Haitian Creole


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15 resultaten

Bioavailability of Single-dose Magnesium Salts

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Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase IgA Antibodies

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Within this definition, patients can further be defined as having silent, potential, or latent celiac disease. The term silent celiac disease refers to patients fulfilling the definition above, but presenting no symptoms. Typically, such diagnoses are made by screening asymptomatic individuals, who

The Effects of 12-months of Denosumab on Bone Density in Prevalent Kidney Transplant Recipients

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Bone fractures are 3-times more common in kidney transplant recipients than in the general population and risk of dying after a hip fracture is 60% higher compared to kidney transplant recipients without a fracture. Unfortunately, there are no anti-fracture strategies that have been proven to be

Safety and Efficacy of Subcutaneous Sarilumab in Improving the Quality of Life in People With Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis

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Systemic mastocytosis is a disorder caused by clonal mast cell proliferation and release of mast cell mediators including tryptase. As a result, mast cell numbers may increase and affect target organs including the dermis (maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis/urticaria pigmentosa, flushing),

Biomarker for Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome (BioHFS)

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Hyaline fibromatosis syndrome (HFS) is rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by the deposition of amorphous hyaline material in skin and visceral organs. It represents a disease spectrum with infantile systemic hyalinosis (ISH) being the severe form and juvenile hyaline fibromatosis (JHF)

A 12-week Exercise Program for Adults With Celiac Disease

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Background & Rationale: Engagement in regular physical activity (PA) is associated with a range of physical and psychological benefits among chronic disease populations. Quality of life (QoL) is significantly higher among people with cancer, depression and coronary heart disease who engage in PA on

BASUN - Risks for Malnutrition, Metabolic Bone Disease and Impaired Oral Health After Obesity Treatment

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The use of obesity surgery (OS) has increased dramatically due to the lack of effective conventional weight reducing methods. OS generally gives a sustained weight reduction and improves metabolic co-morbidities but complications are not uncommon, e.g. weight regain, bowel pain, diarrhea,

Retrospective Analysis of Effectiveness and Safety Profile of Anastrozole and Letrozole in HR+ Breast Cancer Patients

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The department of surgery at Tian Jin Medical University Cancer Hospital, one of the centers of excellence to treat patients with breast cancer in China, collects and maintains an electronic database of patients treatment details and follow up data. This is a single centre, observational and

Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability Study of RP-G28 in Subjects With Lactose Intolerance

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Lactose intolerance is a common gastrointestinal (GI) disorder that develops in lactose maldigesters when consuming lactose or when lactose is added to a previously low-lactose diet. Lactose intolerance is characterized by one or more of the cardinal symptoms that follow the ingestion of

The Efficacy of Neiguan (P6 Point) Acupressure in Patients With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

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In recent years, there is an increasing trend in the number of patients with GERD. GERD mainly related to the reflux of stomach content induced by the dysfunction of lower esophageal sphincter. The common symptoms of GERD are heartburn, acid regurgitation, and chest pain. The methods to treat GERD

Fish Oil for HIV-Related Inflamm-aging and Immune Senescence

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Due to treatment advances, the number of persons > 50 years old who are living with HIV/AIDS in the United States (US) has steadily increased. African Americans (AA) represent a disproportionate number of HIV/AIDS cases in this age group, with infection rates 12 times higher than among whites (51.7

Effectiveness, Safety and Tolerability Study of RP-G28 for Symptoms Associated With Lactose Intolerance

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Lactose intolerance is a common gastrointestinal (GI) disorder that develops in lactose maldigesters when consuming too much lactose or when lactose is added to a previously low-lactose diet. Lactose intolerance is characterized by one or more of the cardinal symptoms that follow the ingestion of

The Effect of Xolair ® (Omalizumab) in Mastocytosis Patients

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The study will take place as double-blind placebo controlled study. After a first a run-period of 2 months for all participants randomization (1:1) in two group will take place: Group A: With omalizumab treatment for 6 months; dosage and administration schedule according to body weight and total IgE

The Use of Oral Budesonide and Rectal Hydrocortisone for the Treatment of Active Ulcerative Colitis

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Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a common chronic inflammatory condition of the intestines that results in bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and extraintestinal manifestations of disease. The disease course is typically chronic, characterized by periodic exacerbations followed by symptom- free intervals;

Adverse Effects of Glucocorticoid Therapy on Bone in Childhood Crohn's Disease

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Crohn's Disease is a very serious inflammatory gut disorder that often first presents in childhood. Once present, the underlying condition remains for life. It usually responds well to medical treatment which brings about a disease 'remission' but is inclined to become active again at intervals
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