Haitian Creole


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Stran 1 iz 42 rezultatov

Impact of changes in regular use of marijuana and/or tobacco on chronic bronchitis.

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We sought to evaluate possible changes in the prevalence of chronic bronchitis in relation to continuing or changing smoking status for marijuana and/or tobacco. For this purpose we followed 299 participants in a longitudinal cohort study of the impact of heavy habitual use of marijuana alone or

Respiratory effects of marijuana and tobacco use in a U.S. sample.

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OBJECTIVE Although a number of studies have examined the respiratory impact of marijuana smoking, such studies have generally used convenience samples of marijuana and tobacco users. The current study examined respiratory effects of marijuana and tobacco use in a nationally representative sample

"Wild cannabis": A review of the traditional use and phytochemistry of Leonotis leonurus.

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BACKGROUND Leonotis leonurus, locally commonly known as "wilde dagga" (=wild cannabis), is traditionally used as a decoction, both topically and orally, in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions such as haemorrhoids, eczema, skin rashes, boils, itching, muscular cramps, headache, epilepsy,

[Assessment and treatment of cannabis use disorders in primary health care].

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In Finland every fourth young adult (25 to 34 years of age) has experience with the use of cannabis and in younger people (15 to 24 years) about 10% have used it during the previous year. The majority (about 90%) neither becomes addicted nor develops significant psychiatric symptoms, but in some

[Adverse effects of marijuana].

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When admitted in an emergency unit, young patients often present acute neurological effects of smoked marijuana. Other chronic adverse effects of marijuana are probably underestimated: postural syncope, arteritis, chronic bronchitis, amnesia. Marijuana may trigger a myocardial infarction and have a

Medical Cannabis in Asthmatic Patients.

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With the increased use of cannabis in the medicinal and recreational domains, it is becoming more important for physicians to better understand its harmful and beneficial effects. Although medical cannabis comes in several forms, the preferred route of administration is smoking or

[Pulmonary consequences of marijuana smoking].

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Based on previously published studies, this review describes the pulmonary consequences of marijuana smoking. Smoking of marijuana is significantly associated with chronic bronchitis (cough and phlegm), but it has not been firmly established whether it also leads to a reduction in lung function.

Cannabinoids determination in bronchoalveolar lavages of cannabis smokers with lung disease.

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Background Cannabis smoke affects the lungs similarly to tobacco smoke, causing symptoms such as increased cough, sputum, hyperinflation and chronic bronchitis. Chronic use can also cause serious lung diseases and airway obstruction. We developed and validated a method for the identification and

[Frequent non-medical cannabis use: health sequelae and effectiveness of detoxification treatment].

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The non-medical (recreational) use of cannabis is common particularly among young adults. In light of the ongoing legalization debate the clinical impact of physical and psychosocial consequences of regular recreational cannabis consumption should be presented. Health consequences appear to be more

Cannabis use in the community.

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BACKGROUND The illegal use of cannabis has been increasing in many Western countries for the past two decades. Recently, some interest has been shown in modifying legislation and control. The need for general practitioners to be aware of the short- and long-term consequences of cannabis use is

[Cannabis and lung. What we know and everything we don't know yet].

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Cannabis use increased sharply from 2010 to 2014 in France. Cannabis is often consumed with tobacco, although the use of marijuana is developing. Tobacco and cannabis smoke have many common characteristics in terms of irritants, carcinogens and carbon monoxide. They also differentiate by their

[Cannabis use and impairment of respiratory function].

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Cannabis is the most commonly smoked illicit substance in many countries including France. It can be smoked alone in plant form (marijuana) but in our country it is mainly smoked in the form of cannabis resin mixed with tobacco. The technique of inhaling cannabis differs from that of tobacco,

Involvement of the endogenous cannabinoid 2 ligand 2-arachidonyl glycerol in allergic inflammation.

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BACKGROUND Cannabinoid (CB) 2 is expressed on immune and inflammatory cells. Identification of 2-arachidonyl glycerol (2-AG) and anandamide as endogenous CB2 ligands has allowed investigations of the roles of CB2 and its endogenous ligand system in inflammatory cells. However, the roles of this

Effect of marijuana smoking on pulmonary disease in HIV-infected and uninfected men: a longitudinal cohort study.

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Lung disease is a common comorbidity in people with HIV/AIDS, independent of smoking status. The effects of marijuana smoking on risk of lung disease in HIV-infected individuals are unclear.In this prospective cohort study, we quantified lung disease risk

Marijuana and the lung: hysteria or cause for concern?

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Increasing cannabis use and legalisation highlights the paucity of data we have on the safety of cannabis smoking for respiratory health. Unfortunately, concurrent use of tobacco among marijuana smokers makes it difficult to untangle individual effect of marijuana smoking. Chronic cannabis only
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