Haitian Creole


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Pacemaker lead endocarditis with hiccups (Kalayci).

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UNASSIGNED Lead-related infections that might develop after pacemaker implantation associated with high mortality and morbidity rates are challenging to manage and pose high-cost. Patients with lead-related infections usually present with fever, chills and fatigue and the treatment can be

Bromocriptine for control of hyperthermia in a patient with mixed autonomic hyperactivity after neurosurgery: a case report.

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Mixed autonomic hyperactivity disorder (MAHD) among patients with acquired brain injury can be rare. A delayed diagnosis of MAHD might exacerbate the clinical outcome and increase healthcare expenses with unnecessary testing. However, MAHD is still an underrecognized and evolving disease entity. A

An uncommon cause of hiccups: sarcoidosis presenting solely as hiccups.

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Common causes of hiccups are over-distension of the stomach, a sudden change in gastrointestinal temperature, excessive alcohol and tobacco ingestion, and sudden excitement or emotional changes. Common presenting symptoms of sarcoidosis include cough, dyspnea, and chest pain. It is very rare for a

Lower lobe pneumonia presenting as singultus (hiccups).

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Persistent hiccups can be a debilitating symptom and many such patients present to the emergency department seeking relief. A variety of serious conditions have been associated with persistent hiccups. Cases of pneumonia as a cause of hiccups have been rarely

The predictor of mortality outcome in adult patients with Ebola virus disease during the 2014-2015 outbreak in Guinea.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the association of any demographic and clinical factors with mortality outcome among adult patients with Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Guinea. This retrospective observational study analyzed medical records of laboratory confirmed EVD adult patients during the

[Side effects of metrizamide (Amipaque) cervical myelography (author's transl)].

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Thirty-four patients were submitted to the conventional cervical myelography by administration of metrizamide (Amipaque) through three routes (lumbar 23, suboccipital 6, C1-C2 lateral 5). After the injection of metrizamide (4-11 ml, 170-250 mgI/ml), all procedures of the cervical myelography were
A 73-year-old man with a 5-day history of continuous hiccup, fever, and rapidly progressing paraplegia was admitted to our hospital. On admission, he exhibited dysarthria, complete paraplegia, and insentience of both lower limbs. Head and spine MRI showed abnormal, asymmetric lesions in the white

Gastric perforation after laparoscopic splenectomy and esophagogastric devascularization for portal hypertension: report of a case.

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BACKGROUND Laparoscopic splenectomy and esophagogastric devascularization (LSED) has been widely used as a novel surgical intervention for portal hypertension, especially in China. Gastric perforation is a rare postoperative complication in this procedure. Symptoms consist of hyperpyrexia, abdominal

Overlapping Clinical Syndromes in Patients with Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein IgG.

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The aim of this paper is to report 2 cases with overlapping syndromes in autoimmune glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) astrocytopathy.Antibodies were detected by indirect immunofluorescence assay. Patient data were analyzed

Pharmacopuncture for cancer care: a systematic review.

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Background. Pharmacopuncture, injection to acupoints with pharmacological medication or herbal medicine, is a new acupuncture therapy widely available in Korea and China for cancer-related symptoms. However, the evidence is yet to be clear. Objective. To determine pharmacopuncture's effectiveness on

[A case of Listeria rhombencephalitis with a secondary vasculitis suggested by MRI].

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We reported a rare case of Listeria rhombencephalitis with meningitis. A 48-year-old healthy man suddenly experienced high fever and headache, then he had lower cranial nerve's palsies and mental dysfunction developed during one week period. On admission, his temperature was 38 degrees C. He was
Nausea and vomiting during the infusion of cryopreserved peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) are common. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of lollipop with strawberry aroma on the infusion-related nausea and vomiting of cryopreserved autologous PBSCs. We compared 2 groups of adult

Vanda roxburghii: an experimental evaluation of antinociceptive properties of a traditional epiphytic medicinal orchid in animal models.

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BACKGROUND Ethnopharmacological approach has explored several leads from plant sources to identify potential new drugs for various diseases including pain. Vanda roxburghii R. Br., an epiphytic orchid is widely distributed throughout Bangladesh. The root of this plant has a folkloric reputation to

Splenic abscess complicating infectious endocarditis.

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Infective endocarditis is the most common condition predisposing a patient to splenic abscess, and the conditions of 37 such patients are reviewed herein. Streptococci accounted for 18 abscesses, with six containing enterococci; 12 other contained staphylococci. Symptoms suggesting splenic abscess

Lap-Protector and Circular Stapler Are Useful in Cystogastrostomy for Large Pancreatic Pseudocyst with Severe Infection.

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Lap-Protector, which is an abdominal wall sealing device, is usually used for wound protection from implantation of malignant cells or pyogenic fluid. A circular stapler is a common easy-to-use device for anastomosis of the digestive tract. We report the case of an infected pancreatic pseudocyst
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