Haitian Creole

muscle weakness/mệt mỏi

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Treadmill Exercise Ameliorates Chemotherapy-Induced Muscle Weakness and Central Fatigue by Enhancing Mitochondrial Function and Inhibiting Apoptosis.

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Chemotherapy is associated with the side effects including damage to the mitochondrial DNA. Doxorubicin (DOX) serves as a chemotherapeutic agent for the patients with breast cancer or prostate cancer. DOX causes muscle weakness and fatigue. We investigated the effects of treadmill

Impaired mitochondrial respiration and decreased fatigue resistance followed by severe muscle weakness in skeletal muscle of mitochondrial DNA mutator mice.

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Mitochondrial dysfunction can drastically impair muscle function, with weakness and exercise intolerance as key symptoms. Here we examine the time course of development of muscle dysfunction in a mouse model of premature ageing induced by defective proofreading function of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)

Plantar flexor muscle weakness and fatigue in spastic cerebral palsy patients.

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BACKGROUND Patients with cerebral palsy develop an important muscle weakness which might affect the aetiology and extent of exercise-induced neuromuscular fatigue. OBJECTIVE This study evaluated the aetiology and extent of plantar flexor neuromuscular fatigue in patients with cerebral

Inflammation-related muscle weakness and fatigue in geriatric patients.

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Inflammation in older persons is associated with muscle wasting, leading to frailty and functional decline. Most studies have focused on IL-6 and TNF-α. In order to further elucidate the underlying mechanisms of muscle wasting and reduced muscle mass and strength we investigated a large panel of

Mechanisms of excitation-contraction uncoupling relevant to activity-induced muscle fatigue.

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If the free [Ca2+] in the cytoplasm of a skeletal muscle fiber is raised substantially for a period of seconds to minutes or to high levels just briefly, it leads to disruption of the normal excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling process and a consequent long-lasting decrease in force production. It

The specificity of the CDC-1994 criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome: comparison of health status in three groups of patients who fulfill the criteria.

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OBJECTIVE The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)-1994 definition of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is very broad, and there have been suggestions that it lacks specificity. To test this, we have compared three groups of patients, all of whom fulfill the criteria but self-report different

Muscle Weakness in Adults: Evaluation and Differential Diagnosis.

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Although the prevalence of muscle weakness in the general population is uncertain, it occurs in about 5% of U.S. adults 60 years and older. Determining the cause of muscle weakness can be challenging. True muscle weakness must first be differentiated from subjective fatigue or pain-related motor

Exploring the Impact of Fatigue in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: A Mixed-Methods Analysis

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Background: Patient-focused literature on fatigue in progressive forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) is sparse. This study aimed to explore progressive MS patients' experiences of fatigue. Methods:

[Fatigue and anemia].

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We herein report on an 80-year old male patient with a history of muscle weakness, fatigue and weight loss since several months. Because of a pathologic synacthen test in combination with decreased levels of ACTH, we diagnosed a secondary chronic adrenal insufficiency. Because of a normochromic,

Somatization disorder in patients with chronic fatigue.

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One hundred adults with a chief complaint of chronic fatigue were evaluated in an outpatient setting to determine a possible association with somatization disorder. Somatization disorder was diagnosed in 15 patients. Eight functional somatic symptoms were reported more frequently by these patients:

Gait abnormalities in chronic fatigue syndrome.

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To evaluate our clinical impression that patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) did not walk normally, we assessed gait kinematics at slow walking speeds (i.e., 0.45, 0.89 and 1.34 m/sec) and 30 m run time speeds on CFS patients and on a comparison group of sedentary controls. Run time was

Possible therapeutic vaccines for canine myasthenia gravis: implications for the human disease and associated fatigue.

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Myasthenia gravis (MG) is caused by T cell-dependent antibodies reactive with acetylcholine receptors. These autoreactive antibodies cause muscle weakness by interfering with neuromuscular transmission via removal of acetylcholine receptors from the neuromuscular junction as well as changing the
BACKGROUND A significant number of women treated for breast cancer develop long-term fatigue afterwards. Previous research has suggested that fatigue may be due to a prolonged inflammatory response. However, there are conflicting results and the exact nature of the disturbance remains

Making sense of muscle fatigue and liver lesions.

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Muscle weakness is a common complaint in clinical practice. If this symptom is combined with focal liver lesions there is a broad spectrum of differential diagnoses for the gastroenterologist to consider. Tumors of neuroendocrine origin such as small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) produce a wide array

Fatigue in patients with rheumatic diseases.

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Fatigue is a prominent symptom in many rheumatic diseases. Numerous factors contribute to cause fatigue, which can be a source of frustration for the patients and physicians, as the treatment often fails to produce the desired improvement. Diagnostic guidelines direct insufficient attention to the
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