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Piperlongumine Suppresses Dendritic Cell Maturation by Reducing Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and Has Therapeutic Potential for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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Piperlongumine (PLM) is a natural product from the plant Piper longum that inhibits platelet aggregation, atherosclerosis plaque formation, and tumor cell growth. It has potential value in immunomodulation and the management of autoimmune diseases. In this study, we investigated the role of PLM in

DART MS based chemical profiling for therapeutic potential of Piper betle landraces.

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Piper betle Linn. leaves are traditionally used as a folk medicine in India and other Asiatic countries. Twenty-one P. betle landraces were analyzed using a Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) mass spectral technique and evaluated on the basis of molecules detected in the leaves. Clustering of

Authentication of Piper betle L. folium and quantification of their antifungal-activity.

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The TLC profiles of intra- and inter-day precision for Piper betle L. (PBL) folium methanol extract was studied for their peak marker recognition and identification. The Numerical chromatographic parameters (NCPs) of the peak markers, the hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) and the principal

Interaction of potassium phosphonate fungicide in laterite soil.

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Нэвтрэх / Бүртгүүлэх
Potassium phosphonate is a fungicide widely used to control Phytophthora fungi species in many crops all over the world. In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the interaction of potassium phosphonate with soil under varying pH and calcium level. Several reports available in literature

Quantitative determination of anti-fungal and insecticide amides in adult plants, plantlets and callus from Piper tuberculatum by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography.

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A rapid, sensitive and reliable reverse-phase HPLC method was used for the quantitative determination of the anti-fungal and insecticide amides, dihydropiplartine (1), piplartine (2), deltaalpha,beta-dihydropiperine (3) and pellitorine (4) in plants in natura, in plantlets in vitro and ex vitro, and

Antifungal activity of extracts from Piper aduncum leaves prepared by different solvents and extraction techniques against dermatophytes Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton interdigitale.

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The effects of different solvents and extraction techniques upon the phytochemical profile and anti-Trichophyton activity of extracts from Piper aduncum leaves were evaluated. Extract done by maceration method with ethanol has higher content of sesquiterpenes and antifungal activity. This extract

Circadian rhythm of anti-fungal prenylated chromene in leaves of Piper aduncum.

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Leaves of Piper aduncum accumulate the anti-fungal chromenes methyl 2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (1) and methyl 2,2-dimethyl-8-(3'-methyl-2'-butenyl)-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (2). The enzymatic formation of 2 from dimethylallyl diphosphate and 1 was investigated using cell-free

Phenylpropanoid-rich Essential Oils of Piper Species from the Amazon and their Antifungal and Anti-cholinesterase Activities.

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The essential oils (EOs) from aerial parts of Piper aduncum, P. callosuin and P. marginatum, collected from the Amazon region of Brazil, were analyzed by GC-MS and then evaluated for their antifungal and anticholinesterase activities. The essential oils were dominated by phenylpropanoids, such as

Antifungal activity of Piper diospyrifolium Kunth (Piperaceae) essential oil.

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In vitro activity of the essential oil from Piper diospyrifolium leaves was tested using disk diffusion techniques. The antifungal assay showed significant potencial antifungal activity: the oil was effective against several clinical fungal strains. The majority compounds in the essential oil were

Development and Evaluation of Naproxen Sodium Gel Using Piper cubeba for Enhanced Transdermal Drug Delivery and Therapeutic Facilitation.

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BACKGROUND The absorption of drug through skin avoids many side effects of oral route like gastric irritation, nausea, systemic toxicity etc and thus improves patient compliance. Naproxen sodium (NPRS) is one of the potent NSAID agents. OBJECTIVE The present study was aimed to develop and evaluate

Antifungal activity and computational study of constituents from Piper divaricatum essential oil against Fusarium infection in black pepper.

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Fusarium disease causes considerable losses in the cultivation of Piper nigrum, the black pepper used in the culinary world. Brazil was the largest producer of black pepper, but in recent years has lost this hegemony, with a significant reduction in its production, due to the ravages produced by the

GC-EIMS analysis, antifungal and anti-aflatoxigenic activity of Capsicum chinense and Piper nigrum fruits and their bioactive compounds capsaicin and piperine upon Aspergillus parasiticus.

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GC-EIMS analysis, antifungal- and anti-aflatoxigenic activities of the ethanolic extract of Capsicum chinense and Piper nigrum fruits and their main bioactive compounds were evaluated upon Aspergillus parasiticus. The GC-EIMS analysis showed capsaicin (50.49%) and piperine (95.94%) as the major

Antifungal Efficacy of Spice Extracts against Candida albicans: An in vitro study.

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Candida species are normal commensals and are isolated intra-orally in 17%-75% of healthy individuals and all debilitated people. Eradication of candidiasis is complicated by the emergence of Candida strains that are resistant to the currently used

Evaluation of antifungal activity of Piper solmsianum C. DC. var. solmsianum (Piperaceae).

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We have studied the crude methanolic extract (CME), some fractions (hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate) and four pure compounds: eupomatenoid-3 (1), eupomatenoid-5 (2), conocarpan (3) and orientin (4), from Piper solmsianum, for possible antifungal activity against 12 pathogenic fungi. The

Pothomorphe umbellata: antifungal activity against strains of Trichophyton rubrum.

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Trichophyton rubrum is a dermatophyte, which can cause infections in human skin, hair and nail. Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miq. (Piperaceae) is a native Brazilian plant, in which phytochemical studies have demonstrated the presence of steroids, 4-nerolidylcatechol, sesquiterpenes and essential oils.
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