5 rezultatov
The effect of obesity on the connective tissue composition of skin was investigated in mice with goldthioglucose (GTG)-induced obesity. Four months after GTG treatment, the obese animals were sacrificed. Acid mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins, collagen, and elastin were analyzed in the skin and
The safety and effectiveness of osteogenic protein (OP)-1 putty (recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-7) in promoting fusion in complex spinal cases was studied in nine cases.
The authors prospectively evaluated nine patients requiring spinal fusion in whom there were
Many skin lesions are specific for diabetes mellitus. Necrobiosis lipoidica, lipoatrophy and idiopathic bullae (bullosis diabeticorum) are usually associated with diabetes. However, diabetic scleredema has not been noticed by internists, although dermatologists have paid attention to such a
The transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) genetic variants have shown differential effect on low-fat and high-fat diet in obese subjects. Nopal is a Mexican variety of cactus that is a traditional food and has been used in the treatment of diabetes. Its hypoglycaemic effect may be because of its
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a widespread disorder characterized by recurrent, partial, or complete episodes of apnea due to upper airway tract obstruction during sleep. OSAS frequency is likely to increase in hypothyroidism because of obesity, macroglossia, dysfunctional upper