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populus ×generosa/protease

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Genome-wide characterization of aspartic protease (AP) gene family in Populus trichocarpa and identification of the potential PtAPs involved in wood formation.

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Aspartic protease (AP) is one of four large proteolytic enzyme families that are involved in plant growth and development. Little is known about the AP gene family in tree species, although it has been characterized in Arabidopsis, rice and grape. The AP genes that are involved in tree

Selective histories of poplar protease inhibitors: elevated polymorphism, purifying selection, and positive selection driving divergence of recent duplicates.

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To further our understanding of plant defense evolution and the consistency of selection at the nucleotide level we analysed polymorphism data from five protease inhibitor (PI) genes in Populus balsamifera. We compared diversity at the five PI genes to diversity at nondefense loci in both range-wide

Molecular population genetics of herbivore-induced protease inhibitor genes in European aspen (Populus tremula L., Salicaceae).

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Plants defend themselves against the attack of natural enemies by using an array of both constitutively expressed and induced defenses. Long-lived woody perennials are overrepresented among plant species that show strong induced defense responses, whereas annual plants and crop species are

Aspen SP1, an exceptional thermal, protease and detergent-resistant self-assembled nano-particle.

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Stable protein 1 (SP1) is a homo-oligomeric protein isolated from aspen (Populus tremula aspen) plants which forms a ring-shape dodecameric particle with a central cavity. The oligomeric form of SP1 is an exceptionally stable structure that is resistant to proteases (e.g., trypsin, V8, and

Functional analysis of a subtilisin-like serine protease gene from biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum.

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The subtilisin-like serine protease gene ThSS45 has been cloned from Trichoderma harzianum ACCC30371. Its coding region is 1302 bp in length, encoding 433 amino acids, with a predicted protein molecular weight of 44.9 kDa and pI of 5.91. ThSS45 was shown by RT-qPCR analysis to be differentially

Protease gene families in Populus and Arabidopsis.

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BACKGROUND Proteases play key roles in plants, maintaining strict protein quality control and degrading specific sets of proteins in response to diverse environmental and developmental stimuli. Similarities and differences between the proteases expressed in different species may give valuable

Papain-like cysteine protease encoding genes in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis): comparative genomics, phylogenetic, and transcriptional profiling analysis.

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UNASSIGNED 43 HbPLCPs representing nine subfamilies or 20 orthologous groups were found in rubber, where paralogs were resulted from the recent WGD and local duplication. Several senescence-associated genes were also identified. Papain-like cysteine proteases (PLCPs) comprise a large family of

Soil plant interactions of Populus alba in contrasting environments.

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The effects of the Populus alba tree on different biochemical soil properties, growing in a contaminated area, were studied for two years under field conditions. Two types of trace element contaminated soils were studied: a neutral contaminated soil (NC) and an acid contaminated soil (AC). One

Functional analysis of the Kunitz trypsin inhibitor family in poplar reveals biochemical diversity and multiplicity in defense against herbivores.

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We investigated the functional and biochemical variability of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) genes of Populus trichocarpa x Populus deltoides. Phylogenetic analysis, expressed sequence tag databases, and western-blot analysis confirmed that these genes belong to a large and diverse gene family with

Complete amino acid sequence of plastocyanin from a green alga, Enteromorpha prolifera.

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The complete amino acid sequence of the plastocyanin from the green alga Enteromorpha prolifera has been determined by Edman degradation of the intact molecule and fragments produced by enzymatic cleavage of the polypeptide chain with chymotrypsin, Staphylococcus aureus protease, proline-specific

The function of two type II metacaspases in woody tissues of Populus trees.

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Metacaspases (MCs) are cysteine proteases that are implicated in programmed cell death of plants. AtMC9 (Arabidopsis thaliana Metacaspase9) is a member of the Arabidopsis MC family that controls the rapid autolysis of the xylem vessel elements, but its downstream targets in xylem remain

Characterization of SP1, a stress-responsive, boiling-soluble, homo-oligomeric protein from aspen.

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sp1 cDNA was isolated from aspen (Populus tremula) plants by immunoscreening an expression library using polyclonal antibodies against BspA protein. BspA, which is a boiling-stable protein, accumulates in aspen plants in response to water stress and abscisic acid application (Pelah et al., 1995).

Quantitative proteomics reveals protein profiles underlying major transitions in aspen wood development.

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BACKGROUND Wood development is of outstanding interest both to basic research and industry due to the associated cellulose and lignin biomass production. Efforts to elucidate wood formation (which is essential for numerous aspects of both pure and applied plant science) have been made using

Effects of Cd, Zn, or Pb Stress in Populus alba berolinensis on the Antioxidant, Detoxifying, and Digestive Enzymes of Lymantria dispar.

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For investigating the physiological responses of herbivores to the heavy metal-stressed woody host plants, the activities of antioxidant, detoxifying, and digestive enzymes in the gypsy moth larvae, Lymantria dispar, that were fed with different heavy metal-stressed poplar seedling (Populus alba

An ATP signalling pathway in plant cells: extracellular ATP triggers programmed cell death in Populus euphratica.

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We elucidated the extracellular ATP (eATP) signalling cascade active in programmed cell death (PCD) using cell cultures of Populus euphratica. Millimolar amounts of eATP induced a dose- and time-dependent reduction in viability, and the agonist-treated cells displayed hallmark features of PCD. eATP
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