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renal colic/vômito

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BACKGROUND Renal stones are the third common disease of the urinary system after infections and diseases of the prostate. One of the most common manifestations of this disease after acute pain is nausea and vomiting. OBJECTIVE To compare the efficacy of metoclopramide and ondansetron in improving

Renal colic causing Boerhaave syndrome

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Boerhaave syndrome is the spontaneous rupture of the oesophagus, usually due to vomiting. The condition is rare but can be fatal. A 30-year-old male presented with vomiting and pain in his left flank and chest. Computed tomography scanning of the chest, abdomen and pelvic revealed a 4 mm left

[Reversible hyperuricemia in case of ureteral colics (author's transl)].

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On about one fourth of the patients ureteral colics caused by oxalate and phosphate calculi lead to a reversible hyperuricemia. This result seems to be important, because we might wrongly diagnose a uric acid calculus. The reason for hyperuricemia is a temporary diuretic disturbance of the uric

Pathophysiology and symptoms of renal colic in children - a case report.

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Urolithiasis is a disease characterized by the presence of stones in the kidney or urinary tract. It is often detected accidentally during an ultrasound or an abdominal x-ray performed for other reasons. However, the first symptom of kidney stone disease can be severe pain called renal colic. Pain
OBJECTIVE To examine the relative benefits and disadvantages of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opioids for the management of acute renal colic. METHODS Cochrane Renal Group's specialised register, Cochrane central register of controlled trials, Medline, Embase, and reference

Renal colic in adults: NSAIDs and morphine are effective for pain relief.

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(1) Renal colic is an acute syndrome involving unilateral flank pain, linked to an obstruction in the upper urinary tract. The pain is often intense. After having considered other diagnoses and checked for signs of complication (fever, oligoanuria), the first step is to control the pain; (2) Which

[Use of sodium diclofenac in acute renal colic].

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31 patients with symptoms of acute renal colic were treated with diclofenac natrium. According to preliminary results this drug is more effective for relieving pain of acute renal colic than the traditional combination of spasmolytics and analgetics. This might be due to the blocking effect of
OBJECTIVE The pain-relieving efficacy of antagonists of histamine 1 (H1) receptors that are widely found in the ureter and that cause contractions in renal colic was presented in comparison with a placebo. METHODS Eighty-six patients who presented to the emergency service because of renal colic
OBJECTIVE Renal colic (RC) is a common cause for emergency department visits. This study was conducted to compare the analgesic efficacy of morphine plus ketamine (MK) versus morphine plus placebo (MP) in patients with acute renal colic. METHODS Using a single center, double-blind, two-arm,

Glucagon in acute ureteral colic. A randomized trial.

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The effect of glucagon administered as a bolus (1 mg) followed by a continuous infusion (2 mg/h) for 8 h and a placebo was compared in 37 adults with urographically demonstrated ureteral calculi less than 6 mm. The bolus injection was given 20 min after start of intravenous urography, and the

Use of ketorolac in renal colic.

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Intravenously administered ketorolac tromethamine provided complete pain relief to a 54-year-old man with right-sided testicular pain and nausea and vomiting. The patient had a ureteral calculus documented by computed tomography. This patient's pain initially failed to respond to intravenously

Predictive factors for stone disease in patients with renal colic.

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BACKGROUND Many patients present to urology and emergency departments for acute renal colic complaints. There are many different imaging studies that can be used in patients with a pre-diagnosis of acute renal colic. In this study, we would like to assess the efficacy of using clinical and

Comparison of ketorolac and diclofenac in the treatment of renal colic.

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OBJECTIVE To compare the efficacy and adverse effects of ketorolac and diclofenac in the treatment of renal colic. METHODS In a double-blind, randomized clinical trial, 57 patients admitted to the emergency room for renal colic, received either 30 mg of ketorolac or 75 mg of diclofenac i.m.

Which patients with renal colic should be referred?

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Around 1-2 people per thousand present with an acute episode of pain caused by renal stones each year. Renal colic is classically sudden in onset, unilateral, and radiates from loin to groin. Renal pelvic or upper ureteric stones usually cause more flank pain and tenderness while lower ureteric

Ciramadol, a new potent analgesic, used intravenously in renal colic.

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In an open investigation, ciramadol, a partial agonist of opioid, was found to be a potent analgesic when 20 mg was given intravenously to 30 patients experiencing severe pain of renal colic. Total pain relief was obtained in 9 patients, while very good pain relief was obtained in 17 others.
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