5 các kết quả
Although many organic solvents are known to be cutaneous irritants, they are commonly utilized as vehicles in percutaneous absorption and toxicity studies. The isolated perfused porcine skin flap (IPPSF) is an alternative animal model that has been used to study percutaneous absorption and cutaneous
Alternate forms of drug crystals display different physicochemical properties. These include stability, dissolution rate, bioavailability and solubility, which can affect pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. It is therefore important to compare the crystal forms of cedrol to obtain optimal
A case of fatal acute renal failure during treatment with 1,1-diaminomethyl cyclohexane sulphato platinum II (TNO-6) is reported. Pathologic investigation showed focal tubular necrosis with interstitial infiltration and edema. Despite the development of proteinuria no changes of the glomeruli were
To assess the effects of selective lipid extraction and tape stripping on transepidermal water loss (TEWL) at three body regions in the pig.
Lipids were extracted from the abdominal, inguinal. and back regions using three different solvent extraction procedures or cellophane tape
The root extracts of Onosma leptanhtha were evaluated for their anti-iflammatory and cytotoxic activities. The cyclohexane extract, which appeared as the most active in both assays, has been further subjected to bioassay-directed fractionation to afford the naphthazarine derivatives: