Haitian Creole

cochlearia pyrenaica/peroxidase

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The efferent vestibular neurons in the toad (Bufo bufo L.): their location and morphology. A horseradish peroxidase study.

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Retrogradely labeled neurons are observed in the central nervous system of the toad after peripheral application of peroxidase to the anterior and posterior stumps of the VIIIth nerve. These efferent vestibular neurons are localized in the brainstem only ipsilaterally to the treated nerve; they are

Horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed sulfoxidation of promethazine and properties of promethazine sulfoxide.

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Promethazine sulfoxide was obtained with a quantitative yield in a horse radish peroxidase-catalyzed reaction of promethazine and hydrogen peroxide and was also prepared by direct chemical synthesis. The enzymatic sulfoxidation of promethazine was studied in vitro as a function of pH, promethazine,

Interaction of aromatic donor molecules with manganese(III) reconstituted horseradish peroxidase: proton nuclear magnetic resonance and optical difference spectroscopic studies.

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The interaction of aromatic donor molecules with manganese(III) protoporphyrin-apohorseradish peroxidase complex [Mn(III)HRP] was investigated by optical difference spectroscopy and relaxation rate measurements of 1H resonances of aromatic donor molecules (at 500 MHz). pH dependence of substrate

Retention and extractability of phenol, cresol, and dichlorophenol exposed to two surface soils in the presence of horseradish peroxidase enzyme.

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The retention of phenol, o-cresol, 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP), and their peroxidase-catalyzed polymerization products was evaluated on two surface soils. The extractability of the parent solutes and their polymerization products was also investigated. (14)C-Labeled radioisotopes were used to quantify

[Immunoenzyme test system for the quantitative determination of tetanus antitoxin in vaccinated persons using horseradish peroxidase-conjugated staphylococcal protein A].

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An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) system for assays of tetanus antitoxin in vaccinees has been developed. As conjugate, staphylococcal protein A labeled with horse-radish peroxidase is used in this system. The possibility of using the newly developed EIA system in seroepidemiological surveys of the

[Distribution of horseradish peroxidase-labeled neurons, sources of descending fiber systems, in subcortical brain structures and the hypothalamus of cats].

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Location of neurons which initiate different descending fibre systems from amygdaloid nuclei, basal ganglia and hypothalamus to brain stem was studied using the method of horse-radish peroxidase retrograde axonal transport. It was shown that neurons from magnocellular part of the basal amygdaloid

Motor and sensory centers for the innervation of mandibular and sublingual salivary glands: a horseradish peroxidase study in the dog.

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Horeradish peroxidase was injected at multiple sites in the mandibular and sublingual salivary glands in order to label the preganglionic salivatory neurons in the brain stem. The same injections resulted in retrograde labeling of the sympathetic and sensory neurons that project to these glands.

The presence of retinopetal fibres in the optic nerve of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus): a horseradish peroxidase in vitro study.

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Mongolian gerbils were enucleated, and a crystal of HRP placed on the cut surface of the transected optic nerves emerging from the eyeballs. After incubation in an oxygenated medium, glutaraldehyde fixation, cryo-sectioning and reaction of the sections for peroxidase activity, HRP-labelled fibres

[Divergence of axon collaterals of substantia nigra neurons in the forebrain of the rat: double labeling with fluorochromes and horseradish peroxidase].

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The origin of divergent and non-divergent pathways from substantia nigra to the thalamus were studied in experiments on rats using retrograde axonal transport of luminescent tracers and horse-radish peroxidase. Two efferent projection systems are shown: the first--with divergence of axon collaterals

Paired indirect immunoenzyme staining with primary antibodies from the same species. Application of horseradish peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase as sequential labels.

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Paired indirect immunoenzyme staining based on primary antisera from the same species was performed sequentially without intermediate antibody elution. The first antigen was labelled brown by an immunoperoxidase procedure (either the two-stage indirect method, the unlabelled antibody

[Preparation of immunoenzyme conjugates of beta-lactamase from Bacillus licheniformis 749/c and horseradish peroxidase with human antibodies to HIV-1].

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By using three different linkage methods with carbodiimide, glutaraldehyde and periodite, immunoenzyme conjugates of beta-lactamase from Bacillus licheniformis 749/c and horse radish peroxidase with human antibodies to HIV-1 were prepared. The human antibodies were purified by the affinity procedure

Low concentration of silver nanoparticles not only enhances the activity of horseradish peroxidase but alter the structure also.

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Chemical synthesis of Ag-NPs was carried out using reduction method. The reduction mechanistic approach of silver ions was found to be a basic clue for the formation of the Ag-NPs. The nanoparticles were characterized by UV-vis, FT-IR and TEM analysis. We had designed some experiments in support of

[Preservation of the enzyme activity of horseradish peroxidase administered into the gastrointestinal tract of adult dogs and rats].

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Enzymatic activity of horse radish peroxidase administered to the gastrointestinal tract of adult dogs and rats was assessed. It was discovered that in adult dogs, 30% of the protein reached the distal parts of the small intestine in a non-splitted form. As early as two hours after administering

Exploring the process-structure-function relationship of horseradish peroxidase through investigation of pH- and heat induced conformational changes.

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Given the importance of peroxidase as an indicator for the preservation of vegetables by heat treatment, the present study is focused on enzyme behavior under different pH and temperature conditions, in terms of process-structure-function relationships. Thus, the process-structure-function

The raphe-reticular connection. An experimental study using the silver impregnation and horseradish peroxidase techniques in the rat.

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The raphe-reticular connection in the rat was studied using the silver impregnation and peroxidase techniques. The raphe nuclei, were found to constitute two independent groups: the oblongata (ncl. raphealis magnus et parvus) and the pontomesencephalic groups (nuclei lineares, ncl. raphealis
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