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The isolation and antioxidative effects of vitexin from Acer palmatum.

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Free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) caused by UV exposure or other environmental factors are critical players in cellular damage and aging. In order to develop a new anti-photoaging agent, this work focused on the antioxidant effects of the extract of tinged autumnal leaves of Acer

Contribution of anthocyanins to the antioxidant capacity of juvenile and senescing sugar maple (Acer saccharum) leaves

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Foliar anthocyanins are hypothesised to provide an additional source of photoprotection from photooxidative stress to the leaves in which they occur through their ability to scavenge excess free radical species. Although demonstrated to significantly enhance the antioxidant status of red morphs of

Nutrients, Antioxidant Capacity and Safety of Hot Water Extract from Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum M.) and Red Maple (Acer rubrum L.) Bark.

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Sugar maple (Acer saccharum M.) and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) barks were treated with hot water to extract nutrients in order to explore, for the first time, its potential as safe dietary antioxidants. The organic and inorganic nutrients of these extracts, as well as their safety on human PLB-985

Antioxidants in the midgut fluids of a tannin-tolerant and a tannin-sensitive caterpillar: effects of seasonal changes in tree leaves.

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The seasonal decline in foliar nutritional quality in deciduous trees also effects the availability of essential micronutrients, such as ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol, to herbivorous insects. This study first examined whether there are consistent patterns of seasonal change in antioxidant

Aromatic compounds and their antioxidant activity of Acer saccharum.

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A new lignan glycoside, 5-(3″,4″-dimethoxy-phenyl)-3-hydroxy-3-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxybenzyl)-4-hydroxymethyl-dihydrofuran-2-one 4'-O-α-L: -rhamnopyranoside (1), with seven known compounds, compound 2, koaburside, icariside E(4), cleomiscosin C, cleomiscosin D, scopoletin, and 5'-demethylaquillochin,

Antioxidative response of ascorbate-glutathione pathway enzymes and metabolites to desiccation of recalcitrant Acer saccharinum seeds.

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Ascorbate-glutathione systems were studied during desiccation of recalcitrant seeds of the silver maple (Acer saccharinum L.). The desiccated seeds gradually lost their germination capacity and this was strongly correlated with an increase in electrolyte leakage from seeds. Simultaneously the

Thai plants from Doi Tung: brine shrimp lethality, antioxidative activity and combination effect with L-ascorbic acid.

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Methanolic extracts of 18 Thai plants from Doi Tung, the north of Thailand, were examined for brine shrimp lethality and antioxidative activity using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay. In brine shrimp lethality, the highly toxic plant extracts were Mitrephora wangii (LC(50) 14.8 µg mL(-1))

Changes in photosynthetic performance and antioxidative strategies during maturation of Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) leaves.

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Different structural and functional changes take place during leaf development. Since some of them are highly connected to oxidative metabolism, regulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) abundance is required. Most of the reactive oxygen species ROS in plant cells are produced in chloroplasts as a

Investigation of free amino acid, total phenolics, antioxidant activity and purine alkaloids to assess the health properties of non-Camellia tea.

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To find novel functional beverages from folk teas, 33 species of frequently used non-Camellia tea (plants other than Camellia) were collected and compared with Camellia tea (green tea, pu-erh tea and black tea) for the first time. Data are reported here on the quantities of 20 free amino acids

Glucitol-core containing gallotannins inhibit the formation of advanced glycation end-products mediated by their antioxidant potential.

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Glucitol-core containing gallotannins (GCGs) are polyphenols containing galloyl groups attached to a 1,5-anhydro-d-glucitol core, which is uncommon among naturally occurring plant gallotannins. GCGs have only been isolated from maple (Acer) species, including the red maple (Acer rubrum), a medicinal

Photosynthetic and antioxidant enzyme responses of sugar maple and red maple seedlings to excess manganese in contrasting light environments

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Manganese (Mn) toxicity may be a significant constraint to forest health on acidic, non-glaciated soils. We hypothesised that sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) seedlings differ in their tolerance to excess Mn, and that photosynthetic sensitivity to excess Mn is

Antioxidant activity, inhibition of nitric oxide overproduction, and in vitro antiproliferative effect of maple sap and syrup from Acer saccharum.

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Antioxidant activity, inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) overproduction, and antiproliferative effect of ethyl acetate extracts of maple sap and syrup from 30 producers were evaluated in regard to the period of harvest in three different regions of Québec, Canada. Oxygen radical absorbance capacity

Identification of Maple Anthocyanin and Its Antiproliferative Activity against LLC, T47D and C3H10T1/2 Cells

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Background: The genus Acer contains around 200 species, with more than 400 garden varieties. There is considerable diversity in these species and garden varieties, and each can be characterized by morphology and chemical composition. The

DNA synthesis pattern, proteome, and ABA and GA signalling in developing seeds of Norway maple (Acer platanoides).

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Mature seeds of Norway maple exhibit desiccation tolerance and deep physiological dormancy. Flow cytometry, proteomics, and immunodetection have been combined to investigate seed development of this species. DNA content analysis revealed that cell cycle/endoreduplication activity differs between
Recent studies about hot-water extracts from sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) bark and buds demonstrated that they contain high amounts of phenolic structures that may be used as antioxidant food additives. However, the detailed chemical composition of these maple-derived extracts has yet
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