apennines, Italy.

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Stachys alopecuros subsp. divulsa (Lamiaceae), a perennial herb endemic to central Italy growing on mountain pastures, was investigated for the first time for the content of secondary metabolites, for the micromorphology and histochemistry of glandular trichomes, and for the biological activity of

Chemical Composition of Blumea lacera Essential Oil from Nepal. Biological Activities of the Essential Oil and (Z)-Lachnophyllum Ester.

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The essential oil from the aerial parts of Blumea lacera collected from Biratnagar, Nepal, has been obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. The major component from the oil, (Z)-lachnophyllum ester, was isolated by preparative silica gel chromatography.

Essential oil composition, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of two endemic Stachys cretica subspecies (Lamiaceae) from Turkey.

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The chemical compositions of the water-distilled essential oil of Stachys cretica ssp. lesbiaca Rech. fil. and S. cretica ssp. trapezuntica Rech. fil. were determined by GC and GC-MS. Altogether 63 compounds were identified. The sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, germacrene D (20.3% and 12.9% respectively)

Circadian variation and in vitro cytotoxic activity evaluation of volatile compounds from leaves of Piper regnellii (Miq) C. DC. var. regnellii (C. DC.) Yunck (Piperaceae).

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Aiming detection of circadian variation in the chemical composition of volatiles from Piper regnellii, the leaves were collected during four different periods (8, 12, 16 and 20 h) in the same day. After extraction by hydrodistillation and GC/MS analysis, no significant variation was observed for the
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