Haitian Creole

angina pectoris/tiêu chảy

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Comparative efficacy and safety of bepridil and diltiazem in chronic stable angina pectoris refractory to diltiazem. The Bepridil Collaborative Study Group.

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The efficacy and safety of bepridil hydrochloride (200 to 400 mg/day) were evaluated in patients with chronic stable angina refractory to maximal tolerated doses of diltiazem (median 360 mg/day) in a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, parallel study. Baseline diltiazem data were obtained during

Haemodynamic effects of bopindolol and atenolol in coronary artery disease. A noninvasive study.

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Bopindolol, a new non-selective betablocker, and atenolol, a conventional betablocker, were studied in parallel groups of eight normotensive patients with NYHA II-III angina pectoris. Non-invasive haemodynamic measurements were made using echocardiography and systolic time intervals. Drug doses were

Inverted T waves in patient with Addisonian crisis.

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Addisonian crisis represents a state of acute adrenocortical insufficiency and occurs in patient with Addison's disease who are exposed to stress of infection, surgery, trauma, vomiting and diarrhea. We present a case with a 39-year-old female patient who admitted to the hospital with Addisonian

Partial ileal bypass surgery in the treatment of heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: a review.

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Partial ileal bypass (PIB) surgery is a method in the treatment of heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Since the first report in 1964 about 150 cases of FH who underwent the surgical procedure have been described. This number is very low when compared to other types of

Problems in postoperative renal transplant recipients who present to the emergency unit: experience at one center.

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When a renal recipient in Turkey develops a postoperative problem, consultation by the transplant team in the emergency unit is often the first step toward a solution. The main aim of this study was to identify the types of postoperative problems that cause renal transplantation patients to visit

[Potassium magnesium homeostasis: physiology, pathophysiology, clinical consequences of deficiency and pharmacological correction].

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The metabolism of K and Mg is closely linked. Mg deficiency may arise together with and contribute to the persistence of K deficiency. Isolated disturbances of K balance do not produce secondary abnormalities in Mg homeostasis. In contrast, primary disturbances in Mg balance, particularly Mg

Sphenopalatine (nasal) ganglion: remote effects including "psychosomatic" symptoms, rage reaction, pain, and spasm.

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Many articles implicate the nasal ganglion in the production of remote symptoms and discuss treatment. Symptoms are primarily spastic, involving both visceral and voluntary muscles including muscle spasm in the neck, shoulder, and low back; asthma, hypertension, intestinal spasm; diarrhea, angina

Adverse reactions to pindolol administration.

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More than 1200 patients who received pindolol for the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris, and various arrhythmias in studies conducted in the United States were included in the New Drug Application submitted to the FDA. Nearly 1000 of these patients received pindolol as monotherapy. The side
BACKGROUND To confirm the results of a number of studies conducted in Europe, the United States, and Japan, this multicenter, randomized trial compared the 12-month efficacy and safety of tacrolimus- and cyclosporine-based immunosuppressive regimens in the prevention of renal allograft

Milrinone, a new agent for the treatment of congestive heart failure.

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The chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, dosage, clinical efficacy, and adverse effects of milrinone are reviewed. Milrinone, which is structurally similar to amrinone, is an oral agent under investigation for the treatment of congestive heart failure. The drug produces positive inotropic and

A health study of two communities near the Stringfellow Waste Disposal site.

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A health survey of 2,039 persons in 606 households located near the Stringfellow Hazardous Waste Disposal site, Riverside County, California, and in a reference community was conducted to assess whether rates of adverse health outcomes were elevated among persons living near the site. Data included

[The ideal length of hospital stay in the surgical treatment of colorectal cancer].

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In order to verify the safety of an ideal length of hospital stay (5-6 days) after open colectomy, we reviewed complications after 371 consecutive, elective colorectal resections for cancer at our institution between April 1991 and December 1998. Specifically, age of the patient, length of hospital

Ten years clinical experience with partial ileal bypass in management of the hyperlipidemias.

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The first partial ileal bypass operation specifically for the reduction of plasma lipids was performed by us in 1963. Since then we have operated upon and followed for more than three months 126 hyperlipidemic patients. Clinical metabolic studies, before and after the procedure, have demonstrated a

LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury

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The calcium channel blockers act by blocking the influx of calcium ions into vascular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle cells during membrane depolarization. Because muscle contraction is largely dependent upon influx of calcium, its inhibition causes relaxation, particularly in arterial beds. Thus,

Analysis of malaria cases among United Nations troops in Sierra Leone.

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OBJECTIVE To analyze malaria case presentation admitted to the United Nations hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone named Choithram Memorial Hospital, a Jordanian Medical Level III Hospital. METHODS All data from patients admitted to the Choithram Memorial Hospital, Freetown, Sierra Leone, over a
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