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galactan/резуховидка таля

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The Three Members of the Arabidopsis thaliana Glycosyltransferase Family 92 are Functional β-1,4-Galactan Synthases.

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Pectin is a major component of primary cell walls and performs a plethora of functions crucial for plant growth, development and plant-defense responses. Despite the importance of pectic polysaccharides their biosynthesis is poorly understood. Several genes have been implicated in pectin

Pectin biosynthesis: GALS1 in Arabidopsis thaliana is a β-1,4-galactan β-1,4-galactosyltransferase.

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β-1,4-Galactans are abundant polysaccharides in plant cell walls, which are generally found as side chains of rhamnogalacturonan I. Rhamnogalacturonan I is a major component of pectin with a backbone of alternating rhamnose and galacturonic acid residues and side chains that include α-1,5-arabinans,

Overexpression of Cicer arietinum βIII-Gal but not βIV-Gal in arabidopsis causes a reduction of cell wall β-(1,4)-galactan compensated by an increase in homogalacturonan.

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In Cicer arietinum, as in several plant species, the β-galactosidases are encoded by multigene families, although the role of the different proteins is not completely elucidated. Here, we focus in 2 members of this family, βIII-Gal and βIV-Gal, with high degree of amino acid sequence identity (81%),

Carrageenans, sulphated polysaccharides of red seaweeds, differentially affect Arabidopsis thaliana resistance to Trichoplusia ni (cabbage looper).

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Carrageenans are a collective family of linear, sulphated galactans found in a number of commercially important species of marine red alga. These polysaccharides are known to elicit defense responses in plant and animals and possess anti-viral properties. We investigated the effect of foliar

Physico-chemical characteristics of cell walls from Arabidopsis thaliana microcalli showing different adhesion strengths.

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Changes in the composition and structure of cell walls and extracellular polysaccharides (ECP) were studied during the growth of suspension-cultured Arabidopsis thaliana microcalli. Three growth phases, namely the cell division phase, the cell expansion phase, and the stationary phase, were

Galactosyltransferases from Arabidopsis thaliana in the biosynthesis of type II arabinogalactan: molecular interaction enhances enzyme activity.

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BACKGROUND Arabinogalactan proteins are abundant proteoglycans present on cell surfaces of plants and involved in many cellular processes, including somatic embryogenesis, cell-cell communication and cell elongation. Arabinogalactan proteins consist mainly of glycan, which is synthesized by

Syncytia formed by adult female Heterodera schachtii in Arabidopsis thaliana roots have a distinct cell wall molecular architecture.

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• Plant-parasitic cyst nematodes form a feeding site, termed a syncytium, through which the nematode obtains nutrients from the host plant to support nematode development. The structural features of cell walls of syncytial cells have yet to be elucidated. • Monoclonal antibodies to defined glycans

UDP-glucose 4-epimerase isoforms UGE2 and UGE4 cooperate in providing UDP-galactose for cell wall biosynthesis and growth of Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Five Arabidopsis thaliana genes that encode UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (UGE) and represent two ancient plant UGE clades might be involved in the regulation of cell wall carbohydrate biosynthesis. We tested this hypothesis in a genome-wide reverse genetic study. Despite significant contributions of each

QUASIMODO1 is expressed in vascular tissue of Arabidopsis thaliana inflorescence stems, and affects homogalacturonan and xylan biosynthesis.

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An insertion in the promoter of the Arabidopsis thaliana QUA1 gene (qua1-1 allele) leads to a dwarf plant phenotype and a reduction in cell adhesion, particularly between epidermal cells in seedlings and young leaves. This coincides with a reduction in the level of homogalacturonan epitopes and the

Developmental and Tissue-Specific Structural Alterations of the Cell-Wall Polysaccharides of Arabidopsis thaliana Roots.

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The plant cell wall is a dynamic structure that plays important roles in growth and development and in the interactions of plants with their environment and other organisms. We have used monoclonal antibodies that recognize different carbohydrate epitopes present in plant cell-wall polysaccharides

Arabidopsis thaliana glucuronosyltransferase in family GT14.

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Arabinogalactan proteins are abundant cell-surface proteoglycans in plants and are involved in many cellular processes including somatic embryogenesis, cell-cell interactions, and cell elongation. We reported a glucuronosyltransferase encoded by Arabidopsis AtGlcAT14A, which catalyzes an addition of

A β-glucuronosyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana involved in biosynthesis of type II arabinogalactan has a role in cell elongation during seedling growth.

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We have characterized a β-glucuronosyltransferase (AtGlcAT14A) from Arabidopsis thaliana that is involved in the biosynthesis of type II arabinogalactan (AG). This enzyme belongs to the Carbohydrate Active Enzyme database glycosyltransferase family 14 (GT14). The protein was localized to the Golgi

Tocopherols mutual balance is a key player for maintaining Arabidopsis thaliana growth under salt stress

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Enhanced channeling carbon through pathways: shikimate/chorismate, benzenoid-phenylopropanoid or 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) provides a multitude of secondary metabolites and cell wall components and allows plants response to environmental stresses. Through the biosynthetic pathways,

In situ, chemical and macromolecular study of the composition of Arabidopsis thaliana seed coat mucilage.

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A comprehensive analysis was carried out of the composition of seed coat mucilage from Arabidopsis thaliana using the Columbia-0 accession. Pectinaceous mucilage is released from myxospermous seeds upon imbibition, and in Arabidopsis consists of a water-soluble, outer layer and an adherent, inner

Arabinogalactan protein 31 (AGP31), a putative network-forming protein in Arabidopsis thaliana cell walls?

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OBJECTIVE Arabinogalactan protein 31 (AGP31) is a remarkable plant cell-wall protein displaying a multi-domain organization unique in Arabidopsis thaliana: it comprises a predicted signal peptide (SP), a short AGP domain of seven amino acids, a His-stretch, a Pro-rich domain and a PAC (PRP-AGP
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