Haitian Creole


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Fatty haemorrhagic liver syndrome in laying hens on diets supplemented with rapeseed products.

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Livers of laying hens of Hy-Line No 934E on low erucic acid rapeseed meals and rapeseed oil were studied. Gross lesions in the livers of hens on experimental diets were moderate to severe fatty degeneration, focal necrosis and moderate to severe haemorrhage. Histological examination revealed
Glucosinolates were removed from whole rapeseed by a hot-water extraction procedure or depleted by heat treatment. When laying hens were maintained for three months on diets containing about 300 g kg-1 of these rapeseed cakes, the incidence of liver haemorrhages detected at post mortem examination

Haemorrhagic liver syndrome of broiler chickens fed diets containing rapeseed products.

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Haemorrhagic livers were observed in male white rock chicks of one to four weeks old, that were fed diets supplemented with 50 per cent rapeseed meal and 50 per cent rapeseed full-fat seeds. The haemorrhagic lesions were comparable to those of the laying hens except for the absence of fatty

Liver haemorrhages induced by rapeseed meal: incidence in adult male and female fowls.

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Adult cockerels of a commercial egg-producing strain did not develop liver haemorrhages when maintained for 12 weeks on a diet containing 400 g rapeseed meal/kg food. Haemorrhages occurred in 43% of laying hens of the same strain as the cockerels and 33% of laying hens of another strain maintained

Haemorrhagic liver syndrome in laying fowl fed diets containing rapeseed meal.

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Liver haemorrhage was studied in laying fowl given diets containing rapeseed meals prepared from seed of varieties of Brassica napus grown in the United Kingdom and from seed of the varieties Tower and Erglu. There was lower mortality from liver haemorrhage in birds given Tower than in those given B

Experimental systems which modify and simulate rapeseed-induced liver haemorrhages in in-lay hens.

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The occurrence of liver haemorrhages was compared when diets containing 30 or 40 per cent rapeseed meal (RSM) or 30 per cent soybean meal (SBM), with and without experimental additives, were fed to in-lay hens of a commercial egg-producing strain for 12 weeks. The incidence of haemorrhages was
Fatty liver-haemorrhagic syndrome (FLHS) occurred in the controls and was modified in hens that received a diet containing 10 per cent rapeseed meal. This diet increased the extent and severity of the hepatic haemorrhage without affecting the reticulin content of the liver but decreased the body

Incidence of liver haemorrhage among white leghorn strains fed on diets containing different types of rapeseed meals.

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1. There was a marked strain difference in the incidence of hepatic haemorrhage in White Leghorn hens receiving dietary rapeseed meal (RSM). 2. Tolerance to high dietary contents of RSM also varied between individual birds within a strain. 3. Glucosinolates were implicated in the development of
Rapeseed meal hepatosis was produced by feeding high and low glucosinolate meals as a source of protein (about 200 g kg-1 diet) but could not be distinguished histologically from fatty liver-haemorrhagic syndrome which occurred in birds on the control diet. Both types of meal increased haemorrhage,
Rapeseed meal, the residue after oil extraction, is an animal feed of great commercial interest. Some genetic strains of rapeseed yield a meal which when fed in high concentration produces hemorrhagic lesions in the liver of chickens. These lesions are reduced in incidence by the simultaneous

Ultrastructure of livers of broiler chickens fed diets containing rapeseed meal.

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The ultrastructure of the livers of four-week-old White Rock broiler chickens fed diets containing 50% rapeseed meal was examined. Multifocal hepatocytic necrosis was observed in most of the birds fed the experimental diets. Early degenerative changes were swelling of mitochondria and vacuolations

The effect of rapeseed meal on the energy metabolism of laying hens.

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1. The effect of 100 g rapeseed meal (RSM)/kg diet on the energy metabolism of hybrid laying hens was examined by indirect calorimetry. Thyroid hormone concentrations, thyroid weight, liver weight and body weight, egg production and food intake were also measured. 2. Fasting heat production was

Rapeseed meal glucosinolates: metabolism and effect on performance in laying hens.

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Two experiments were conducted with Hyline Leghorn hens to study the metabolism and detrimental effects of rapeseed meal (RSM) glucosinolates. Raw Target RSM was force fed to 12 hens which were killed after varying time intervals (15 min., 30 min., 60 min.) and the contents of areas of the digestive

The development of dermal lesions and alopecia in male rats fed rapeseed oil.

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For 8 weeks 10 male weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a semisynthetic diet containing by weight either 20% corn oil or rapeseed oils containing different amounts of erucic acid (Brassica napus var. Zephyr, 0.6%; B. napus var. Oro, 1.8%; B. campestris var. Span, 4.8%; or B. campestris var. Echo

Productive performance and liver lesions in two strains of laying hens receiving two rapeseed meals.

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A comparative study was conducted to determine the effect of two varieties of rapeseed meal at 10 and 20% levels in the diet on the productive performance, organ weights and liver lesions of two commercial strains of laying hens. The double-low (Brassica napus 1788) rapeseed meal appeared to be
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