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Potassium fluxes and ouabain binding in growing, density-inhibited and Rous sarcoma virus-transformed chicken embryo cells.

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Potassium fluxes, ouabain binding, and Na+ and K+ intracellular concentrations were determined for cultures of growing normal, density-inhibited and Rous sarcoma virus-transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts. No significant differences in K+ influx or ouabain binding were detected between growing

Oncogenic transformation of chick-embryo fibroblasts by Rous sarcoma virus alters rubidium uptake and ouabain binding.

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Transport of potassium, amino acids, and glucose in cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus.

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Transport rates of a number of nutrients and ions have been surveyed in chicken embryo fibroblasts that were density inhibited, growing exponentially, or transformed by Rous sarcoma virus. All the transport systems examined displayed changes associated with changes in growth rate. The rate of
During the log phase of growth both the active, ouabain-sensitive K+ uptake, measured as 86Rb+, and the sodium and potassium ion-activated ATPase ((Na+ + K+)-ATPase) activity of SV40-transformed 3T3 cells were 2.5-and 5,5-fold higher, respectively, than in untransformed 3T3 cells. A similar higher
Cultured chicken heart mesenchymal cells are proliferatively quiescent at low densities in medium containing plasma at 10%. Mitogenic hormones like epidermal growth factor and insulin-like growth factors cause these cells to proliferate very actively, as does infection with avian sarcoma viruses,

Ouabain sensitivity is linked to ras -transformation in human HOS cells.

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Mouse cells transformed by the retroviral oncogene v-Ki- ras are significantly more sensitive to the toxic effects of 1mM ouabain than are their nontransformed counterparts. We have extended these findings to a human cell line (HOS). HOS cells (ATCC CRL 1543) are relatively resistant to treatment

Transformation of cells by rous sarcoma virus: cytoplasmic vacuolization.

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Chick embryo cells transformed by the Bryan "high titer" strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV-BH) are heavily vacuolated. A variety of microscopic techniques have been used demonstrating that the vacuoles are cytoplasmic, bounded by membrane, and are composed largely of water. Proteins, lipids,

Sodium and rubidium uptake in cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus.

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Rates of uptake and intracellular concentrations of monovalent cations were measured in virus-transformed and nontransformed chick embryo (CE) cells. Uptake of 22Na+ into cells transformed by the BH strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV-BH) (CE-BH) was about double the rate of uptake into CE cells, or

Effects of ouabain on NIH/3T3 cells transformed with retroviral oncogenes and on human tumor cell lines.

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Both murine and human cell lines transformed by the v-Ki-ras gene have been shown to be much more sensitive to the toxic effects of the cardiac glycoside ouabain than their respective controls. This differential toxicity has previously been used in the isolation of flat revertant clones from

Na+ entry through heteromeric TRPC4/C1 channels mediates (-)Englerin A-induced cytotoxicity in synovial sarcoma cells.

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The sesquiterpene (-)Englerin A (EA) is an organic compound from the plant Phyllanthus engleri which acts via heteromeric TRPC4/C1 channels to cause cytotoxicity in some types of cancer cell but not normal cells. Here we identified selective cytotoxicity of EA in human synovial sarcoma cells (SW982

Specific uptake of m-[125I]iodobenzylguanidine in the human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-SH.

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The uptake of m-[125I]iodobenzylguanidine (mIBG), a compound structurally analogous to the antihypertensive drug guanethidine, was examined in various human cell lines. Of three neuroblastoma lines, SK-N-LO, IMR-32, and SK-N-SH, only the last showed specific uptake of the compound. In contrast, only

Manifestation of K+ transport alterations in cultured tumour cells of mice.

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Sarcoma was induced by injection of human adenovirus type 12 into newborn, isogeneic CBA mice and maintained in adult female CBA mice by serial passages. Cells obtained from the tumours were cultivated by 3-4 passages in vitro. Normal fibroblastic cell cultures were gained by the same manner from

Role of Bioelectricity During Cell Proliferation in Different Cell Types

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Most living organisms possess varying degrees of regenerative capabilities but how these regenerative processes are controlled is still poorly understood. Naturally occurring bioelectric voltages (like Vmem) are thought to be playing instructive role in tissue regeneration, as well as

Carcinogenicity of tumor cell populations: origin of a putative H-2 isoantigenic loss variant tumor.

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The properties of an unusual mouse tumor capable of extremely rapid and widespread spontaneous metastatic growth were recently described; this tumor, called MDAY-D2, at first appeared to be an H-2Kk loss variant of an (A X DBA/2)F1 (H-2KkDd) sarcoma called MDAY and was obtained by serial ip passage

The efficiency of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase in tumorigenic cells.

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The efficiency of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase (i.e. the amount of K+ pumped per ATP hydrolyzed) in intact tumorigenic cells was estimated in this study. This was accomplished by simultaneously measuring the rate of ouabain-sensitive K+ uptake and oxygen consumption in tumorigenic cell suspensions during the
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