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Impact of obesity and exercise on chemotherapy-related fatigue.

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Breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy often develop fatigue from their treatment that may persist for months. While the positive effects of physical activity in cancer patients are increasingly recognized, the impact of obesity on chemotherapy-induced fatigue has not been well

Elimination of xenobiotics in a female patient with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and trunk obesity.

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We describe the case of a 28-year-old woman, who had been suffering for more than 5 years from severe fatigue, myofascial pain, obstipation, obesity of trunk, abdominal striae, oedema, tinnitus, folliculitis, and facial swelling. The patient also showed a secondary adrenocortical insufficiency. From

Extending the Fatigue Severity Scale to an obese population.

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The Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) is a self-report instrument used to assess levels of fatigue and its effect on daily functioning. The FSS was normed on individuals with multiple sclerosis and has been used in studies examining such factors as obstructive sleep apnea and aerobic exercise. Current

Do Parents and Overweight, Treatment-Seeking Youth Provide Similar Ratings of Youths' Psychosocial Functioning and Fatigue?

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Patterns of agreement between parent and child ratings of psychosocial functioning and fatigue in children with obesity were examined. Analyses demonstrated moderate agreement for social anxiety in elementary children and small agreement for social anxiety in adolescents. Results of analyses of
Ketogenic diets have been associated with reductions in free-living physical activity, a response that can be counterproductive in individuals trying to lose weight. To explore whether popular low-carbohydrate diets might impact the desire to exercise by raising blood ketone concentrations, fatigue
OBJECTIVE This study was aimed to examine the feasibility, validity, and reliability of the Italian Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Multidimensional Fatigue Scale (PedsQL™ MFS) for adult inpatients with severe obesity. METHODS 200 inpatients (81% females) with severe obesity (BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2)
The present research was an attempt to determine the pharmacological actions as for anti-fatigue, anti-obesity and hypoglycemia of small peptide isolated from soybean in mice. Small peptide administration prevented the decrease in sporting movement induced by concussion stress for 3 h in mice. In

Tea Seed Oil Prevents Obesity, Reduces Physical Fatigue, and Improves Exercise Performance in High-Fat-Diet-Induced Obese Ovariectomized Mice.

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Menopause is associated with changes in body composition (a decline in lean body mass and an increase in total fat mass), leading to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and heart disease. A healthy diet to control body weight is an effective strategy for

Abnormal liver function and central obesity associate with work-related fatigue among the Taiwanese workers.

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OBJECTIVE To examine the associations between objective health indicators and high need for recovery (NFR) after work, one of the subjective presentations of work related-fatigue, among apparently healthy workers in modern workplaces. METHODS From October to December, 2007, an annual health

A multidimensional analysis of the longitudinal effects of roux en y gastric bypass on fatigue: An association with visceral obesity.

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Severe obesity is associated with fatigue, however, the effects of weight loss after bariatric surgery on particular dimensions of fatigue are unknown. In a secondary analysis of a prospective cohort study of women undergoing roux-en-y gastric bypass (RYGB) we explored relationships

Effect of Short-Term Interval Exercise Training on Fatigue, Depression, and Fitness in Normal Weight vs. Overweight Person With Multiple Sclerosis.

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BACKGROUND Excessive weight is a health problem that can exacerbate multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms and its associated comorbidities such as depression and fatigue. In addition, weight may be a moderator of exercise effects on depression and fatigue symptoms. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to

Inflammatory, endocrine and metabolic correlates of fatigue in obese children.

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Alterations in endocrine functions and low-grade systemic inflammation represent fundamental characteristics of obesity. These biological systems have been repeatedly linked to fatigue symptoms. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between fatigue dimensions and metabolic/inflammatory
Metabolic syndrome is a combination of cardiometabolic risk factors, frequently detected in obese children and adolescents. To date, few clinical studies have evaluated the effectiveness of multidisciplinary body weight reduction programs on body mass index, body composition, muscle performance and
Background: In clinical practice, there is the diffuse conviction that obese subjects with metabolic syndrome may be more difficult to treat. Objectives and methods: The aim of

Psychometric properties of the Fatigue Severity Scale in obese patients.

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BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) to verify whether this instrument is a valid tool to measure fatigue in obese patients, and to examine the prevalence of fatigue in obese patients. METHODS Before and after a three-week
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