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Potato consumption and risk of pancreatic cancer in the HELGA cohort.

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Potatoes have been a staple food in many countries throughout the years. Potatoes have a high glycaemic index (GI) score, and high GI has been associated with several chronic diseases and cancers. Still, the research on potatoes and health is scarce and contradictive, and we identified no

Sweet Potato Peels and Cancer Prevention.

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A bioassay-guided fractionation of an alcoholic extract from the peels of Ipomoea batatas Lam has been carried out. Sulforhodamine B and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assays were used to evaluate the anticancer and antioxidant potential, respectively, while silica gel column chromatography

[Anti-tumor activity of components isolated from purple sweet potato polysaccharides].

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OBJECTIVE To isolate and purify components from polysaccharides of purple sweet potato (PPSP) and to test their anti-tumor activity. METHODS DEAE-Cellulose and CM-Cellulose exchange chromatography were applied to separate components of PPSP. The anti-tumor activities of each component were measured

In vivo antioxidant, hypoglycemic, and anti-tumor activities of anthocyanin extracts from purple sweet potato.

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Anthocyanin from purple sweet potato (PSP) extracted by microwave baking (MB) and acidified electrolyzed water (AEW) exhibited antioxidant activity. After further purification by macroporous AB-8 resin, the color value of PSP anthocyanin (PSPA) reached 30.15 with a total flavonoid concentration of

A new glycoprotein SPG-8700 isolated from sweet potato with potential anti-cancer activity against colon cancer.

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A new small molecule glycoprotein SPG-8700 with potential anti-colorectal cancer activity was firstly separated by tracking of bioactivity from a new sweet potato variety Zhongshu-1. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry, high-performance liquid chromatography and amino acid
Breast cancer (BC) is a prominent source of cancer mortality in women throughout the world. β-Sitosterol-d-glucoside (β-SDG), a newly isolated phytosterol from sweet potato, possibly displays potent anticancer activity. However, the probable anticancer mechanisms involved are still unclear. This

To Target or Not to Target: Active vs. Passive Tumor Homing of Filamentous Nanoparticles Based on Potato virus X.

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Nanoparticles are promising platforms for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Diverse classes and shapes of materials have been investigated to establish design principles that achieve the effective partitioning of medical cargos between tumors and healthy tissues. Molecular targeting strategies
The infectivity of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain B6 was inhibited about 50% when these bacteria were inoculated on potato discs with equal viable cell counts of a weakly virulent strain of A. tumefaciens (B-48) or autoclaved strains of B6 or B-48. Inhibition by B-48 or autoclaved B6 could still
Melanoidins are brown, nitrogen containing, high molecular weight end products of Maillard reaction with poorly established activity towards tumor cells. The goal of present study was to verify whether both heated potato fiber Potex extract (180°C for 2h) and melanoidins isolated from the extract

Isozyme gene expression in potato tumors incited by Agrobacterium.

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Two plant tumors (crown galls and hairy roots) were experimentally provoked on potato cv. 'Désirée' by oncogenic strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes. A marked shift in the expression of some organ-specific genes occurred in crown galls derived from the central zone of tubers: two
Biochemical perculiarities of the potato tumours development on the plants infected with the agent of cancer Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb). Perc. The experiment is dedicated to ascertaining contrast biochemical peculiarities of tumours on potato plants infected with the agent of cancer. The

Change in potato consumption among Norwegian women 1998-2005-The Norwegian Women and Cancer study (NOWAC).

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Studies have shown that potato consumption in Norway have been on the decline in recent years. Increase in income and the association of potato consumption with weight gain and chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes have been identified as some of the factors responsible for the change. The aim of

Potato Consumption and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in the Norwegian Women and Cancer Cohort.

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Potatoes are the fourth most plentiful food crop in the world, yet the scientific literature on the health effects of potato consumption is scarce. This study aimed to investigate the association between potato consumption and the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) among 79,778 women aged 41-70, in the

Optimization of in vitro inhibition of HT-29 colon cancer cell cultures by Solanum tuberosum L. extracts.

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Secondary metabolites in potato have been reported to possess bioactive properties, including growth inhibition of cancer cells. Because potatoes are widely consumed globally, potential health benefits may have broad application. Thus we investigated growth inhibition of HT-29 colon cancer cell

Cancer-preventive Properties of an Anthocyanin-enriched Sweet Potato in the APCMIN Mouse Model.

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BACKGROUND Anthocyanin-rich foods and preparations have been reported to reduce the risk of life-style related diseases, including cancer. The SL222 sweet potato, a purple-fleshed cultivar developed in New Zealand, accumulates high levels of anthocyanins in its storage root. METHODS We examined the
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