4 các kết quả
The use of an inspiratory oxygen fraction of 0.80 during surgery is a topic of ongoing debate. Opponents claim that increased oxidative stress, atelectasis, and impaired oxygen delivery due to hyperoxic vasoconstriction are detrimental. Proponents point to the beneficial effects on the incidence of
Despite numerous studies, controversies about the best intraoperative FiO2 remain. In 2016, the World Health Organization recommended that adult patients undergoing general anaesthesia should be ventilated intraoperatively with an 80% FiO2 to reduce surgical site infection
The gas passing the module for the delivery of inhalation anaesthetics and carrying vapourized anaesthetics into the breathing system is called the carrier gas. Oxygen is the absolutely indispensable component of the carrier gas. Additive gaseous components can be medical air (nitrogen),
The first concrete description of the Gastric Cancer in Early Stage is attributed to the German, M. Versé in 1903, in his book Die Histogenese der Schleimhautcarcinome, but the first to use the term, was the French, Bayle in 1833, calling it First Stage Gastric Cancer. From 1963 to 2002, 5118