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Respiratory bronchiolitis associated with severe dyspnea, exertional hypoxemia, and clubbing.

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Respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease (RBILD) is a distinct clinicopathologic disease described almost exclusively in cigarette smokers.(1) (2) The disease usually presents with mild symptoms and is associated with a good prognosis. (2) Severe lung dysfunction has not been

Effect of ambulatory oxygen on exertional dyspnea in IPF patients without resting hypoxemia.

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OBJECTIVE The effects of ambulatory oxygen for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients without resting hypoxemia have not been elucidated. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of ambulatory oxygen on dyspnea in IPF patients without resting hypoxemia but with desaturation on
Oxygen (O2) has been reported to improve exercise tolerance in some patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) despite only mild resting hypoxemia (PaO2 greater than 60 mm Hg). To confirm these prior studies and evaluate potential mechanisms of benefit, we measured dyspnea scores by

Effect of hyperoxia and hypoxia on exercise-induced breathlessness in normal subjects.

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1. The subjective changes accompanying alterations in inspired oxygen concentration during heavy exercise have been investigated single blind, in normal subjects. 2. In particular, the intensity of the sensation of breathlessness was quantified using a visual analogue scale and changes were compared

A Teenage Girl with Acute Dyspnea and Hypoxemia during Red Blood Cell Transfusion.

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Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) can cause morbidity and mortality. We present the case of teenager who developed dyspnea and hypoxemia few hours after red cell transfusion. After being admitted for close monitoring and oxygen therapy, her symptoms spontaneously resolved. Message:

Effect of octreotide on ventilation and dyspnea sensation in a patient with cirrhotic hypoxemia.

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We examined the long-term effects of octreotide, a somatostatin analogue, on ventilation in a case of cirrhotic hypoxemia. After daily administration of octreotide for one month, the dyspnea on exertion was notably ameliorated, although pulmonary gas exchange was only slightly improved. The

A rare cause of dyspnea and arterial hypoxemia.

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Platypnea-orthodeoxia is a rare pattern of dyspnea with arterial hypoxemia. Platypnea is defined as dyspnea induced by upright posture, and it is relieved by the recumbent position. Orthodeoxia refers to arterial desaturation resulting from assuming an erect or upright position. The case reported
Introduction: Patients with dyspnea and hypoxemia are common in emergency departments. However, it is unknown whether high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) reduces the risk of requiring more advanced ventilation support and whether HFNC relieves dyspnea better than conventional oxygen therapy

[Effect of hypoxia on the sensation of dyspnea during hypercapnic ventilatory response in normal subjects].

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We examined, in 32 normal adults, the effect of hypoxia on the sensation of dyspnea during hypercapnic ventilatory response (HCVR). The tests were conducted under two different levels of inspiratory O2 content, either hyperoxia (PETO2 greater than 150 Torr) or hypoxia (PETO2 50-55 Torr), with

The effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia on perceived breathlessness during exercise in humans.

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1. The sensation of breathlessness increases when ventilation is reflexly stimulated but it is not clear whether different stimuli have specific effects in the genesis of this sensation. 2. Our aim was to compare subjective assessments of the intensity of breathlessness at the same levels of

Effects of acute prolonged exposure to high-altitude hypoxia on exercise-induced breathlessness.

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The direct effects of hypoxia on exercise-induced breathlessness are unclear. Increased breathlessness on exercise is known to occur at high altitude, but it is not known whether this is related to the hypoxia per se, or to other ventilatory parameters. To examine the role of high-altitude hypoxia
In our case reports, we mentioned about the utility of NPPV therapy in addition to standard pharmacologic therapy for acute asthma exacerbations in pregnant women with dyspnea and hypoxemia compared with that of oxygen therapy alone. Careful patient selection and clinicians' NPPV experience are

Wheezing, hypoxia, and dyspnea in a 62-year-old woman.

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This patient presented with dyspnea, hypoxia, and generalized wheezing; however, her pulmonary function testing did not suggest asthma. Subsequent evaluations for conditions that may mimic asthma were not helpful. An invasive procedure (pulmonary angiogram) was required to diagnose pulmonary

Use of High-Flow Nasal Cannula for Acute Dyspnea and Hypoxemia in the Emergency Department.

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BACKGROUND Acute dyspnea and hypoxemia are 2 of the most common problems in the emergency room. Oxygen therapy is an essential supportive treatment to correct these issues. In this study, we investigated the physiologic effects of high-flow nasal oxygen cannula (HFNC) compared with conventional

Influence of sustained hypoxia on the sensation of dyspnea.

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We assessed the effect of sustained isocapnic hypoxia (PCO2 = 40 Torr, SaO2 = 80%) on the sensation of dyspnea in 16 normal healthy males. Subjects rated the sensation of dyspnea (c) on 15 cm visual analog scales during 20 min of sustained hypoxia. Following this hypoxic period, 8 subjects undertook
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