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COI1-Regulated Hydroxylation of Jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine Impairs Nicotiana attenuata's Resistance to the Generalist Herbivore Spodoptera litura.

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The phytohormone jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine (JA-Ile) is well-known as the key signaling molecule that elicits plant defense responses after insect herbivory. Oxidation, which is catalyzed by the cytochrome P450s of the CYP94 family, is thought to be one of the main catabolic pathways of JA-Ile. In this

Distal transport of exogenously applied jasmonoyl-isoleucine with wounding stress.

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Determining the mobile signal used by plants to defend against biotic and abiotic stresses has proved elusive, but jasmonic acid (JA) and its derivatives appear to be involved. Using deuterium-labeled analogs, we investigated the distal transport of JA and jasmonoyl-isoleucine (JA-Ile) in response

6-Substituted indanoyl isoleucine conjugate induces tobacco plant responses in secondary metabolites.

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To characterize the role of the phytotoxin mimic 6-substituted indanoyl isoleucine conjugate 1 in plant secondary metabolism, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. K326) was treated with compound 1. The volatile compounds of tobacco leaves were analyzed by GC-MS. In contrast to the control, three compounds,

Silencing brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 impairs herbivory-elicited accumulation of jasmonic acid-isoleucine and diterpene glycosides, but not jasmonic acid and trypsin proteinase inhibitors in Nicotiana attenuata.

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The brassinosteroid (BR) receptor, BR insensitive 1 (BRI1), plays a critical role in plant development, but whether BRI1-mediated BR signaling is involved in plant defense responses to herbivores was largely unknown. Here, we examined the function of BRI1 in the resistance of Nicotiana attenuata

Jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine hydrolase 1 (JIH1) regulates jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine levels and attenuates plant defenses against herbivores.

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For most plant hormones, biological activity is suppressed by reversible conjugation to sugars, amino acids and other small molecules. In contrast, the conjugation of jasmonic acid (JA) to isoleucine (Ile) is known to enhance the activity of JA. Whereas hydroxylation and carboxylation of JA-Ile

Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 CmaL (PSPTO4723), a DUF1330 family member, is needed to produce L-allo-isoleucine, a precursor for the phytotoxin coronatine.

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Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 produces the phytotoxin coronatine, a major determinant of the leaf chlorosis associated with DC3000 pathogenesis. The DC3000 PSPTO4723 (cmaL) gene is located in a genomic region encoding type III effectors; however, it promotes chlorosis in the model plant

Silencing threonine deaminase and JAR4 in Nicotiana attenuata impairs jasmonic acid-isoleucine-mediated defenses against Manduca sexta.

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Threonine deaminase (TD) catalyzes the conversion of Thr to alpha-keto butyrate in Ile biosynthesis; however, its dramatic upregulation in leaves after herbivore attack suggests a role in defense. In Nicotiana attenuata, strongly silenced TD transgenic plants were stunted, whereas mildly silenced TD

Jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine coordinates metabolic networks required for anthesis and floral attractant emission in wild tobacco (Nicotiana attenuata).

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Jasmonic acid and its derivatives (jasmonates [JAs]) play central roles in floral development and maturation. The binding of jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine (JA-Ile) to the F-box of CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 (COI1) is required for many JA-dependent physiological responses, but its role in anthesis and

RuBPCase activase (RCA) mediates growth-defense trade-offs: silencing RCA redirects jasmonic acid (JA) flux from JA-isoleucine to methyl jasmonate (MeJA) to attenuate induced defense responses in Nicotiana attenuata.

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• RuBPCase activase (RCA), an abundant photosynthetic protein, is strongly down-regulated in response to Manduca sexta's oral secretion (OS) in Nicotiana attenuata. RCA-silenced plants are impaired not only in photosynthetic capacity and growth, but also in jasmonic acid-isoleucine (JA-Ile)

Evolutionary constraints on the plastid tRNA set decoding methionine and isoleucine.

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The plastid (chloroplast) genomes of seed plants typically encode 30 tRNAs. Employing wobble and superwobble mechanisms, most codon boxes are read by only one or two tRNA species. The reduced set of plastid tRNAs follows the evolutionary trend of organellar genomes to shrink in size and coding

Silencing JA hydroxylases in Nicotiana attenuata enhances jasmonic acid-isoleucine-mediated defenses against Spodoptera litura.

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Jasmonic acid (JA) plays important roles in plant resistance to insect herbivores. One important derivative of JA is 12-OH-JA, which is produced by two independent pathways: direct hydroxylation of JA by jasmonate-induced oxygenases (JOXs) or hydrolyzation of 12-OH-JA-Ile.Yet the function of

Frenching Symptoms Produced in Nicotiana Tabacum and Nicotiana Rustica with Optical Isomers of Isoleucine and Leucine and with Bacillus Cereus Toxin.

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Simultaneous analysis of apolar phytohormones and 1-aminocyclopropan-1-carboxylic acid by high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray negative ion tandem mass spectrometry via 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl chloride derivatization.

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A strategy to detect and quantify the polar ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropan-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) along with the more apolar phytohormones abscisic acid (ABA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), jasmonic acid (JA), jasmonic acid-isoleucine conjugate (JA-Ile), 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA),

Variation in antiherbivore defense responses in synthetic Nicotiana allopolyploids correlates with changes in uniparental patterns of gene expression.

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We examined the expression of Nicotiana attenuata (Na) and Nicotiana obtusifolia (No) herbivore-induced genes in synthetic autopolyploids (NaT and NoT) and five independent allopolyploid Nicotiana x obtusiata (Nxo) lines to understand how the expression of genes regulating complex polygenetic

Plant-Derived Trimeric CO-26K-Equivalent Epitope Induced Neutralizing Antibodies Against Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus

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<i>Porcine epidemic diarrhea virusi> (PEDV) is a causative agent of a highly infectious disease with a high mortality rate, especially in newborn piglets in Asian countries resulting in serious economic loss. The development of a rapid, safe, effective and cost-efficient vaccine is crucial to
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